2016-05-30 19:58:09 +02:00
local print = function ( t ) minetest.log ( " action " , t ) minetest.chat_send_all ( t ) end
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
--responsible for keeping up a database of all rail nodes existant in the world, regardless of whether the mapchunk is loaded.
advtrains.trackdb = { }
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
--trackdb[tt][y][x][z]={conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight}
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
--serialization format:
--(2byte x)(2byte y)(2byte z)(4bits conn1, 4bits conn2)[(plain rely1)|(plain rely2)|(plain railheight)]\n
--[] may be missing if 0,0,0
--load initially
2016-05-30 19:58:09 +02:00
--[[ TODO temporary outcomment
2016-05-29 22:02:51 +02:00
--delayed since all traintypes need to be registered
minetest.after ( 0 , function ( )
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
for tt , _ in pairs ( advtrains.all_traintypes ) do
local pl_fpath = minetest.get_worldpath ( ) .. " /advtrains_trackdb_ " .. tt
advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] = { }
local file , err = io.open ( pl_fpath , " r " )
if not file then
local er = err or " Unknown Error "
print ( " [advtrains]Failed loading advtrains trackdb save file " .. er )
--custom format to save memory
while true do
local xbytes = file : read ( 2 )
2016-05-30 19:58:09 +02:00
if not xbytes or # xbytes < 2 then
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
break --eof reached
2016-05-30 19:58:09 +02:00
print ( xbytes )
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
local ybytes = file : read ( 2 )
local zbytes = file : read ( 2 )
local x = ( string.byte ( xbytes [ 1 ] ) - 128 ) * 256 + ( string.byte ( xbytes [ 2 ] ) )
local y = ( string.byte ( ybytes [ 1 ] ) - 128 ) * 256 + ( string.byte ( ybytes [ 2 ] ) )
local z = ( string.byte ( zbytes [ 1 ] ) - 128 ) * 256 + ( string.byte ( zbytes [ 2 ] ) )
local conn1 = string.byte ( file : read ( 1 ) )
local conn1 = string.byte ( file : read ( 1 ) )
if not advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ y ] then advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ y ] = { } end
if not advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ y ] [ x ] then advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ y ] [ x ] = { } end
local rest = file.read ( " *l " )
if rest ~= " " then
local rely1 , rely2 , railheight = string.match ( rest , " ([^|]+)|([^|]+)|([^|]+) " )
if rely1 and rely2 and railheight then
advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ y ] [ x ] [ z ] = {
conn1 = conn1 , conn2 = conn2 ,
rely1 = rely1 , rely2 = rely2 ,
railheight = railheight
advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ y ] [ x ] [ z ] = {
conn1 = conn1 , conn2 = conn2
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ y ] [ x ] [ z ] = {
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
conn1 = conn1 , conn2 = conn2
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
file : close ( )
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
2016-05-29 22:02:51 +02:00
--end minetest.after
end )
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
function advtrains . save_trackdb ( )
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
for tt , _ in pairs ( advtrains.all_traintypes ) do
local pl_fpath = minetest.get_worldpath ( ) .. " /advtrains_trackdb_ " .. tt
local file , err = io.open ( pl_fpath , " w " )
if not file then
local er = err or " Unknown Error "
print ( " [advtrains]Failed saving advtrains trackdb save file " .. er )
--custom format to save memory
2016-05-30 19:58:09 +02:00
for y , tyl in pairs ( advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] ) do
for x , txl in pairs ( tyl ) do
for z , rail in pairs ( txl ) do
print ( " write " .. x .. " " .. y .. " " .. z .. " " .. minetest.serialize ( rail ) )
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
file : write ( string.char ( math.floor ( x / 256 ) + 128 ) .. string.char ( ( x % 256 ) ) )
file : write ( string.char ( math.floor ( y / 256 ) + 128 ) .. string.char ( ( y % 256 ) ) )
file : write ( string.char ( math.floor ( z / 256 ) + 128 ) .. string.char ( ( z % 256 ) ) )
file : write ( string.char ( rail.conn1 ) )
file : write ( string.char ( rail.conn2 ) )
if ( rail.rely1 and rail.rely1 ~= 0 ) or ( rail.rely2 and rail.rely2 ~= 0 ) or ( rail.railheight and rail.railheight ~= 0 ) then
file : write ( rail.rely1 .. " | " .. rail.rely2 .. " | " .. rail.railheight )
file : write ( " \n " )
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
file : close ( )
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
2016-05-30 19:58:09 +02:00
] ] --end temp outcomment
advtrains.trackdb = { }
advtrains.fpath_tdb = minetest.get_worldpath ( ) .. " /advtrains_trackdb "
local file , err = io.open ( advtrains.fpath_tdb , " r " )
if not file then
local er = err or " Unknown Error "
print ( " [advtrains]Failed loading advtrains save file " .. er )
local tbl = minetest.deserialize ( file : read ( " *a " ) )
if type ( tbl ) == " table " then
advtrains.trackdb = tbl
file : close ( )
function advtrains . save_trackdb ( )
local datastr = minetest.serialize ( advtrains.trackdb )
if not datastr then
minetest.log ( " error " , " [advtrains] Failed to serialize trackdb data! " )
local file , err = io.open ( advtrains.fpath_tdb , " w " )
if err then
return err
file : write ( datastr )
file : close ( )
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
--get_node with pseudoload.
--true, conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight in case everything's right.
--false if it's not a rail or the train does not drive on this rail, but it is loaded or
--nil if the node is neither loaded nor in trackdb
--the distraction between false and nil will be needed only in special cases.(train initpos)
function advtrains . get_rail_info_at ( pos , traintype )
local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil ( pos )
if not node then
--try raildb
2016-05-29 22:02:51 +02:00
local rdp = vector.round ( pos )
local dbe = ( advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] and advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] and advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] and advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] [ rdp.z ] )
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
if dbe then
return true , dbe.conn1 , dbe.conn2 , dbe.rely1 or 0 , dbe.rely2 or 0 , dbe.railheight or 0
return nil
local nodename = node.name
if ( not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on ( nodename , advtrains.all_traintypes [ traintype ] . drives_on ) ) then
return false
local conn1 , conn2 , rely1 , rely2 , railheight = advtrains.get_track_connections ( node.name , node.param2 )
--already in trackdb?
2016-05-29 22:02:51 +02:00
local rdp = vector.round ( pos )
if not ( advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] and advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] and advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] and advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] [ rdp.z ] ) then --TODO is this necessary?
if not advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] then advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] = { } end
if not advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] then advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] = { } end
if not advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] then advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] = { } end
advtrains.trackdb [ traintype ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] [ rdp.z ] = {
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00
conn1 = conn1 , conn2 = conn2 ,
rely1 = rely1 , rely2 = rely2 ,
railheight = railheight
return true , conn1 , conn2 , rely1 , rely2 , railheight
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
function advtrains . reset_trackdb_position ( pos )
local rdp = vector.round ( pos )
for tt , _ in pairs ( advtrains.all_traintypes ) do
2016-05-29 22:02:51 +02:00
if not advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] then advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] = { } end
if not advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ rdp.y ] then advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ rdp.y ] = { } end
if not advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] then advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] = { } end
2016-05-29 21:33:09 +02:00
advtrains.trackdb [ tt ] [ rdp.y ] [ rdp.x ] [ rdp.z ] = nil
advtrains.get_rail_info_at ( pos , tt ) --to restore it.
2016-05-29 20:27:30 +02:00