  • Joined on 2023-04-16
megustanlosfrijoles created repository megustanlosfrijoles/VoxeLibre 2024-05-29 02:35:46 +02:00
megustanlosfrijoles opened issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4209 2024-03-07 01:48:20 +01:00
The game description have not been translated
megustanlosfrijoles opened issue VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4118 2024-01-03 07:40:51 +01:00
Category name not being displayed correctly in creative mode
megustanlosfrijoles created pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4093 2023-12-21 07:22:51 +01:00
WIP: mcl_tt Spanish translation
megustanlosfrijoles created pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4092 2023-12-21 06:19:23 +01:00
WIP: Fix translation files syntax errors
megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4091 2023-12-21 02:18:43 +01:00
Fix translation files syntax errors

For some reason the "Files Changed" tab says that I modified line 64, however I don't see any change. I hope this is not a problem, and I'd appreciate if someone could explain what is…

megustanlosfrijoles created pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4091 2023-12-21 01:32:13 +01:00
WIP: Fix translation files syntax errors
megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4060 2023-12-11 05:49:27 +01:00
Update spanish translations and fix syntax errors

Maybe this is the information that you need?

MineClone2/MineClone2#3540 (comment)

megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4060 2023-12-10 18:48:46 +01:00
Update spanish translations and fix syntax errors

Hi, what needs discussion?

The script used. We haven't checked how it works exactly yet, and I'd like to know that before we use it.

Sure. Well, if it's of any help these are the…

megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4060 2023-12-10 18:00:07 +01:00
Update spanish translations and fix syntax errors

Hi, what needs discussion?

megustanlosfrijoles created pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4061 2023-12-10 08:25:15 +01:00
Add the textdomain line in
megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4060 2023-12-10 07:50:17 +01:00
Update spanish translations and fix syntax errors

Ups, don't see those results that I posted earlier I think that I was running the script incorrectly, these are the results that I'm getting by running ../Minetest_Translation_Tools/ .…

megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#3892 2023-12-10 07:37:01 +01:00
fix malformed spanish translation line

I've sometimes even had to use what I think are "dirty fixes" like having to delete my fork and then fork again because it seemed to fixed the issues that I've had. And while I had the intuition…

megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#3892 2023-12-10 07:32:54 +01:00
fix malformed spanish translation line

@megustanlosfrijoles Would you be ok to review this and check it is ok? I know you've done a lot of work on the Spanish translations.

I'm sorry I didn't answer until now. I've worked a bit…

megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4060 2023-12-10 07:08:18 +01:00
Update spanish translations and fix syntax errors

One less warning with the last commit :)

the file was missing the #textdomain line

megustanlosfrijoles created pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4060 2023-12-10 06:54:33 +01:00
WIP: Update spanish translations and fix syntax errors
megustanlosfrijoles created pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4050 2023-12-05 06:00:44 +01:00
WIP: Fix syntax errors and update spanish translations
megustanlosfrijoles created pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4039 2023-12-01 08:23:26 +01:00
Fix a typo in the spanish translation
megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4018 2023-11-18 22:30:58 +01:00
Fix spanish translation errors

It was intentional. Since that string it is no longer in the template.txt I also removed it from the translation. It also has been removed from other translations.

megustanlosfrijoles commented on pull request VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre#4018 2023-11-18 22:03:11 +01:00
Fix spanish translation errors

With this, the translation script should go from from 38 to 35