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lurkcoinV3 API documentation

lurkcoin provides an API for servers and other integrations.

In version 3 of the API, JSON is recommended for requests and used for all responses. If you cannot decode JSON, you should probably use the legacy lurkcoinV2 API. There are currently no plans to remove the older API.

All API endpoints require an Authorization header with the Basic authentication scheme. If the username somehow happens to contain colons (:), these can be replaced with underscores (_).

With Python's requests library, you can simply add auth=('username', 'token') as a keyword argument.

Response format

All responses will be a JSON object containing a success boolean. If lurkcoin encounters errors processing your request, this will be false and an error code will be added to the response. Otherwise, the response data (if any) will be in the result key.


    "success": true,
    "result": 1234.56
    "success": false,
    "error": "ERR_CANNOTAFFORD",
    "message": "You cannot afford to do that!"

Globally raised errors

The following errors may be raised on any API endpoint:

  • ERR_INVALIDLOGIN when either username or token is invalid.
  • ERR_INVALIDREQUEST when required parameters are missing or are an invalid type.
  • ERR_INTERNALERROR when something really nasty happens.

API endpoints

These endpoints are shared between both lurkcoinV3-core and the suggested bank API. Any API parameter marked with "servers only" can only be used with lurkcoinV3-core.

GET /v3/summary

Returns an "account summary".

This endpoint returns a JSON-formatted object with the following items:

  • uid: An internal UID for the user, this is probably the username with only the following characters: [A-Za-z0-9_]+.
  • name: The username for the user. This is used in transaction objects.
  • bal: A number with the user's current balance.
  • balance: The balance formatted as a string (if bal is 1.23, balance will be ¤1.23 or similar).
  • history: A list with the 10 most recent transaction objects.
  • interest_rate: The current interest rate.
  • target_balance (servers only): The server's target balance. This will be 0 if the server's local currency is equal to lurkcoin.

POST /v3/pay

Sends a payment to a user. This will return the transaction object (see /v3/history) on success. This can optionally be used to generate transaction IDs for local transactions.


  • source (servers only): The user who is sending the transaction.
  • target: The target user to pay.
  • target_server: The server to pay the user on. If this is a bank, empty strings should be treated as the current bank.
  • amount: The amount to pay the user.
  • local_currency (servers only): If true, lurkcoin will calculate the local server's exchange rate before processing the transaction.

Errors raised:

  • ERR_SERVERNOTFOUND when target_server doesn't exist.
  • ERR_INVALIDAMOUNT when the amount is invalid
  • ERR_CANNOTPAYNOTHING when the amount (after exchange rate calculations) is ¤0.00.
  • ERR_CANNOTAFFORD when your balance is lower than the amount sent (in lurkcoins).

GET /v3/balance

Returns your account balance as a number.

GET /v3/history

Returns a list of transaction objects.

POST /v3/exchange_rates

Gets the exchange rate for the specified server. Will return a number.


  • source (optional): The server the money is hypothetically coming from.
  • target (optional): The server the money is hypothetically going to.
  • amount: The amount of money being transferred.

Errors raised:

  • ERR_SOURCESERVERNOTFOUND when source doesn't exist.
  • ERR_TARGETSERVERNOTFOUND when target doesn't exist.
  • ERR_INVALIDAMOUNT when amount is invalid.

GET /v3/pending_transactions

Returns a JSON-formatted list of unprocessed transaction objects. Note that the order of this list is not guaranteed to be the same between API calls.

POST /v3/acknowledge_transactions

Marks transactions as processed. Invalid or already processed transaction IDs will be silently ignored.

Please cache processed transaction IDs until this request has succeeded to stop transactions being applied twice.


  • transactions: A list of transaction IDs that have been processed.

POST /v3/reject_transactions

Marks transactions as rejected, for example when one was sent to a non-existent user. Invalid or already processed transaction IDs will be silently ignored.

If a transaction gets marked as rejected, the target user (if any) must not receive the transaction as the transaction may be reverted.


  • transactions: A list of transaction IDs that have been rejected.

GET /v3/target_balance

Gets the target balance. This will be 0 if the server's currency is equal to lurkcoin.

PUT /v3/target_balance

Sets the server's current balance.

Target balances are used with calculating exchange rates, if the server's balance is lower than this target balance the currency will be less valuable than lurkcoin.

Please do not set ridiculously high/low target balances without a good reason for doing so. This API endpoint may have a maximum/minimum target balance added in the future.

Set the target balance to 0 if the server's currency should have a 1:1 exchange rate with lurkcoin (or if the server's local currency is lurkcoin).


  • target_balance: The new target balance.

Errors raised:

  • ERR_INVALIDAMOUNT: Invalid target balance.

GET /v3/webhook_url

Gets the server's webhook URL, or null if webhooks are not enabled. Every time a transaction gets sent to the server a POST request will be sent to this URL similar to the below example.

POST /lurkcoin HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: lurkcoin/3.0
Content-Length: 14
Content-Type: application/json

{"version": 0}

The request does not contain transaction information because there is currently no reliable way to validate that the request has indeed originated from lurkcoin.

Alternate API endpoints

All GET-based endpoints also accept POST.

POST /v3/set_target_balance

Equivalent to sending a PUT to /v3/target_balance. Can be used if you can't or don't want to send PUT requests.

Transaction objects

Transaction objects are defined as follows:

    // The transaction ID
    "id": "T5E1816DE-9ACB0442",

    // The user who sent this transaction and the server they are on.
    "source": "sourceuser",
    "source_server": "sourceserver",

    // The user who has received this transaction and their server.
    "target": "targetuser",
    "target_server": "targetserver",

    // The amount sent in lurkcoins.
    "amount": 851.80,

    // The amount in the sending server's local currency.
    "sent_amount": 123.45,

    // The amount in the receiving server's local currency.
    "received_amount": 1650.52

    // The time the transaction was sent in seconds since the UNIX epoch.
    "time": 1578637022,

    // If this is false, the transaction will not be reverted if it gets
    // rejected by the receiving server.
    "revertable": true,

Extra items must be ignored by the client as these may be used in the future to add more features.