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2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
// lurkcoin HTTPS API (version 2)
// Copyright © 2020 by luk3yx
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// API documentation:
// +build !lurkcoin.disablev2api
package api
import (
2021-02-22 07:19:35 +01:00
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
type v2Form interface {
Get(string) string
// Converts non-string values (such as numbers) to strings.
type v2JsonValue string
func (self *v2JsonValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
if len(data) > 0 && data[0] == '"' {
return json.Unmarshal(data, (*string)(self))
*self = v2JsonValue(data)
return nil
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
type v2MapForm struct {
form map[string]v2JsonValue
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
func (self *v2MapForm) Get(key string) string {
res, ok := self.form[key]
if ok {
return string(res)
} else {
return ""
var c1 = lurkcoin.CurrencyFromInt64(1)
var f0 = big.NewFloat(0)
var f500k = big.NewFloat(500000)
func v2GetQuery(r *http.Request) v2Form {
err := r.ParseForm()
if err == nil && len(r.Form) > 0 {
return r.Form
form := make(map[string]v2JsonValue)
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
(&HTTPRequest{Request: r}).Unmarshal(&form)
return &v2MapForm{form}
func (self *HTTPRequest) AuthenticateV2(query v2Form, otherServers ...string) error {
// Get the username and token
username := query.Get("name")
token := query.Get("token")
authed, tr, server := lurkcoin.AuthenticateRequest(
if !authed {
return errors.New("ERR_INVALIDLOGIN")
self.Server = server
self.DbTransaction = tr
return nil
type v2HTTPHandler func(*HTTPRequest, v2Form) (interface{}, error)
func v2WrapHTTPHandler(db lurkcoin.Database, autoLogin bool,
handlerFunc v2HTTPHandler) httprouter.Handle {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request,
params httprouter.Params) {
req := MakeHTTPRequest(db, r, params)
defer req.AbortTransaction()
query := v2GetQuery(r)
var result interface{}
var err error
if !autoLogin || req.AuthenticateV2(query) == nil {
result, err = handlerFunc(req, query)
} else {
err = errors.New("ERR_INVALIDLOGIN")
var res []byte
if err == nil {
if s, ok := result.(string); ok {
res = []byte(s)
} else {
var enc_err error
res, enc_err = json.Marshal(result)
if enc_err == nil {
"application/json; charset=utf-8")
} else {
res = []byte("ERROR: Internal error!")
} else {
var c int
var msg string
_, msg, c = lurkcoin.LookupError(err.Error())
res = []byte("ERROR: " + msg)
if c != 401 && query.Get("force_200") == "200" {
c = 200
func v2Post(router *httprouter.Router, db lurkcoin.Database, url string,
autoLogin bool, f v2HTTPHandler) {
url = "/v2/" + url
f2 := v2WrapHTTPHandler(db, autoLogin, f)
router.GET(url, f2)
router.POST(url, f2)
func addV2API(router *httprouter.Router, db lurkcoin.Database,
lurkcoinName string) {
v2Post(router, db, "summary", true,
func(r *HTTPRequest, _ v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
summary := r.Server.GetSummary()
return map[string]interface{}{
"uid": summary.UID,
"bal": summary.Bal,
"balance": summary.Balance,
"history": lurkcoin.GetV2History(summary, false),
"server": true,
"interest_rate": summary.InterestRate,
}, nil
v2Post(router, db, "pay", false,
func(r *HTTPRequest, f v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
amount, err := lurkcoin.ParseCurrency(f.Get("amount"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targetServerName := f.Get("server")
if targetServerName == "" {
targetServerName = lurkcoinName
err = r.AuthenticateV2(f, targetServerName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
target := f.Get("target")
targetServer, ok := r.DbTransaction.GetCachedServer(targetServerName)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("ERR_SERVERNOTFOUND")
2020-10-06 23:01:08 +02:00
_, err = r.Server.Pay(f.Get("source"), target, targetServer,
amount, isYes(f.Get("local_currency")), true)
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return "Transaction sent!", nil
v2Post(router, db, "bal", true,
func(r *HTTPRequest, _ v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
return r.Server.GetBalance(), nil
v2Post(router, db, "history", true,
func(r *HTTPRequest, f v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
history := lurkcoin.GetV2History(r.Server.GetSummary(), false)
if f.Get("json") == "" {
return strings.Join(history, "\n"), nil
} else {
return history, nil
v2Post(router, db, "exchange_rates", false,
func(r *HTTPRequest, f v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
// Invalid amounts are assumed to be 1.
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
amount, err := lurkcoin.ParseCurrency(f.Get("amount"))
if err != nil || !amount.GtZero() {
amount = c1
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
return lurkcoin.GetExchangeRate(r.Database, f.Get("from"),
f.Get("to"), amount)
// A near duplicate of the above endpoint.
// This doesn't check for authentication
v2Post(router, db, "get_exchange_rate", false,
func(r *HTTPRequest, f v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
amount, err := lurkcoin.ParseCurrency(f.Get("amount"))
if err != nil || !amount.GtZero() {
amount = c1
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
return lurkcoin.GetExchangeRate(r.Database, f.Get("name"),
f.Get("to"), amount)
v2Post(router, db, "get_transactions", true,
func(r *HTTPRequest, f v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
transactions := r.Server.GetPendingTransactions()
if f.Get("simple") != "" {
2020-06-17 04:50:06 +02:00
_, exc := r.Server.GetExchangeRate(c1, false)
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
if len(transactions) == 0 {
return exc, nil
s := func(n string) string {
2021-02-22 07:19:35 +01:00
return strings.ReplaceAll(n, "|", "/")
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
transaction := transactions[0]
// To support fragile clients (such as versions of the lurkcoin
// mod that use the /v2 API), "¤" is replaced with "_".
2020-06-17 04:50:06 +02:00
return fmt.Sprintf("%g|%d|%s|%s|%s",
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
2021-02-22 07:19:35 +01:00
s(strings.ReplaceAll(transaction.Target, "¤", "_")),
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
), nil
res := make([][4]interface{}, len(transactions))
for i, transaction := range transactions {
res[i] = [4]interface{}{
2021-02-22 07:19:35 +01:00
strings.ReplaceAll(transaction.Target, "¤", "_"),
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
if isYes(f.Get("as_object")) {
2020-04-21 12:24:16 +02:00
_, exc := r.Server.GetExchangeRate(c1, false)
return map[string]interface{}{
"exchange_rate": json.RawMessage(exc.String()),
"transactions": res,
}, nil
} else {
return res, nil
// lurkcoinV2 silently ignored invalid "amount" values.
v2Post(router, db, "remove_transactions", true,
func(r *HTTPRequest, f v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
amount, err := strconv.Atoi(f.Get("amount"))
if err != nil || amount < 1 {
amount = 1
return "Done!", nil
// Exchange rate multipliers don't exist in lurkcoinV3, however something
// similar can be approximated with target balances.
v2Post(router, db, "get_exchange_multiplier", true,
func(r *HTTPRequest, _ v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
// Fixed exchange rates didn't exist in lurkcoinV2.
targetBalance := r.Server.GetTargetBalance()
if targetBalance.IsZero() {
return 1, nil
multiplier := new(big.Float).Quo(targetBalance.Float(),
return json.RawMessage(multiplier.String()), nil
v2Post(router, db, "set_exchange_multiplier", true,
func(r *HTTPRequest, f v2Form) (interface{}, error) {
multiplier, ok := new(big.Float).SetString(f.Get("multiplier"))
if !ok || multiplier.Cmp(f0) != 1 {
return nil, errors.New("ERR_INVALIDAMOUNT")
targetBalanceF := new(big.Float).Mul(multiplier, f500k)
targetBalance := lurkcoin.CurrencyFromFloat(targetBalanceF)
ok = r.Server.SetTargetBalance(targetBalance)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("ERR_INVALIDAMOUNT")
return "Exchange rate multiplier updated!", nil