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Blueprints API

Blueprint rules

Blueprint rules define how nodes can be blueprinted. They are just a table with the following parameters:

  • allowed: Specifies whether the item is allowed to be blueprinted (true, false or 'default'). If this is 'default', the item will be blueprinted if it is visible in the creative inventory (does not have the not_in_creative_inventory group).
  • param2: Allows the node's param2 to be saved in the blueprint. Defaults to true.
  • meta: Allows the node's metadata to be copied. Can either be true to allow everything to be copied, or a table with a list of metadata strings to copy.
  • pvmeta: A table containing a list of metadata strings to mark as private when restoring from the blueprint.
  • inv_lists: A table containing the inventory lists to be copied.
  • item: A custom blueprint item to give the player when blueprinting the object. Made with blueprints.register_blueprint().

All parameters are optional, and will default to the ones specified in core.lua.

To modify these rules for your node, you can add a _blueprints field to your node's definition with a table containing any of the above parameters. Unknown rules will be silently ignored.


The following API functions exist, where the node parameter is normally a string:

Node rules and aliases

  • blueprints.get_rules(node): Gets a rules table for the node specified. You should not modify this table, as you may inadvertently modify the default rules. The allowed parameter will always be returned with either true or false, the value for 'default' will be calculated when this is called.
  • blueprints.register_alias(old_node, new_node): This will make blueprints treat old_node as the same as new_node internally. Blueprints made with new_node can be applied to old_nodes, and the blueprint rules of new_node will be used for old_node as well.
  • blueprints.check_alias(node): Checks for node aliases, will return node if no alias exists. Nodes registered with mesecon.register_node will be auto-aliased (_on to _off), however this can be overridden by adding a new alias. Aliases are not recursive.

Creating/applying blueprint strings/tables.

  • blueprints.get_blueprint(pos, raw = false, force = false): Returns a blueprint string (or table if raw is true) for the object. If the node cannot be blueprinted, this will return nil. If force is true, the rules will be ignored and the entire node will be blueprinted.
  • blueprints.apply_blueprint(pos, blueprint, only_if_exists = false, force = false): Applies the blueprint blueprint at pos, the blueprint specified may be a string or table. Returns true on success or nil on faliure. If force is true, the rules will be ignored when applying the blueprint. This must also have been true when get_blueprint was called.

Other possibly useful function(s).

  • blueprints.check_protection(pos, name): Checks the protection at pos for name, automatically recording a violation if one exists. Returns true and records a violation if name has no access to pos, otherwise returns false.

Registering blueprints.

  • blueprints.register_blueprint(name, def): Registers a non-blank blueprint. def is optional, and if left out, sensible defaults will be used. Any parameters valid with craftitems should work here, however on_use, on_place, stack_max and a few others may be overridden. If inventory_image is not specified, one will be generated based on the node name (for example blueprints:test_blueprint would become blueprints_test_blueprint.png) and are overlayed on top of the empty blueprint texture. If you want to use a custom blank blueprint, you can specify the blank parameter in the table.
  • bluepritns.register_blank_blueprint(name, def): The same as reigster_blueprint, except for blank blueprints. blank should not be specified here, and a def containing description is mandatory.