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18 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
cora 92d4e31740 breed by throwing bread at villagers 2022-06-20 15:46:36 -06:00
cora cda23513d8 add mobs item pickup 2022-06-20 15:44:04 -06:00
cora 29aa8f8816 pathfind to jobsites 2022-06-20 15:39:16 -06:00
cora 0b35f3ad62 Show trade tier in formspec 2022-06-20 15:28:51 -06:00
cora 693345fb27 add simple jobsite logic 2022-06-20 15:22:10 -06:00
cora dd7af3b746 add jobsites to professions table 2022-06-20 15:14:19 -06:00
cora f61036092b update cleric trades 2022-06-20 15:14:19 -06:00
cora b037c51ecc update tool smith trades 2022-06-20 15:14:18 -06:00
cora 6a85350364 update weapon smith trades 2022-06-20 15:14:18 -06:00
cora 83fcf0dfd7 update butcher trades 2022-06-20 15:14:18 -06:00
cora 2241697bb0 update leatherworker trades 2022-06-20 15:14:18 -06:00
cora b96406c3dc update armorer trades 2022-06-20 15:14:17 -06:00
cora 8e38a7d761 update cartographer trades 2022-06-20 15:14:15 -06:00
cora 9eab701dcb update librarian trades 2022-06-20 15:12:15 -06:00
cora c4fdab8ab4 update fletcher trades 2022-06-20 15:12:15 -06:00
cora d51f820d26 update fisherman trades 2022-06-20 15:12:15 -06:00
cora 32003abfbd update farmer trades 2022-06-20 15:12:14 -06:00
cora 583819b8ef refactor go home logic 2022-06-20 15:12:14 -06:00
2 changed files with 1189 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -1715,10 +1715,592 @@ local do_env_damage = function(self)
damage_effect(self, dmg) damage_effect(self, dmg) = - dmg = - dmg
end end
if check_for_death(self, "drowning", {type = "environment", end
pos = pos, node = self.standing_in}) then end
-- swimmers flop when out of their element, and swim again when back in
if then
local s = self.object:get_pos()
if not flight_check(self, s) then
self.state = "flop"
self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED, z = 0})
local sdef = minetest.registered_nodes[self.standing_on]
-- Flop on ground
if sdef and sdef.walkable then
mob_sound(self, "flop")
x = math.random(-FLOP_HOR_SPEED, FLOP_HOR_SPEED),
z = math.random(-FLOP_HOR_SPEED, FLOP_HOR_SPEED),
set_animation(self, "stand", true)
elseif self.state == "flop" then
self.state = "stand"
self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0})
set_velocity(self, 0)
-- dogshoot attack switch and counter function
local dogswitch = function(self, dtime)
-- switch mode not activated
if not self.dogshoot_switch
or not dtime then
return 0
self.dogshoot_count = self.dogshoot_count + dtime
if (self.dogshoot_switch == 1
and self.dogshoot_count > self.dogshoot_count_max)
or (self.dogshoot_switch == 2
and self.dogshoot_count > self.dogshoot_count2_max) then
self.dogshoot_count = 0
if self.dogshoot_switch == 1 then
self.dogshoot_switch = 2
self.dogshoot_switch = 1
return self.dogshoot_switch
local function go_to_pos(entity,b)
if not entity then return end
local s=entity.object:get_pos()
if vector.distance(b,s) < 1 then
return true return true
end end
local v = { x = b.x - s.x, z = b.z - s.z }
local yaw = (math.atan(v.z / v.x) + math.pi / 2) - entity.rotate
if b.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math.pi end
mobs:set_animation(entity, "walk")
-- execute current state (stand, walk, run, attacks)
-- returns true if mob has died
local do_states = function(self, dtime)
local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0
if self.state == "stand" then
if random(1, 4) == 1 then
local s = self.object:get_pos()
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, 3)
for n = 1, #objs do
if objs[n]:is_player() then
lp = objs[n]:get_pos()
-- look at any players nearby, otherwise turn randomly
if self.look_at_players then
local vec = {
x = lp.x - s.x,
z = lp.z - s.z
yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + pi end
yaw = yaw + random(-0.5, 0.5)
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 8)
set_velocity(self, 0)
set_animation(self, "stand")
-- npc's ordered to stand stay standing
if self.type ~= "npc"
or self.order ~= "stand" then
if self.walk_chance ~= 0
and self.facing_fence ~= true
and random(1, 100) <= self.walk_chance
and is_at_cliff_or_danger(self) == false then
set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
self.state = "walk"
set_animation(self, "walk")
elseif self.state == "gowp" then
local p = self.object:get_pos()
if not p or not self._target then return end
if vector.distance(p,self._target) < 2 or #self.waypoints == 0 then
self.waypoints = nil
self._target = nil
self.current_target = nil
self.state = "walk"
if self.callback_arrived then return self.callback_arrived(self) end
return true
if not self.current_target or vector.distance(p,self.current_target) < 1.5 then
self.current_target = table.remove(self.waypoints, 1)
--minetest.log("nextwp:".. tostring(self.current_target) )
elseif self.current_target then
if self.current_target and not minetest.line_of_sight(self.object:get_pos(),self.current_target) then
self.current_target = nil
if not self.current_target then
--minetest.log("no path")
self.state = "walk"
elseif self.state == "walk" then
local s = self.object:get_pos()
local lp = nil
-- is there something I need to avoid?
if (self.water_damage > 0
and self.lava_damage > 0)
or self.breath_max ~= -1 then
lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:water", "group:lava"})
elseif self.water_damage > 0 then
lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:water"})
elseif self.lava_damage > 0 then
lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:lava"})
elseif self.fire_damage > 0 then
lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:fire"})
local is_in_danger = false
if lp then
-- If mob in or on dangerous block, look for land
if (is_node_dangerous(self, self.standing_in) or
is_node_dangerous(self, self.standing_on)) or (is_node_waterhazard(self, self.standing_in) or is_node_waterhazard(self, self.standing_on)) and (not then
is_in_danger = true
-- If mob in or on dangerous block, look for land
if is_in_danger then
-- Better way to find shore - copied from upstream
lp = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(
{x = s.x - 5, y = s.y - 0.5, z = s.z - 5},
{x = s.x + 5, y = s.y + 1, z = s.z + 5},
lp = #lp > 0 and lp[random(#lp)]
-- did we find land?
if lp then
local vec = {
x = lp.x - s.x,
z = lp.z - s.z
yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + pi end
-- look towards land and move in that direction
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 6)
set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
-- A danger is near but mob is not inside
-- Randomly turn
if random(1, 100) <= 30 then
yaw = yaw + random(-0.5, 0.5)
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 8)
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 8)
-- otherwise randomly turn
elseif random(1, 100) <= 30 then
yaw = yaw + random(-0.5, 0.5)
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 8)
-- stand for great fall or danger or fence in front
local cliff_or_danger = false
if is_in_danger then
cliff_or_danger = is_at_cliff_or_danger(self)
if self.facing_fence == true
or cliff_or_danger
or random(1, 100) <= 30 then
set_velocity(self, 0)
self.state = "stand"
set_animation(self, "stand")
local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw + 0.78, 8)
set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
if flight_check(self)
and self.animation
and self.animation.fly_start
and self.animation.fly_end then
set_animation(self, "fly")
set_animation(self, "walk")
-- runaway when punched
elseif self.state == "runaway" then
self.runaway_timer = self.runaway_timer + 1
-- stop after 5 seconds or when at cliff
if self.runaway_timer > 5
or is_at_cliff_or_danger(self) then
self.runaway_timer = 0
set_velocity(self, 0)
self.state = "stand"
set_animation(self, "stand")
local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw + 0.78, 8)
set_velocity(self, self.run_velocity)
set_animation(self, "run")
-- attack routines (explode, dogfight, shoot, dogshoot)
elseif self.state == "attack" then
local s = self.object:get_pos()
local p = self.attack:get_pos() or s
-- stop attacking if player invisible or out of range
if not self.attack
or not self.attack:get_pos()
or not object_in_range(self, self.attack)
or self.attack:get_hp() <= 0
or (self.attack:is_player() and mobs.invis[ self.attack:get_player_name() ]) then
self.state = "stand"
set_velocity(self, 0)
set_animation(self, "stand")
self.attack = nil
self.v_start = false
self.timer = 0
self.blinktimer = 0
self.path.way = nil
-- calculate distance from mob and enemy
local dist = vector.distance(p, s)
if self.attack_type == "explode" then
local vec = {
x = p.x - s.x,
z = p.z - s.z
yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + pi end
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 0, dtime)
local node_break_radius = self.explosion_radius or 1
local entity_damage_radius = self.explosion_damage_radius
or (node_break_radius * 2)
-- start timer when in reach and line of sight
if not self.v_start
and dist <= self.reach
and line_of_sight(self, s, p, 2) then
self.v_start = true
self.timer = 0
self.blinktimer = 0
mob_sound(self, "fuse", nil, false)
-- stop timer if out of reach or direct line of sight
elseif self.allow_fuse_reset
and self.v_start
and (dist >= self.explosiontimer_reset_radius
or not line_of_sight(self, s, p, 2)) then
self.v_start = false
self.timer = 0
self.blinktimer = 0
self.blinkstatus = false
remove_texture_mod(self, "^[brighten")
-- walk right up to player unless the timer is active
if self.v_start and (self.stop_to_explode or dist < self.reach) then
set_velocity(self, 0)
set_velocity(self, self.run_velocity)
if self.animation and self.animation.run_start then
set_animation(self, "run")
set_animation(self, "walk")
if self.v_start then
self.timer = self.timer + dtime
self.blinktimer = (self.blinktimer or 0) + dtime
if self.blinktimer > 0.2 then
self.blinktimer = 0
if self.blinkstatus then
remove_texture_mod(self, "^[brighten")
add_texture_mod(self, "^[brighten")
self.blinkstatus = not self.blinkstatus
if self.timer > self.explosion_timer then
local pos = self.object:get_pos()
if mod_explosions then
if mobs_griefing and not minetest.is_protected(pos, "") then
mcl_explosions.explode(mcl_util.get_object_center(self.object), self.explosion_strength, { drop_chance = 1.0 }, self.object)
minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.explode, {
pos = pos,
gain = 1.0,
max_hear_distance = self.sounds.distance or 32
}, true)
entity_physics(pos, entity_damage_radius)
effect(pos, 32, "mcl_particles_smoke.png", nil, nil, node_break_radius, 1, 0)
return true
elseif self.attack_type == "dogfight"
or (self.attack_type == "dogshoot" and dogswitch(self, dtime) == 2)
or (self.attack_type == "dogshoot" and dist <= self.reach and dogswitch(self) == 0) then
and dist > self.reach then
local p1 = s
local me_y = floor(p1.y)
local p2 = p
local p_y = floor(p2.y + 1)
local v = self.object:get_velocity()
if flight_check(self, s) then
if me_y < p_y then
x = v.x,
y = 1 * self.walk_velocity,
z = v.z
elseif me_y > p_y then
x = v.x,
y = -1 * self.walk_velocity,
z = v.z
if me_y < p_y then
x = v.x,
y = 0.01,
z = v.z
elseif me_y > p_y then
x = v.x,
y = -0.01,
z = v.z
-- rnd: new movement direction
if self.path.following
and self.path.way
and self.attack_type ~= "dogshoot" then
-- no paths longer than 50
if #self.path.way > 50
or dist < self.reach then
self.path.following = false
local p1 = self.path.way[1]
if not p1 then
self.path.following = false
if abs(p1.x-s.x) + abs(p1.z - s.z) < 0.6 then
-- reached waypoint, remove it from queue
table.remove(self.path.way, 1)
-- set new temporary target
p = {x = p1.x, y = p1.y, z = p1.z}
local vec = {
x = p.x - s.x,
z = p.z - s.z
yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + pi end
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw, 0, dtime)
-- move towards enemy if beyond mob reach
if dist > self.reach then
-- path finding by rnd
if self.pathfinding -- only if mob has pathfinding enabled
and enable_pathfinding then
smart_mobs(self, s, p, dist, dtime)
if is_at_cliff_or_danger(self) then
set_velocity(self, 0)
set_animation(self, "stand")
local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0
yaw = set_yaw(self, yaw + 0.78, 8)
if self.path.stuck then
set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
set_velocity(self, self.run_velocity)
if self.animation and self.animation.run_start then
set_animation(self, "run")
set_animation(self, "walk")
else -- rnd: if inside reach range
self.path.stuck = false
self.path.stuck_timer = 0
self.path.following = false -- not stuck anymore
set_velocity(self, 0)
if not self.custom_attack then
if self.timer > 1 then
self.timer = 0
if self.double_melee_attack
and random(1, 2) == 1 then
set_animation(self, "punch2")
set_animation(self, "punch")
local p2 = p
local s2 = s
p2.y = p2.y + .5
s2.y = s2.y + .5
if line_of_sight(self, p2, s2) == true then
-- play attack sound
mob_sound(self, "attack")
-- punch player (or what player is attached to)
local attached = self.attack:get_attach()
if attached then
self.attack = attached
self.attack:punch(self.object, 1.0, {
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
damage_groups = {fleshy = self.damage}
}, nil)
else -- call custom attack every second
if self.custom_attack
and self.timer > 1 then
self.timer = 0
self.custom_attack(self, p)
else else
self.breath = math_min(self.breath_max, self.breath + 1) self.breath = math_min(self.breath_max, self.breath + 1)
end end
@ -1819,8 +2401,20 @@ local do_jump = function(self)
return false return false
end end
if self.walk_chance == 0 local function check_item_pickup(self)
or minetest_registered_items[].walkable then if self.pick_up and #self.pick_up > 0 then
for _,o in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(),2)) do
local l=o:get_luaentity()
if l and == "__builtin:item" then
for k,v in pairs(self.pick_up) do
if self.on_pick_up and l.itemstring:find(v) then
if self.on_pick_up(self,l) == nil then o:remove() end
if minetest_get_item_group(, "fence") == 0 if minetest_get_item_group(, "fence") == 0
and minetest_get_item_group(, "fence_gate") == 0 and minetest_get_item_group(, "fence_gate") == 0
@ -2236,9 +2830,12 @@ function do_states(self)
lp = minetest_find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:lava"}) lp = minetest_find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:lava"})
elseif self.fire_damage > 0 then -- main mob function
local mob_step = function(self, dtime)
lp = minetest_find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:fire"}) check_item_pickup(self)
if not self.fire_resistant then
mcl_burning.tick(self.object, dtime, self)
end end
@ -2553,7 +3150,161 @@ function do_states(self)
z = p.z - s.z z = p.z - s.z
} }
yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + math_pi / 2) - self.rotate minetest.register_entity(name, {
use_texture_alpha = def.use_texture_alpha,
stepheight = def.stepheight or 0.6,
name = name,
description = def.description,
type = def.type,
attack_type = def.attack_type,
fly =,
fly_in = def.fly_in or {"air", "__airlike"},
owner = def.owner or "",
order = def.order or "",
on_die = def.on_die,
spawn_small_alternative = def.spawn_small_alternative,
do_custom = def.do_custom,
jump_height = def.jump_height or 4, -- was 6
rotate = math.rad(def.rotate or 0), -- 0=front, 90=side, 180=back, 270=side2
lifetimer = def.lifetimer or 57.73,
hp_min = scale_difficulty(def.hp_min, 5, 1),
hp_max = scale_difficulty(def.hp_max, 10, 1),
xp_min = def.xp_min or 0,
xp_max = def.xp_max or 0,
xp_timestamp = 0,
breath_max = def.breath_max or 15,
breathes_in_water = def.breathes_in_water or false,
physical = true,
collisionbox = collisionbox,
selectionbox = def.selectionbox or def.collisionbox,
visual = def.visual,
visual_size = def.visual_size or {x = 1, y = 1},
mesh = def.mesh,
makes_footstep_sound = def.makes_footstep_sound or false,
view_range = def.view_range or 16,
walk_velocity = def.walk_velocity or 1,
run_velocity = def.run_velocity or 2,
damage = scale_difficulty(def.damage, 0, 0),
light_damage = def.light_damage or 0,
sunlight_damage = def.sunlight_damage or 0,
water_damage = def.water_damage or 0,
lava_damage = def.lava_damage or 8,
fire_damage = def.fire_damage or 1,
suffocation = def.suffocation or true,
fall_damage = def.fall_damage or 1,
fall_speed = def.fall_speed or DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED, -- must be lower than -2
drops = def.drops or {},
armor = def.armor or 100,
on_rightclick = create_mob_on_rightclick(def.on_rightclick),
arrow = def.arrow,
shoot_interval = def.shoot_interval,
sounds = def.sounds or {},
animation = def.animation,
follow = def.follow,
jump = def.jump ~= false,
walk_chance = def.walk_chance or 50,
attacks_monsters = def.attacks_monsters or false,
group_attack = def.group_attack or false,
passive = def.passive or false,
knock_back = def.knock_back ~= false,
shoot_offset = def.shoot_offset or 0,
floats = def.floats or 1, -- floats in water by default
floats_on_lava = def.floats_on_lava or 0,
replace_rate = def.replace_rate,
replace_what = def.replace_what,
replace_with = def.replace_with,
replace_offset = def.replace_offset or 0,
on_replace = def.on_replace,
timer = 0,
env_damage_timer = 0,
tamed = false,
pause_timer = 0,
horny = false,
hornytimer = 0,
gotten = false,
health = 0,
reach = def.reach or 3,
htimer = 0,
texture_list = def.textures,
child_texture = def.child_texture,
docile_by_day = def.docile_by_day or false,
time_of_day = 0.5,
fear_height = def.fear_height or 0,
runaway = def.runaway,
runaway_timer = 0,
pathfinding = def.pathfinding,
immune_to = def.immune_to or {},
explosion_radius = def.explosion_radius, -- LEGACY
explosion_damage_radius = def.explosion_damage_radius, -- LEGACY
explosiontimer_reset_radius = def.explosiontimer_reset_radius,
explosion_timer = def.explosion_timer or 3,
allow_fuse_reset = def.allow_fuse_reset ~= false,
stop_to_explode = def.stop_to_explode ~= false,
custom_attack = def.custom_attack,
double_melee_attack = def.double_melee_attack,
dogshoot_switch = def.dogshoot_switch,
dogshoot_count = 0,
dogshoot_count_max = def.dogshoot_count_max or 5,
dogshoot_count2_max = def.dogshoot_count2_max or (def.dogshoot_count_max or 5),
attack_animals = def.attack_animals or false,
specific_attack = def.specific_attack,
runaway_from = def.runaway_from,
owner_loyal = def.owner_loyal,
facing_fence = false,
_cmi_is_mob = true,
pushable = def.pushable or true,
-- MCL2 extensions
teleport = teleport,
do_teleport = def.do_teleport,
spawn_class = def.spawn_class,
ignores_nametag = def.ignores_nametag or false,
rain_damage = def.rain_damage or 0,
glow = def.glow,
can_despawn = can_despawn,
child = def.child or false,
texture_mods = {},
shoot_arrow = def.shoot_arrow,
sounds_child = def.sounds_child,
pick_up = def.pick_up,
explosion_strength = def.explosion_strength,
suffocation_timer = 0,
follow_velocity = def.follow_velocity or 2.4,
instant_death = def.instant_death or false,
fire_resistant = def.fire_resistant or false,
fire_damage_resistant = def.fire_damage_resistant or false,
ignited_by_sunlight = def.ignited_by_sunlight or false,
-- End of MCL2 extensions
on_spawn = def.on_spawn,
on_blast = def.on_blast or do_tnt,
on_step = mob_step,
do_punch = def.do_punch,
on_punch = mob_punch,
on_breed = def.on_breed,
on_grown = def.on_grown,
on_pick_up = def.on_pick_up,
on_detach_child = mob_detach_child,
on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime)
--this is a temporary hack so mobs stop
--glitching and acting really weird with the
--default built in engine collision detection
collide_with_objects = false,
return mob_activate(self, staticdata, def, dtime)
if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math_pi end if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math_pi end

View File

@ -61,10 +61,38 @@ if minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name") == "v6" then
TRADE_V6_BIRCH_SAPLING = { { "mcl_core:emerald", 8, 11 }, { "mcl_core:birchsapling", 1, 1 } } TRADE_V6_BIRCH_SAPLING = { { "mcl_core:emerald", 8, 11 }, { "mcl_core:birchsapling", 1, 1 } }
end end
local tiernames = {
local badges = {
local professions = { local professions = {
unemployed = {
name = N("Unemployed"),
textures = {
trades = nil,
farmer = { farmer = {
name = N("Farmer"), name = N("Farmer"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_farmer.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_composters:composter",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_farming:wheat_item", 18, 22, }, E1 }, { { "mcl_farming:wheat_item", 18, 22, }, E1 },
@ -76,16 +104,19 @@ local professions = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_farming:pumpkin_face", 8, 13 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_farming:pumpkin_face", 8, 13 }, E1 },
{ E1, { "mcl_farming:pumpkin_pie", 2, 3} }, { E1, { "mcl_farming:pumpkin_pie", 2, 3} },
{ E1, { "mcl_core:apple", 2, 3} },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_farming:melon", 7, 12 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_farming:melon", 7, 12 }, E1 },
{ E1, { "mcl_core:apple", 5, 7 }, }, { E1, {"mcl_farming:cookie", 5, 7 }, },
}, },
{ {
{ E1, { "mcl_farming:cookie", 6, 10 } }, { E1, { "mcl_mushrooms:mushroom_stew", 6, 10 } }, --FIXME: expert level farmer is supposed to sell sus stews.
{ E1, { "mcl_cake:cake", 1, 1 } }, },
{ E1, { "mcl_farming:carrot_item_gold", 3, 10 } },
{ E1, { "mcl_potions:speckled_melon", 4, 1 } },
@ -94,33 +125,91 @@ local professions = {
}, },
fisherman = { fisherman = {
name = N("Fisherman"), name = N("Fisherman"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_farmer.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_chests:barrel",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_fishing:fish_raw", 6, 6, "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_fishing:fish_cooked", 6, 6 } }, { { "mcl_fishing:fish_raw", 6, 6, "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 1 },{ "mcl_fishing:fish_cooked", 6, 6 } },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:string", 15, 20 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_mobitems:string", 15, 20 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 11 }, { "mcl_fishing:fishing_rod_enchanted", 1, 1} }, { { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 15, 10 }, E1 },
-- FIXME missing: bucket of cod + fish should be cod.
{ { "mcl_fishing:fish_raw", 6, 15,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_fishing:salmon_raw", 6, 6, "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 1 },{ "mcl_fishing:salmon_cooked", 6, 6 } },
-- FIXME missing campfire
-- {{ "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 2 },{"mcl_campfires:campfire",1,1} },
{ { "mcl_fishing:salmon_raw", 6, 13,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 22 }, { "mcl_fishing:fishing_rod_enchanted", 1, 1} },
{ { "mcl_fishing:clownfish_raw", 6, 6,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_fishing:pufferfish_raw", 4, 4,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_boats:boat", 1, 1,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_boats:boat_acacia", 1, 1,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_boats:boat_spruce", 1, 1,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_boats:boat_dark_oak", 1, 1,}, E1 },
{ { "mcl_boats:boat_birch", 1, 1,}, E1 },
}, },
}, },
}, },
fletcher = { fletcher = {
name = N("Fletcher"), name = N("Fletcher"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_farmer.png", texture = {
jobsite = "mcl_fletching_table:fletching_table",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_mobitems:string", 15, 20 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_mobitems:string", 15, 20 }, E1 },
{ E1, { "mcl_bows:arrow", 8, 12 } }, { E1, { "mcl_bows:arrow", 8, 12 } },
{ { "mcl_core:gravel", 10, 10, "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_core:flint", 6, 10 } }, { { "mcl_core:gravel", 10, 10, "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_core:flint", 6, 10 } },
{ { "mcl_core:flint", 26, 26 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 3 }, { "mcl_bows:bow", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 3 }, { "mcl_bows:bow", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:string", 14, 14 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 3 }, { "mcl_bows:crossbow", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:string", 24, 24 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 21 } , { "mcl_bows:bow_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
--FIXME: supposed to be tripwire hook{ { "tripwirehook", 24, 24 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 8, 22 } , { "mcl_bows:crossbow_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:healing_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:harming_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:night_vision_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:swiftness_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:slowness_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:leaping_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:poison_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:regeneration_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:invisibility_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:water_breathing_arrow", 5, 5 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 2, "mcl_bows:arrow", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_potions:fire_resistance_arrow", 5, 5 } },
} }
}, },
shepherd ={ shepherd ={
name = N("Shepherd"), name = N("Shepherd"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_farmer.png", texture = {
jobsite = "mcl_loom:loom",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_wool:white", 16, 22 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_wool:white", 16, 22 }, E1 },
@ -149,180 +238,287 @@ local professions = {
}, },
librarian = { librarian = {
name = N("Librarian"), name = N("Librarian"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_librarian.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_villages:stonebrickcarved", --FIXME: lectern
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:paper", 24, 36 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:paper", 24, 36 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_books:book", 8, 10 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_books:book", 8, 10 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 10, 12 }, { "mcl_compass:compass", 1 ,1 }}, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 9, 9 }, { "mcl_books:bookshelf", 1 ,1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 4 }, { "mcl_books:bookshelf", 1 ,1 }}, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64, "mcl_books:book", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }},
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_books:written_book", 2, 2 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_books:written_book", 2, 2 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 10, 12 }, { "mcl_clock:clock", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64, "mcl_books:book", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }},
{ E1, { "mcl_core:glass", 3, 5 } }, { E1, { "mcl_lanterns:lantern_floor", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }},
}, },
{ {
{ E1, { "mcl_core:glass", 3, 5 } }, { { "mcl_dye:black", 5, 5 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }}, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64, "mcl_books:book", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }},
{ E1, { "mcl_core:glass", 4, 4 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }}, { E1, { "mcl_books:writable_book", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 64, "mcl_books:book", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_enchanting:book_enchanted", 1 ,1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 4, 4 }, { "mcl_compass:compass", 1 ,1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_clock:clock", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 20, 22 }, { "mcl_mobs:nametag", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 20, 20 }, { "mcl_mobs:nametag", 1, 1 } },
} }
}, },
}, },
cartographer = { cartographer = {
name = N("Cartographer"), name = N("Cartographer"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_librarian.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_cartography_table:cartography_table",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:paper", 24, 36 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:paper", 24, 24 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_maps:empty_map", 1, 1 } },
-- compass subject to special checks
{ { "xpanes:pane_natural_flat", 1, 1 }, E1 },
--{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 13, 13, "mcl_compass:compass", 1, 1 }, { "FIXME:ocean explorer map" 1, 1} },
}, },
{ {
-- subject to special checks
{ { "mcl_compass:compass", 1, 1 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_compass:compass", 1, 1 }, E1 },
--{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 13, 13, "mcl_compass:compass", 1, 1 }, { "FIXME:woodland explorer map" 1, 1} },
}, },
{ {
-- TODO: replace with empty map { { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_itemframes:item_frame", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 11}, { "mcl_maps:empty_map", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_white", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_grey", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_silver", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_black", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_red", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_green", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_cyan", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_blue", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_magenta", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_orange", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_purple", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_brown", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_pink", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_lime", 1, 1 }},
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7}, { "mcl_banners:banner_item_light_blue", 1, 1 }},
--{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 8, 8}, { "FIXME: globe banner pattern", 1, 1 } },
-- TODO: special maps -- TODO: special maps
}, },
}, },
armorer = { armorer = {
name = N("Armorer"), name = N("Armorer"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_smith.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_blast_furnace:blast_furnace",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 16, 24 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 15, 15 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 4, 6 }, { "mcl_armor:helmet_iron", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_armor:helmet_iron", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 9, 9 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_iron", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7 }, { "mcl_armor:leggings_iron", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 4, 4 }, { "mcl_armor:boots_iron", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:iron_ingot", 7, 9 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:iron_ingot", 4, 4 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 10, 14 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_iron", 1, 1 } }, --{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 36, 36 }, { "FIXME: Bell", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 3 }, { "mcl_armor:leggings_chain", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_armor:boots_chain", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_buckets:bucket_lava", 1, 1 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:diamond", 1, 1 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 1, 1 }, { "mcl_armor:helmet_chain", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 4, 4 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_chain", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_shields:shield", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:diamond", 3, 4 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 19, 33 }, { "mcl_armor:leggings_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 16, 19 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 13, 27 }, { "mcl_armor:boots_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 7 }, { "mcl_armor:boots_chain", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 13, 27 }, { "mcl_armor:helmet_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 9, 11 }, { "mcl_armor:leggings_chain", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 21, 35 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 7 }, { "mcl_armor:helmet_chain", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 11, 15 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_chain", 1, 1 } },
}, },
}, },
}, },
leatherworker = { leatherworker = {
name = N("Leatherworker"), name = N("Leatherworker"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_butcher.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_cauldrons:cauldron",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_mobitems:leather", 9, 12 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_mobitems:leather", 9, 12 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 2, 4 }, { "mcl_armor:leggings_leather", 2, 4 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 3 }, { "mcl_armor:leggings_leather", 2, 4 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_leather", 2, 4 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 12 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_leather_enchanted", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:flint", 26, 26 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_armor:helmet_leather", 2, 4 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 4, 4 }, { "mcl_armor:boots_leather", 2, 4 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_mobitems:rabbit_hide", 9, 9 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 7 }, { "mcl_armor:chestplate_leather", 1, 1 } },
--{ { "FIXME: scute", 4, 4 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 8, 10 }, { "mcl_mobitems:saddle", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 8, 10 }, { "mcl_mobitems:saddle", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 6, 6 }, { "mcl_mobitems:saddle", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_armor:helmet_leather", 2, 4 } },
}, },
}, },
butcher = { butcher = {
name = N("Butcher"), name = N("Butcher"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_butcher.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_smoker:smoker",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_mobitems:beef", 14, 18 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_mobitems:beef", 14, 14 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:chicken", 14, 18 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_mobitems:chicken", 7, 7 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:rabbit", 4, 4 }, E1 },
{ E1, { "mcl_mobitems:rabbit_stew", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 16, 24 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 15, 15 }, E1 },
{ E1, { "mcl_mobitems:cooked_beef", 5, 7 } }, { E1, { "mcl_mobitems:cooked_porkchop", 5, 5 } },
{ E1, { "mcl_mobitems:cooked_chicken", 6, 8 } }, { E1, { "mcl_mobitems:cooked_chicken", 8, 8 } },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:mutton", 7, 7 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:beef", 10, 10 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:mutton", 7, 7 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_mobitems:beef", 10, 10 }, E1 },
--{ { "FIXME: Sweet Berries", 10, 10 }, E1 },
}, },
}, },
}, },
weapon_smith = { weapon_smith = {
name = N("Weapon Smith"), name = N("Weapon Smith"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_smith.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_villages:stonebrickcarved", --FIXME: grindstone
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 16, 24 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 15, 15 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 6, 8 }, { "mcl_tools:axe_iron", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 3 }, { "mcl_tools:axe_iron", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 21 }, { "mcl_tools:sword_iron_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:iron_ingot", 7, 9 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:iron_ingot", 4, 4 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 9, 10 }, { "mcl_tools:sword_iron_enchanted", 1, 1 } }, --{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 36, 36 }, { "FIXME: Bell", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:flint", 7, 9 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:diamond", 7, 9 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 17, 31 }, { "mcl_tools:axe_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:diamond", 3, 4 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 13, 27 }, { "mcl_tools:sword_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 12, 15 }, { "mcl_tools:sword_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 9, 12 }, { "mcl_tools:axe_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
}, },
}, },
}, },
tool_smith = { tool_smith = {
name = N("Tool Smith"), name = N("Tool Smith"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_smith.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_anvils:anvil", --FIXME: smithing table
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 16, 24 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:coal_lump", 15, 15 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 7 }, { "mcl_tools:shovel_iron_enchanted", 1, 1 } }, { E1, { "mcl_tools:axe_stone", 1, 1 } },
{ E1, { "mcl_tools:shovel_stone", 1, 1 } },
{ E1, { "mcl_tools:pick_stone", 1, 1 } },
{ E1, { "mcl_farming:hoe_stone", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:iron_ingot", 7, 9 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:iron_ingot", 4, 4 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 9, 11 }, { "mcl_tools:pick_iron_enchanted", 1, 1 } }, --{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 36, 36 }, { "FIXME: Bell", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_core:diamond", 3, 4 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_core:flint", 30, 30 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 12, 15 }, { "mcl_tools:pick_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 6, 20 }, { "mcl_tools:axe_iron_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 7, 21 }, { "mcl_tools:shovel_iron_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 8, 22 }, { "mcl_tools:pick_iron_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 4, 4 }, { "mcl_farming:hoe_diamond", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:diamond", 1, 1 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 17, 31 }, { "mcl_tools:axe_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 10, 24 }, { "mcl_tools:shovel_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 18, 32 }, { "mcl_tools:pick_diamond_enchanted", 1, 1 } },
}, },
}, },
}, },
cleric = { cleric = {
name = N("Cleric"), name = N("Cleric"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager_priest.png", textures = {
jobsite = "mcl_brewing:stand_000",
trades = { trades = {
{ {
{ { "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", 36, 40 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", 32, 32 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:gold_ingot", 8, 10 }, E1 }, { E1, { "mesecons:redstone", 2, 2 } },
}, },
{ {
{ E1, { "mesecons:redstone", 1, 4 } }, { { "mcl_core:gold_ingot", 3, 3 }, E1 },
{ E1, { "mcl_dye:blue", 1, 2 } }, { E1, { "mcl_dye:blue", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ E1, { "mcl_nether:glowstone", 1, 3 } }, { { "mcl_mobitems:rabbit_foot", 2, 2 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 4, 7 }, { "mcl_throwing:ender_pearl", 1, 1 } }, { E1, { "mcl_nether:glowstone", 4, 4 } },
--{ { "FIXME: scute", 4, 4 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", 9, 9 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 5, 5 }, { "mcl_throwing:ender_pearl", 1, 1 } },
}, },
{ {
{ { "mcl_nether:nether_wart_item", 22, 22 }, E1 }, { { "mcl_nether:nether_wart_item", 22, 22 }, E1 },
{ { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 3 }, { "mcl_experience:bottle", 1, 1 } }, { { "mcl_core:emerald", 3, 3 }, { "mcl_experience:bottle", 1, 1 } },
@ -331,7 +527,10 @@ local professions = {
}, },
nitwit = { nitwit = {
name = N("Nitwit"), name = N("Nitwit"),
texture = "mobs_mc_villager.png", textures = {
-- No trades for nitwit -- No trades for nitwit
trades = nil, trades = nil,
} }
@ -342,11 +541,110 @@ for id, _ in pairs(professions) do
table.insert(profession_names, id) table.insert(profession_names, id)
end end
local jobsites={}
for _,n in pairs(profession_names) do
local stand_still = function(self) local stand_still = function(self)
self.walk_chance = 0 self.walk_chance = 0
self.jump = false self.jump = false
end end
local function init_trader_vars(self)
if not self._max_trade_tier then
self._max_trade_tier = 1
if not self._locked_trades then
self._locked_trades = 0
if not self._trading_players then
self._trading_players = {}
local function set_velocity(self, v)
local yaw = (self.object:get_yaw() or 0) + self.rotate
x = (math.sin(yaw) * -v),
y = self.object:get_velocity().y,
z = (math.cos(yaw) * v),
local function go_to_pos(entity,b)
local s=entity.object:get_pos()
if vector.distance(b,s) < 1 then
return true
local v = { x = b.x - s.x, z = b.z - s.z }
local yaw = (math.atan(v.z / v.x) + math.pi / 2) - entity.rotate
if b.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math.pi end
local function go_home(entity)
entity.state = "go_home"
local b=entity.bed
if not b then return end
if go_to_pos(entity,b) then
entity.state = "stand"
local n=minetest.get_node(b)
if n and ~= "mcl_beds:bed_red_bottom" then
entity.bed=nil --the stormtroopers have killed uncle owen
local function get_profession_by_jobsite(js)
for k,v in pairs(professions) do
if v.jobsite == js then return k end
local function employ(self,jobsite_pos)
local n = minetest.get_node(jobsite_pos)
local m = minetest.get_meta(jobsite_pos)
local p = get_profession_by_jobsite(
if p and m:get_string("villager") == "" then
self._jobsite = jobsite_pos
return true
local function unemploy(self)
self._jobsite = nil
local function get_a_job(self)
local p = self.object:get_pos()
local nn = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vector.offset(p,-8,-8,-8),vector.offset(p,8,8,8),jobsites)
for _,n in pairs(nn) do
if n and employ(self,n) then return end
local function check_jobsite(self)
local n = minetest.get_node(self._jobsite)
local m = minetest.get_meta(self._jobsite)
if ~= professions[self._profession].jobsite or m:get_string("villager") ~= self._id then
return false
return true
local update_max_tradenum = function(self) local update_max_tradenum = function(self)
if not self._trades then if not self._trades then
return return
@ -362,30 +660,6 @@ local update_max_tradenum = function(self)
self._max_tradenum = #trades self._max_tradenum = #trades
end end
local init_trader_vars = function(self)
if not self._profession then
-- Select random profession from all professions with matching clothing
local texture = self.base_texture[1]
local matches = {}
for prof_id, prof in pairs(professions) do
if texture == prof.texture then
table.insert(matches, prof_id)
local p = math.random(1, #matches)
self._profession = matches[p]
if not self._max_trade_tier then
self._max_trade_tier = 1
if not self._locked_trades then
self._locked_trades = 0
if not self._trading_players then
self._trading_players = {}
local init_trades = function(self, inv) local init_trades = function(self, inv)
local profession = professions[self._profession] local profession = professions[self._profession]
local trade_tiers = profession and profession.trades local trade_tiers = profession and profession.trades
@ -516,7 +790,7 @@ local function show_trade_formspec(playername, trader, tradenum)
"size[9,8.75]" "size[9,8.75]"
.."background[-0.19,-0.25;9.41,9.49;mobs_mc_trading_formspec_bg.png]" .."background[-0.19,-0.25;9.41,9.49;mobs_mc_trading_formspec_bg.png]"
..disabled_img ..disabled_img
.."label[4,0;"..F(minetest.colorize("#313131", S(profession))).."]" .."label[3,0;"..F(minetest.colorize("#313131", S(profession).." - "..S(tiernames[trader._max_trade_tier]))) .."]"
.."list[current_player;main;0,4.5;9,3;9]" .."list[current_player;main;0,4.5;9,3;9]"
.."list[current_player;main;0,7.74;9,1;]" .."list[current_player;main;0,7.74;9,1;]"
..b_prev..b_next ..b_prev..b_next
@ -941,31 +1215,9 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_mc:villager", {
visual = "mesh", visual = "mesh",
mesh = "mobs_mc_villager.b3d", mesh = "mobs_mc_villager.b3d",
textures = { textures = {
"mobs_mc_villager.png", "mobs_mc_villager.png",
"mobs_mc_villager.png", --hat "mobs_mc_villager.png", --hat
}, },
"mobs_mc_villager_farmer.png", --hat
"mobs_mc_villager_priest.png", --hat
"mobs_mc_villager_librarian.png", --hat
"mobs_mc_villager_butcher.png", --hat
"mobs_mc_villager_smith.png", --hat
visual_size = {x=2.75, y=2.75}, visual_size = {x=2.75, y=2.75},
rotate = 270, rotate = 270,
skittish = true, skittish = true,
@ -1000,12 +1252,35 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_mc:villager", {
fear_height = 4, fear_height = 4,
jump = true, jump = true,
walk_chance = DEFAULT_WALK_CHANCE, walk_chance = DEFAULT_WALK_CHANCE,
bed = nil,
_id = nil,
_profession = "unemployed",
look_at_player = true,
pick_up = {"mcl_farming:bread"},
on_pick_up = function(self,itementity)
local clicker
for _,p in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
if vector.distance(p:get_pos(),self.object:get_pos()) < 10 then
clicker = p
if not clicker then minetest.log("no clicker") end
if clicker then
mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, 1, true, true)
return true --do not pick up
on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
if self.child or self._profession == "unemployed" then
-- Initiate trading -- Initiate trading
local name = clicker:get_player_name() local name = clicker:get_player_name()
self._trading_players[name] = true self._trading_players[name] = true
if self._trades == nil then if self._trades == nil then
init_trades(self) init_trades(self)
end end
@ -1042,6 +1317,7 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_mc:villager", {
if not self._player_scan_timer then if not self._player_scan_timer then
self._player_scan_timer = 0 self._player_scan_timer = 0
end end
self._player_scan_timer = self._player_scan_timer + dtime self._player_scan_timer = self._player_scan_timer + dtime
-- Check infrequently to keep CPU load low -- Check infrequently to keep CPU load low
if self._player_scan_timer > PLAYER_SCAN_INTERVAL then if self._player_scan_timer > PLAYER_SCAN_INTERVAL then
@ -1063,15 +1339,30 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_mc:villager", {
self.walk_chance = DEFAULT_WALK_CHANCE self.walk_chance = DEFAULT_WALK_CHANCE
self.jump = true self.jump = true
end end
if self.bed and ( self.state == "go_home" or vector.distance(self.object:get_pos(),self.bed) > 50 ) then
if self._profession == "unemployed" then
end end
end, end,
on_spawn = function(self) on_spawn = function(self)
init_trader_vars(self) if self._id then
self._profession = "unemployed"
end, end,
on_die = function(self, pos) on_die = function(self, pos)
-- Close open trade formspecs and give input back to players -- Close open trade formspecs and give input back to players
local trading_players = self._trading_players local trading_players = self._trading_players
if trading_players then
for name, _ in pairs(trading_players) do for name, _ in pairs(trading_players) do
minetest.close_formspec(name, "mobs_mc:trade_" minetest.close_formspec(name, "mobs_mc:trade_"
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
@ -1079,6 +1370,7 @@ mobs:register_mob("mobs_mc:villager", {
return_fields(player) return_fields(player)
end end
end end
end, end,
}) })