Crash with minetest 5.3 and mcl_mobs #880

opened 2020-11-29 12:12:57 +01:00 by AFCMS · 10 comments
AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod '??' in callback luaentity_Step(): ...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:715: attempt to index local 'pos' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:715: in function 'within_limits'
	...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:837: in function 'do_env_damage'
	...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:3286: in function 'on_step_old'
	...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:17: in function <...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:16>

And then restarting the game, got the same error.

``` AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod '??' in callback luaentity_Step(): ...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:715: attempt to index local 'pos' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:715: in function 'within_limits' ...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:837: in function 'do_env_damage' ...4\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:3286: in function 'on_step_old' ...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:17: in function <...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:16> ``` And then restarting the game, got the same error.

So mysterious - function within_limits() (where the error occured) uses only in api.lua itself. I wonder did you add some foreign mobs to the game?

So mysterious - function ```within_limits()``` (where the error occured) uses only in api.lua itself. I wonder did you add some foreign mobs to the game?

I made an experiment with mob limits in my fork, it might help but this is odd still


I made an experiment with mob limits in my fork, it might help but this is odd still

So mysterious - function within_limits() (where the error occured) uses only in api.lua itself. I wonder did you add some foreign mobs to the game?

No, I havent added any foreign mobs. I only spawn some evokers and vexes.

> So mysterious - function ```within_limits()``` (where the error occured) uses only in api.lua itself. I wonder did you add some foreign mobs to the game? No, I havent added any foreign mobs. I only spawn some evokers and vexes.

I see only 3 places where within_limits() called, all in api.lua:

-- environmental damage (water, lava, fire, light etc.)
local do_env_damage = function(self)
	local pos = self.object:get_pos()
	-- remove mob if beyond map limits
	if not within_limits(pos, 0) then
-- register arrow for shoot attack
function mobs:register_arrow(name, def)
	minetest.register_entity(name, {
		on_step = def.on_step or function(self, dtime)
			local pos = self.object:get_pos()

			if self.switch == 0
			or self.timer > 150
			or not within_limits(pos, 0) then

-- Register spawn eggs

-- Note: This also introduces the “spawn_egg” group:
-- * spawn_egg=1: Spawn egg (generic mob, no metadata)
-- * spawn_egg=2: Spawn egg (captured/tamed mob, metadata)
function mobs:register_egg(mob, desc, background, addegg, no_creative)
    -- register old stackable mob egg
	minetest.register_craftitem(mob, {
		on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)

			local pos = pointed_thing.above
			if pos
			and within_limits(pos, 0)
			and not minetest.is_protected(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then

Third part has built-in check for nul value, so it is in the first or the second one. Both are: local pos = self.object:get_pos() where self is the entity passed through on_step() callback.

I never saw this error and the only way I can imagine is if the entity destroyed during the call, but I'm not 100% sure. If nobody will have better ideas, I would merge my fix and close the issue...

I see only 3 places where ```within_limits()``` called, all in api.lua: 1) ```lua -- environmental damage (water, lava, fire, light etc.) local do_env_damage = function(self) ... local pos = self.object:get_pos() ... -- remove mob if beyond map limits if not within_limits(pos, 0) then self.object:remove() ``` 2) ```lua -- register arrow for shoot attack function mobs:register_arrow(name, def) ... minetest.register_entity(name, { ... on_step = def.on_step or function(self, dtime) ... local pos = self.object:get_pos() if self.switch == 0 or self.timer > 150 or not within_limits(pos, 0) then self.object:remove(); ``` 3) ```lua -- Register spawn eggs -- Note: This also introduces the “spawn_egg” group: -- * spawn_egg=1: Spawn egg (generic mob, no metadata) -- * spawn_egg=2: Spawn egg (captured/tamed mob, metadata) function mobs:register_egg(mob, desc, background, addegg, no_creative) ... -- register old stackable mob egg minetest.register_craftitem(mob, { ... on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local pos = pointed_thing.above ... if pos and within_limits(pos, 0) and not minetest.is_protected(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then ``` Third part has built-in check for ```nul``` value, so it is in the first or the second one. Both are: ```local pos = self.object:get_pos()``` where ```self``` is the entity passed through ```on_step()``` callback. I never saw this error and the only way I can imagine is if the entity destroyed during the call, but I'm not 100% sure. If nobody will have better ideas, I would merge my [fix]( and close the issue...
kay27 added the
contribution inside
labels 2020-12-01 11:09:43 +01:00
My world:

Thanks for sharing the world.
I tried to run it with latest master.
I've seen dropped unknown item.
Them I was killed and there was a crash, but the error wasn't the same, probably because I haven't installed the mods: "shortnames", "test", "worldedit", "worldedit_brush", "worldedit_commands", "worldedit_hud_helper", "worldedit_shortcommands", "worldeditadditions", "worldeditadditions_commands" and "worldeditadditions_farwand". Server log isn't too big to copy-paste it right here, but I have no idea what I should do to reproduce the error:


2020-12-01 18:47:32: ERROR[Main]: The following mods could not be found: "shortnames" "test" "worldedit" "worldedit_brush" "worldedit_commands" "worldedit_hud_helper" "worldedit_shortcommands" "worldeditadditions" "worldeditadditions_commands" "worldeditadditions_farwand"
2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: health
2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: breath
2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: hunger
2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: [doc] opened.
2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: [doc] successfully read.
2020-12-01 18:47:33: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: armor
2020-12-01 18:47:33: ACTION[Main]: [mcl_weather] Weather restored.
2020-12-01 18:47:34: ACTION[Main]: [mcl_skins] Mod initialized with 1 custom skin(s)
2020-12-01 18:47:40: ACTION[Main]: World at [C:\games\Wuzzy\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\worlds\map]
2020-12-01 18:47:40: ACTION[Main]: Server for gameid="MineClone2" listening on
2020-12-01 18:47:55: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer [] joins game. List of players: singleplayer
2020-12-01 18:47:55: ACTION[Server]: [mcl_skins] Player skin for singleplayer set to skin #1
2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,-3) (id=17, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=17), damage=3
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (137,15,0) (id=25, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=14), damage=3
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,3) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,3) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,-3) (id=17, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=11), damage=3
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (137,15,0) (id=25, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=8), damage=3
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,1) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,1) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=5), damage=3
2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-2) (id=65, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=3), damage=2
2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,-2) (id=17, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=2), damage=1
2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (138,15,-2) (id=25, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=1), damage=1
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (138,15,-2) (id=25, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (138,15,-2) (id=25, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-4) (id=25, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-4) (id=25, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-3) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-3) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod '??' in callback luaentity_Step(): ...y\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\builtin\common\vector.lua:59: attempt to index local 'b' (a nil value)
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: 	...y\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\builtin\common\vector.lua:59: in function 'distance'
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: 	...r\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:2233: in function 'do_states'
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: 	...r\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:3305: in function 'on_step_old'
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: 	...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:17: in function <...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:16>
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: [doc] Wrote player data into C:\games\Wuzzy\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\worlds\map/
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer leaves game. List of players: 
2020-12-01 18:48:01: WARNING[Server]: ScriptApiBase::objectrefGetOrCreate(): Pushing ObjectRef to removed/deactivated object, this is probably a bug.
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Main]: Server: Shutting down
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Main]: [doc] Server shuts down. Player data is about to be saved.
2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Main]: [doc] Wrote player data into C:\games\Wuzzy\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\worlds\map/
Thanks for sharing the world. I tried to run it with latest master. I've seen dropped unknown item. Them I was killed and there was a crash, but the error wasn't the same, probably because I haven't installed the mods: "shortnames", "test", "worldedit", "worldedit_brush", "worldedit_commands", "worldedit_hud_helper", "worldedit_shortcommands", "worldeditadditions", "worldeditadditions_commands" and "worldeditadditions_farwand". Server log isn't too big to copy-paste it right here, but I have no idea what I should do to reproduce the error: ``` ------------- Separator ------------- 2020-12-01 18:47:32: ERROR[Main]: The following mods could not be found: "shortnames" "test" "worldedit" "worldedit_brush" "worldedit_commands" "worldedit_hud_helper" "worldedit_shortcommands" "worldeditadditions" "worldeditadditions_commands" "worldeditadditions_farwand" 2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: health 2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: breath 2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: hunger 2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: [doc] opened. 2020-12-01 18:47:32: ACTION[Main]: [doc] successfully read. 2020-12-01 18:47:33: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: armor 2020-12-01 18:47:33: ACTION[Main]: [mcl_weather] Weather restored. 2020-12-01 18:47:34: ACTION[Main]: [mcl_skins] Mod initialized with 1 custom skin(s) 2020-12-01 18:47:40: ACTION[Main]: World at [C:\games\Wuzzy\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\worlds\map] 2020-12-01 18:47:40: ACTION[Main]: Server for gameid="MineClone2" listening on 2020-12-01 18:47:55: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer [] joins game. List of players: singleplayer 2020-12-01 18:47:55: ACTION[Server]: [mcl_skins] Player skin for singleplayer set to skin #1 2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (131,15,-25) (id=16, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:57: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,-3) (id=17, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=17), damage=3 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (137,15,0) (id=25, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=14), damage=3 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:58: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (153,15,11) (id=44, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,3) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,3) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,-3) (id=17, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=11), damage=3 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (137,15,0) (id=25, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=8), damage=3 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (122,15,36) (id=13, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:47:59: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,1) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,1) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=5), damage=3 2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,0) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-2) (id=65, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=3), damage=2 2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (140,15,-2) (id=17, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=2), damage=1 2020-12-01 18:48:00: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (138,15,-2) (id=25, hp=14) punched player singleplayer (id=1, hp=1), damage=1 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (138,15,-2) (id=25, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (138,15,-2) (id=25, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-1) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-4) (id=25, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-4) (id=25, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-3) (id=42, hp=14) punched LuaEntitySAO "mobs_mc:vex" at (139,15,-3) (id=42, hp=14), damage=0 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod '??' in callback luaentity_Step(): ...y\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\builtin\common\vector.lua:59: attempt to index local 'b' (a nil value) 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback: 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: ...y\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\builtin\common\vector.lua:59: in function 'distance' 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: ...r\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:2233: in function 'do_states' 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: ...r\bin\..\games\MineClone2\mods\ENTITIES\mcl_mobs/api.lua:3305: in function 'on_step_old' 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ERROR[Main]: ...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:17: in function <...mes\MineClone2\mods\ENVIRONMENT\mcl_void_damage\init.lua:16> 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: [doc] Wrote player data into C:\games\Wuzzy\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\worlds\map/ 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer leaves game. List of players: 2020-12-01 18:48:01: WARNING[Server]: ScriptApiBase::objectrefGetOrCreate(): Pushing ObjectRef to removed/deactivated object, this is probably a bug. 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Main]: Server: Shutting down 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Main]: [doc] Server shuts down. Player data is about to be saved. 2020-12-01 18:48:01: ACTION[Main]: [doc] Wrote player data into C:\games\Wuzzy\minetest-5.3.0-master\bin\..\worlds\map/ ```

In creative mode, without missing mods, I added as many evokers and vexes as I can - nothing happens :(
So maybe the problem is because of some incoplatible mod still.

In creative mode, without missing mods, I added as many evokers and vexes as I can - nothing happens :( ![image](/attachments/656986ba-109f-4d0a-8032-fe1c4fca39bd) So maybe the problem is because of some incoplatible mod still.
364 KiB

Hope I fixed the problem. It was because of multiple attack, when the player is already defeated.

Hope I fixed the problem. It was because of multiple attack, when the player is already defeated.

I am going to try.

I am going to try.

Yes, the game doesn't crash, thank you !

Yes, the game doesn't crash, thank you !
kay27 closed this issue 2020-12-01 19:06:25 +01:00
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