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Structure placement API for MCL2.

mcl_structures.register_structure(name,structure definition,nospawn)

If nospawn is truthy the structure will not be placed by mapgen and the decoration parameters can be omitted. This is intended for secondary structures the placement of which gets triggered by the placement of other structures. It can also be used to register testing structures so they can be used with /spawnstruct.

structure definition

{ fill_ratio = OR noise = {}, biomes = {}, y_min =, y_max =, place_on = {}, spawn_by = {}, num_spawn_by =, flags = (default: "place_center_x, place_center_z, force_placement") (same as decoration def) y_offset =, --can be a number or a function returning a number filenames = {} OR place_func = function(pos,def,pr) -- filenames can be a list of any schematics accepted by mcl_structures.place_schematic / minetest.place_schematic on_place = function(pos,def,pr) end, -- called before placement. denies placement when returning falsy. after_place = function(pos,def,pr) -- executed after successful placement sidelen = int, --length of one side of the structure. used for foundations. solid_ground = bool, -- structure requires solid ground make_foundation = bool, -- a foundation is automatically built for the structure. needs the sidelen param loot = , --a table of loot tables for mcl_loot indexed by node names -- e.g. { ["mcl_chests:chest_small"] = {loot},... } }


Table of the registered structure defintions indexed by name.

mcl_structures.place_structure(pos, def, pr)

Places a structure using the mapgen placement function

mcl_structures.place_schematic(pos, schematic, rotation, replacements, force_placement, flags, after_placement_callback, pr, callback_param)