
975 B


Add an API to register buckets to mcl


Register a new liquid Accept folowing params:

  • source_place: a string or function.
    • string: name of the node to place
    • function(pos): will returns name of the node to place with pos being the placement position
  • source_take: table of liquid source node names to take
  • itemname: itemstring of the new bucket item (or nil if liquid is not takeable)
  • inventory_image: texture of the new bucket item (ignored if itemname == nil)
  • name: user-visible bucket description
  • longdesc: long explanatory description (for help)
  • usagehelp: short usage explanation (for help)
  • tt_help: very short tooltip help
  • extra_check(pos, placer): (optional) function(pos) which can returns false to avoid placing the liquid. Placer is object/player who is placing the liquid, can be nil.
  • groups: optional list of item groups

This function can be called from any mod (which depends on this one)