Continue with new-ks rework
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,12 +131,9 @@ function ildb.load(data)
if data.npr_rails then
advtrains.interlocking.npr_rails = data.npr_rails
if data.supposed_aspects then
if data.distant then
-- let signal_api load data
--COMPATIBILITY to Signal aspect format
-- TODO remove in time...
@ -171,7 +168,7 @@ function ildb.load(data)
return {
local data = {
tcbs = track_circuit_breaks,
signalass = signal_assignments,
@ -182,6 +179,8 @@ function
supposed_aspects = advtrains.interlocking.save_supposed_aspects(),
distant =,
return data
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ local F = advtrains.formspec
local signal = {}
signal.MASP_HALT = {
name = "halt"
name = "halt",
description = "HALT",
halt = true,
@ -55,12 +56,12 @@ It should cause the signal to show its most restrictive aspect. Typically it is
signals this would be "expect stop".
== Aspect Info ==
The actual signal aspect in the already-known format. This is what the trains use to determine halt/proceed and speed. In this, the dst field has to be resolved.
The actual signal aspect in the already-known format. This is what the trains use to determine halt/proceed and speed.
asp = {
main = 0 (halt) / -1 (max speed) / false (no info) / <number> (speed limit)
shunt = true (shunt free) / false (shunt not free)
proceed_as_main = true (shunt move can proceed and become train move when main!=0) / false (no)
dst = (like main, informative character, not actually used)
dst = speed of the remote signal (like main, informative character, not actually used)
Node definition of signals:
@ -68,17 +69,84 @@ Node definition of signals:
ndef.advtrains = {
main_aspects = {
{ name = "proceed" description = "Proceed at full speed", <more data at discretion of signal>}
{ name = "proceed2" description = "Proceed at full speed", <more data at discretion of signal>}
} -- The numerical order determines the layout of the list in the selection dialog.
apply_aspect = function(pos, asp_group, dst_aspgrp, dst_aspinfo)
{ name = "reduced" description = "Proceed at reduced speed", <more data at discretion of signal>}
-- This list is mainly for the selection dialog. Order of entries determines list order in the dropdown.
-- Some fields have special meaning:
-- name: A unique key to identify the main aspect. Only this key is saved, but APIs always receive the whole table
-- description: Text shown in UI dropdown
-- speed: a number. When present, a speed field is shown in the UI next to the dropdown (prefilled with the value).
-- When user selects a different speed there, this different speed replaces the value in the table whenever the main_aspect is applied.
-- Node can set any other fields at its discretion. They are not touched.
-- Note: On first call advtrains automatically inserts into the ndef.advtrains table a main_aspects_lookup hashtable
-- Note: Pure distant signals (that cannot show halt) should NOT have a main_aspects table
apply_aspect = function(pos, main_aspect, rem_aspect, rem_aspinfo)
-- set the node to show the desired aspect
-- called by advtrains when this signal's aspect group or the distant signal's aspect changes
-- called by advtrains when this signal's aspect group or the remote signal's aspect changes
-- MAY return the aspect_info. If it returns nil then get_aspect_info will be queried at a later point.
-- Returns the aspect info table (main, shunt, dst etc.)W
get_aspect_info(pos, main_aspect)
-- Returns the aspect info table (main, shunt, dst etc.)
distant_support = true or false
-- If true, signal is considered in distant signalling. If false or nil, rem_aspect and rem_aspinfo are never set.
route_role = one of "main", "shunt", "distant", "distant_repeater", "end"
-- Determines how the signal behaves when routes are set. Only in effect when signal is assigned to a TCB.
-- main: The signal is a possible endpoint for a train move route. Distant signals before it refer to it.
-- shunt: The signal is a possible endpoint for a shunt move route. Ignored for distant signals.
-- distant, distant_repeater: When route is set, signal is always assigned its first main aspect. The next signal with role="main" is set as the remote signal. (currently no further distinction)
-- end: like main, but signifies that it marks an end of track and trains cannot continue further. (currently no practical implications above main)
== Nomenclature ==
The distant/main relation is named as follows:
Main signal (main) always refers to the signal that is in focus right now (even if that is a distant-only signal)
From the standpoint of M, V is the distant (dst) signal. M does not need to concern itself with V's aspect but needs to notify V when it changes
From the standpoint of V, M is the remote (rem) signal. V needs to show an aspect that matches its remote signal M
== Criteria for which signals are eligible for routes ==
All signals must define:
- get_aspect_info()
Signals that can be assigned to a TCB must satisfy:
- apply_aspect() defined
Signals that are possible start and end points for a route must satisfy:
- main_aspects defined (note, pure distant signals should therefore not define main_aspects)
-- Database
-- Signal Aspect store
-- Stores for each signal the main aspect and other info, like the assigned remote signal
-- [signal encodePos] = { main_aspect = "proceed", [speed = 12], [remote = encodedPos] }
signal.aspects = {}
-- Distant signal notification. Records for each signal the distant signals that refer to it
-- Note: this mapping is weak. Needs always backreference check.
-- [signal encodePos] = { [distant signal encodePos] = true }
signal.distant_refs = {}
function signal.load(data)
signal.aspects = data.aspects or {}
-- rebuild distant_refs after load
signal.distant_refs = {}
for main, aspt in pairs(signal.aspects) do
if aspt.remote then
if not signal.distant_refs[aspt.remote] then
signal.distant_refs[aspt.remote] = {}
signal.distant_refs[aspt.remote][main] = true
data.aspects = signal.aspects
-- Set a signal's aspect.
-- Signal aspects should only be set through this function. It takes care of:
-- - Storing the main aspect and dst pos for this signal permanently (until next change)
@ -86,30 +154,184 @@ ndef.advtrains = {
-- - Calling apply_aspect() in the signal's node definition to make the signal show the aspect
-- - Calling apply_aspect() again whenever the distant signal changes its aspect
-- - Notifying this signal's distant signals about changes to this signal (unless skip_dst_notify is specified)
function signal.set_aspect(pos, main_aspect, dst_pos, skip_dst_notify)
function signal.set_aspect(pos, main_asp_name, main_asp_speed, rem_pos, skip_dst_notify)
local main_pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
local old_tbl = signal.aspects[main_pts]
local old_remote = old_tbl and old_tbl.remote
local new_remote = rem_pos and advtrains.encode_pos(rem_pos)
-- if remote has changed, unregister from old remote
if old_remote and old_remote~=new_remote and signal.distant_refs[old_remote] then
signal.distant_refs[old_remote][main_pts] = nil
signal.aspects[main_pts] = { main_aspect = main_asp_name, speed = main_asp_speed, remote = new_remote }
-- apply aspect on main signal, this also checks new_remote
-- notify my distants about this change (with limit 2)
if not skip_dst_notify then
signal.notify_distants_of(main_pts, 2)
function signal.clear_aspect(pos, skip_dst_notify)
local main_pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
local old_tbl = signal.aspects[main_pts]
local old_remote = old_tbl and old_tbl.remote
-- unregister from old remote
if old_remote then
signal.distant_refs[old_remote][main_pts] = nil
signal.aspects[main_pts] = nil
-- apply aspect on main signal, this also checks new_remote
-- notify my distants about this change (with limit 2)
if not skip_dst_notify then
signal.notify_distants_of(main_pts, 2)
-- Notify distant signals of main_pts of a change in the aspect of this signal
function signal.notify_distants_of(main_pts, limit)
if limit <= 0 then
local dstrefs = signal.distant_refs[main_pts]
if dstrefs then
for dst,_ in pairs(dstrefs) do
-- ensure that the backref is still valid
local dst_asp = signal.aspects[dst]
if dst_asp and dst_asp.remote == main_pts then
signal.notify_distants_of(dst, limit - 1)
atwarn("Distant signal backref is not purged: main =",main_pts,", distant =",dst,", remote =",dst_asp.remote,"")
function signal.notify_trains(pos)
local ipts, iconn = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_ip_by_signalpos(pos)
if not ipts then return end
local ipos = minetest.string_to_pos(ipts)
-- FIXME: invalidate_all_paths_ahead does not appear to always work as expected
minetest.after(0, advtrains.invalidate_all_paths, ipos)
-- Update waiting trains and distant signals about a changed signal aspect
-- Must be called when a signal's aspect changes through some other means
-- and not via the signal mechanism
function signal.notify_on_aspect_changed(pos, skip_dst_notify)
if not skip_dst_notify then
signal.notify_distants_of(advtrains.encode_pos(pos), 2)
-- Gets the stored main aspect and distant signal position for this signal
-- This information equals the information last passed to set_aspect
-- It does not take into consideration the actual speed signalling, please use
-- get_aspect_info() for this
-- pos: the position of the signal
-- returns: main_aspect, dst_pos
function signal.get_aspect(pos)
local aspt = signal.aspects[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)]
local ma,dp = signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
return ma, advtrains.decode_pos(dp)
function signal.get_distant_signals_of(pos)
local function cache_mainaspects(ndefat)
ndefat.main_aspects_lookup = {
-- always define halt aspect
halt = signal.MASP_HALT
for _,ma in ipairs(ndefat.main_aspects) then
ndefat.main_aspects_lookup[] = ma
function signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
if not aspt then
-- oh, no main aspect, nevermind
return nil, aspt.remote, nil
-- look aspect in nodedef
local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node_or_nil(pos)
local ndef = node and minetest.registered_nodes[]
local ndefat = ndef and ndef.advtrains
-- only if signal defines main aspect and its set in aspt
if ndefat and ndefat.main_aspects and aspt.main_aspect then
if not ndefat.main_aspects_lookup then
local masp = ndefat.main_aspects_lookup[]
-- if speed, then apply speed
if masp.speed and aspt.speed then
masp = table.copy(masp)
masp.speed = aspt.speed
return masp, aspt.remote, ndef
-- invalid node or no main aspect, return nil for masp
return nil, aspt.remote, ndef
-- For the signal at pos, get the "aspect info" table. This contains the speed signalling information at this location
function signal.get_aspect_info(pos)
-- get aspect internal
local aspt = signal.aspects[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)]
local masp, remote, ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
-- call into ndef
if ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info then
return ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info(pos, masp)
-- Called when either this signal has changed its main aspect
-- or when this distant signal's currently assigned main signal has changed its aspect
-- It retrieves the signal's main aspect and aspect info and calls apply_aspect of the node definition
-- to update the signal's appearance and aspect info
-- pts: The signal position to update as encoded_pos
function signal.reapply_aspect(pts, p_mainaspect)
-- returns: the return value of the nodedef call which may be aspect_info
function signal.reapply_aspect(pts)
-- get aspt
local aspt = signal.aspects[pts]
if not aspt then
return -- oop, nothing to do
-- resolve mainaspect table by name
local pos = advtrains.decode_pos(pts)
-- note: masp may be nil, when aspt.main_aspect was nil. Valid case for distant-only signals
local masp, remote, ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
-- if we have remote, resolve remote
local rem_masp, rem_aspi
if remote then
local rem_aspt = signal.aspects[remote]
if rem_aspt and then
local rem_pos = advtrains.decode_pos(remote)
rem_masp, _, rem_ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(rem_pos, rem_aspt)
if rem_masp then
if rem_ndef.advtrains and rem_ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info then
rem_aspi = rem_ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info(pos, rem_masp)
-- call into ndef
if ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.apply_aspect then
return ndef.advtrains.apply_aspect(pos, masp, rem_masp, rem_aspi)
-- notify trains
-- Update this signal's aspect based on the set route
@ -121,26 +343,16 @@ function signal.update_route_aspect(tcbs, skip_dst_notify)
function signal.can_dig(pos)
return not advtrains.interlocking.db.get_sigd_for_signal(pos)
function advtrains.interlocking.signal_after_dig(pos)
-- clear influence point
advtrains.distant.unassign_all(pos, true) -- TODO
-- Update waiting trains and distant signals about a changed signal aspect
function signal.notify_on_aspect_changed(pos, skip_dst_notify)
--TODO update distant?
local ipts, iconn = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_ip_by_signalpos(pos)
if not ipts then return end
local ipos = minetest.string_to_pos(ipts)
-- FIXME: invalidate_all_paths_ahead does not appear to always work as expected
minetest.after(0, advtrains.invalidate_all_paths, ipos)
-- TODO clear influence point
function signal.on_rightclick(pos, node, player, itemstack, pointed_thing)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ local function getzs3v(msp)
return speed
local setaspectf = function(rot)
local applyaspectf_main = function(rot)
return function(pos, node, main_aspect, dst_aspect, dst_aspect_info)
-- set zs3 signal to show speed according to main_aspect
setzs3(pos, asp.zs3, rot)
Reference in New Issue