Add function to get wagon in train from index

Can be used to determine which wagon is at a certain world position
Testing: use debugitems.lua
This commit is contained in:
orwell96 2023-05-27 12:09:10 +02:00
parent bbe3856e35
commit 283efc44ce
3 changed files with 104 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -51,3 +51,33 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("atyaw",
description = "Wagon position tester",
groups = {cracky=1}, -- key=name, value=rating; rating=1..3.
inventory_image = "drwho_screwdriver.png",
wield_image = "drwho_screwdriver.png",
stack_max = 1,
range = 7.0,
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
^ Shall place item and return the leftover itemstack
^ default: minetest.item_place ]]
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
local pos = pointed_thing.under
local trains = advtrains.occ.get_trains_at(pos)
for train_id, index in pairs(trains) do
local wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center = advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, index)
if wagon_num then
atdebug(wagon_num, wagon_id, offset_from_center)

View File

@ -375,6 +375,19 @@ function advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, index, offset)
return c_idx + frac
-- The path_dist[] table contains absolute distance values for every whole index.
-- Use this function to retrieve the correct absolute distance for a fractional index value (interpolate between floor and ceil index)
-- returns: absolute distance from path item 0
function advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, index)
local start_index_f = atfloor(index)
local frac = index - start_index_f
-- ensure path exists
advtrains.path_get_adjacent(train, index)
local dist1, dist2 = train.path_dist[start_index_f], train.path_dist[start_index_f+1]
return dist1 + (dist2-dist1)*frac
function advtrains.path_clear_unused(train)

View File

@ -1418,3 +1418,64 @@ advtrains.register_wagon("advtrains:wagon_placeholder", {
}, "Wagon placeholder", "advtrains_wagon_placeholder.png", true)
-- Helper function to retrieve the wagon at a certain position in a train, given its train ID and the desired index within that train's path
-- Returns: wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center
-- wagon_num: The n'th wagon in the train (index into "trainparts" table)
-- wagon_id: The wagon ID. Obtain wagon data from advtrains.wagons[wagon_id], and subsequently the wagon prototype via advtrains.get_wagon_prototype(data)
-- offset_from_center: The offset (an absolute distance value) from the center point of the wagon. Positive is towards the end of the train, negative towards the start. (note that this is inverse to the counting direction of the index!)
--[[ To get the wagon standing at a certain world position, you first need to retrieve the index via the occupation table, as follows:
local trains = advtrains.occ.get_trains_at(pos)
for train_id, index in pairs(trains) do
local wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center = advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, index)
if wagon_num then
function advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, w_index)
local train = advtrains.trains[train_id]
if not train then error("Passed train id "..train_id.." doesnt exist") end
-- ensure init - always required
advtrains.train_ensure_init(train_id, train)
-- Use path dist to determine the offset from the start of the train
local dstart = advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, train.index)
local dtarget = advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, w_index)
local dist_from_start = dstart - dtarget -- NOTE: dist_from_start is supposed to be positive, but dtarget will be smaller than dstart
-- if dist_from_start is <0, we are outside of train
if dist_from_start < 0 then
return nil
-- scan over wagons to see if dist_from_start falls into its window
local start_pos = 0
local center_pos
local end_pos
local i = 1
while train.trainparts[i] do
local w_id = train.trainparts[i]
-- get wagon prototype to retrieve wagon span
local wdata = advtrains.wagons[w_id]
if wdata then
local wtype, wproto = advtrains.get_wagon_prototype(wdata)
local wagon_span = wproto.wagon_span
-- determine center and end pos
center_pos = start_pos + wagon_span
end_pos = center_pos + wagon_span
if start_pos <= dist_from_start and dist_from_start < end_pos then
-- Found the correct wagon in the train!
local offset_from_center = dist_from_start - center_pos
return i, w_id, wdata, offset_from_center
-- go on
start_pos = end_pos
error("Wagon "..w_id.." from train "..train_id.." doesnt exist!")
i = i + 1
-- nothing found, dist must be further back
return nil