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API for mcl_stairs

Register your own stairs and slabs!

Quick start

Register platinum stair and slab based on node example:platinum:

mcl_stairs.register_stair_and_slab_simple("platinum", "example:platinum", "Platinum Stair", "Platinum Slab", "Double Platinum Slab")

mcl_stairs.register_stair_and_slab_simple(subname, sourcenode, desc_stair, desc_slab, double_description, corner_stair_texture_override)

Register a simple stair and a slab. The stair and slab will inherit all attributes from sourcenode. The sourcenode is also used as the item for crafting recipes.

This function is meant for simple nodes; if you need more flexibility, use one of the other functions instead.

See register_stair and register_slab for the itemstrings of the registered nodes.


  • subname: Name fragment for node itemstrings (see register_stair and register_slab)
  • sourcenode: The node on which this stair is based on
  • desc_stair: Description of stair node
  • desc_slab: Description of slab node
  • double_description: Description of double slab node
  • corner_stair_texture_override: Optional, see register_stair

mcl_stairs.register_stair_and_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, desc_stair, desc_slab, sounds, hardness, double_description, corner_stair_texture_override)

Register a simple stair and a slab, plus crafting recipes. In this function, you need to specify most things explicitly.


  • desc_stair: Description of stair node
  • desc_slab: Description of slab node
  • Other parameters: Same as for register_stair and register_slab

mcl_stairs.register_stair(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds, hardness, corner_stair_texture_override)

Registers a stair. This also includes the inner and outer corner stairs, they are added automatically. Also adds crafting recipes.

The itemstrings for the registered nodes will be of the form:

  • mcl_stairs:stair_<subname>: Normal stair
  • mcl_stairs:stair_<subname>_inner: Inner stair
  • mcl_stairs:stair_<subname>_outer: Outer stair


  • subname: Name fragment for node itemstrings (see above)
  • recipeitem: Item for crafting recipe. Use group: prefix to use a group instead
  • groups: Groups used for stair
  • images: Textures
  • description: Stair description/tooltip
  • sounds: Sounds table
  • hardness: MCL2 block hardness value
  • corner_stair_texture_override: Optional. Custom textures for corner stairs, see below

groups, images, sounds or hardness can be nil, in which case the value is inhereted from the recipeitem.


This optional parameter specifies the textures to be used for corner stairs.

It can be one of the following data types:

  • string: one of:
    • "default": Use same textures as original node
    • "woodlike": Take first frame of the original tiles, then take a triangle piece of the texture, rotate it by 90° and overlay it over the original texture
  • table: Specify textures explicitly. Table of tiles to override textures for inner and outer stairs. Table format: { tiles_def_for_outer_stair, tiles_def_for_inner_stair }
  • nil: Equivalent to "default"

mcl_stairs.register_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds, hardness, double_description)

Registers a slab and a corresponding double slab. Also adds crafting recipe.

The itemstrings for the registered nodes will be of the form:

  • mcl_stairs:slab_<subname>: Slab
  • mcl_stairs:slab_<subname>_top: Upper slab, used internally
  • mcl_stairs:slab_<subname>_double: Double slab


  • double_description: Node description/tooltip for double slab
  • Other parameters: Same as for register_stair