paramat 1906ab84f5 Default/functions: Tune speed of grass spread ABM
Through testing the chance is changed to 50 such that grass spread
speed matches that of the previous (0.4.13) ABM version.
2016-10-05 22:24:02 +01:00
beds Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
boats Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
bones Bones: Search for nearby 'air' for fallback bones placement 2016-09-10 05:19:15 +01:00
bucket Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
creative Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
default Default/functions: Tune speed of grass spread ABM 2016-10-05 22:24:02 +01:00
doors Doors: Remove ability to rotate doors with screwdrivers 2016-09-30 02:44:24 +01:00
dye Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
farming Farming: Remove unnecessary overriding of groups 2016-09-27 17:03:50 +01:00
fire Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
flowers Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
give_initial_stuff Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
nyancat Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
screwdriver Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
sethome Licenses: Change WTFPL to MIT (part 1) 2016-09-05 05:54:33 +01:00
stairs Stairs: Big simplification of slabs combination 2016-09-14 06:01:04 +01:00
tnt Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
vessels Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
walls Licenses: (Part 4) Remove overlooked WTFPL text. Cleanup 2016-09-08 06:17:05 +01:00
wool Change WTFPL to MIT (part 3) 2016-09-07 04:44:53 +01:00
xpanes Xpanes: Convert to connected nodeboxes 2016-09-10 05:18:02 +01:00