Alpha-v0.0.2a #1

thunderdog1138 wants to merge 321 commits from Alpha-v0.0.2a into master
1 changed files with 36 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 631680fd1f - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Shields -- Crafting Guide
| X | X | X |
| X | X | X |
| | X | |
[shields:shield_wood] X = [default:wood]
[shields:shield_cactus] X = [default:cactus]
[shields:shield_steel] X = [default:steel_ingot]
[shields:shield_bronze] X = [default:bronze_ingot]
[shields:shield_diamond] X = [default:diamond]
[shields:shield_gold] X = [default:gold_ingot]
[shields:shield_mithril] X = [moreores:mithril_ingot]
[shields:shield_crystal] X = [ethereal:crystal_ingot]
Enhanced Shields
| S |
| X |
| S |
[shields:shield_enhanced_wood] X = [shields:shield_wood]
[shields:shield_enhanced_cactus] X = [shields:shield_cactus]
S = [default:steel_ingot]