Acacia bush: Create a unique form different to normal bush, with more
leaf nodes at top than at base.
Acacia tree: Maximum height increased by 1 node. 2 extra nodes of
height variation.
Jungle tree: Add an extra node of height variation. Y-slices moved
downwards to be more balanced between trunk and branches, makes
branches more common.
Pine tree: Increase maximum height by 1 node. Add an extra node of
height variation.
Update sapling 'on place' protection checks for acacia and pine trees.
Dirt waters are more suitable for waterlilies
Add dedicated dunes biome in coniferous forest
Papyrus: use dirt base again
Force-place roots on mapgen tree schematics
Tune some humidity points to improve voronoi cells
Add random rotation to jungle trees
More complex distribution of dry grasses
Remove water below glacier rivers
Gravel as glacier seabed
Do not force-place acacia root
Tune acacia tree density
Match mgv5/v7 mushrooms to tree density
Spawn mgv6 mushrooms by trees