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2020-11-20 20:49:06 +01:00
--[[ Spawn Template, defaults to values shown if line not provided
name = "",
- Name of mob, must be provided e.g. "mymod:my_mob"
nodes = {"group:soil, "group:stone"},
- Nodes to spawn on top of.
neighbors = {"air"},
- Nodes to spawn beside.
min_light = 0,
- Minimum light level.
max_light = 15,
- Maximum light level, 15 is sunlight only.
interval = 30,
- Spawn interval in seconds.
chance = 5000,
- Spawn chance, 1 in every 5000 nodes.
active_object_count = 1,
- Active mobs of this type in area.
min_height = -31000,
- Minimum height level.
max_height = 31000,
- Maximum height level.
day_toggle = nil,
- Daytime toggle, true to spawn during day, false for night, nil for both
on_spawn = nil,
- On spawn function to run when mob spawns in world
on_map_load = nil,
- On map load, when true mob only spawns in newly generated map areas
-- NPC
name = "mobs_npc:npc",
nodes = {"default:brick"},
neighbors = {"default:grass_3"},
min_light = 10,
chance = 10000,
active_object_count = 1,
min_height = 0,
day_toggle = true,
-- Igor
name = "mobs_npc:igor",
nodes = {"mobs:meatblock"},
neighbors = {"default:brick"},
min_light = 10,
chance = 10000,
active_object_count = 1,
min_height = 0,
day_toggle = true,
-- Trader
name = "mobs_npc:trader",
nodes = {"default:diamondblock"},
neighbors = {"default:brick"},
min_light = 10,
chance = 10000,
active_object_count = 1,
min_height = 0,
day_toggle = true,