-- Weather: -- * rain -- * snow -- * wind assert(minetest.add_particlespawner, "I told you to run the latest GitHub!") rawset(_G,"weather_mod",false) weather_mod.modpath=minetest.get_modpath("weather") weather = (function() local file_name = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/weather" minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() local file = io.open(file_name, "w") file:write(minetest.serialize(weather)) file:close() end) local file = io.open(file_name, "r") if file ~= nil then local readweather = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*a")) file:close() if type(readweather)~="table" then return {type = "none", wind = 0} end return readweather end return {type = "none", wind = vector.new(0,0,0)} end) () dofile(weather_mod.modpath.."/api.lua") dofile(weather_mod.modpath.."/rain.lua") dofile(weather_mod.modpath.."/snow.lua") dofile(weather_mod.modpath.."/command.lua") weather_mod.handle_lightning()