print("venus test") local testt = { venus = "awesome", "lots of test",1,2, test2 = "hi" } local a = 0 for i = 0,5 do a = a + i end assert(a == 15) for i,el in pairs(testt) do print(i.." = "..el) end for _, el in pairs(testt ) do print(el) end -- comment -- comment --comment assert("//"=="/".."/") -- comment assert([[ ##]]=="#".."#","comment within [[string]] falsely detected") function a() return "function" end assert(a() =="function") assert([[ fn]]=="f".."n") do (function(...) local a = {...} for _, a in pairs(a ) do print(a) end end)("a","still a","also a") end do local a = 12 print(a) end a() function t() return "hi" end assert(t() =="hi") function t2() return "also hi" end assert(t2() =="also hi") if (true) then print("weewoo") end for i = 0, 10 do print(i) end for _, el in pairs({"lot's of test",2,"3",1} ) do print(el) end do local i = 0 while i < 10 do i = i + 1 if i%3 == 0 then print(i) elseif i%4 == 0 then print(i/4) end end end function callit(fun,t1,t2) return fun(t1,t2) end assert( callit(function() return "testing" end) == "testing") assert( callit(function(k,v) return k.." = "..v end, "this test", "more test") == "this test = more test" ) assert( callit(function(a , b) return (a-b)*4 end, 10, 6) == 16 ) print("test end") --[[ coming soon local i = 0 local j = 0 i = i + 1 j = j + 2 i++ j += 2 function dec(n) n-- return n-- not a decrement, only returns n, this is a comment end --]]