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2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
-- Minetest :: Stopwatch Mod v1.2 (stopwatch)
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
-- See README.txt for licensing and release notes.
-- Copyright (c) 2018, Leslie E. Krause
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
function Stopwatch( id, color, scale, prec )
local ts
local trials = { }
local factor = scale and ( { us = 1, ms = 1000, s = 1000000 } )[ scale ] or 1000
local escape = color and ( { none = 0, black = 30, red = 31, green = 32, yellow = 33, blue = 34, magenta = 35, cyan = 36, white = 37 } )[ color ] or 0
if not factor then error( "Unknown scale specified, aborting." ) end
if not escape then error( "Unknown color specified, aborting." ) end
if not id then error( "Invalid id specified, aborting." ) end
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
local clock = minetest.get_us_time
local sprintf = string.format
local push = table.insert
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
local str_count = sprintf( "** %-16s %13s %9s\n", "series", "count", "rep" )
.. string.gsub( "** \27[%dm%-16s %10.#f %2s %8dx\27[0m", "#", prec or 3 )
local str_total = sprintf( "** %-16s %13s %9s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "series", "total", "rep", "avg", "min", "max", "med", "dev" )
.. string.gsub( "** \27[%dm%-16s %10.#f %2s %8dx %10.#f %10.#f %10.#f %10.#f %10.#f\27[0m", "#", prec or 3 )
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
local function S( )
ts = clock( )
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
local function S_( is_show )
if not ts then error( "Trial not initiated, aborting." ) end
local v = clock( ) - ts
push( trials, v )
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
if is_show then
print( sprintf( str_count, escape, id, v / factor, scale or "ms", #trials ) )
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
minetest.register_on_shutdown( function ( )
local v_sum = 0
local v_var = 0
local v_min, v_max, v_med, v_avg, v_dev
if #trials > 0 then
for i, v in pairs( trials ) do
v_sum = v_sum + v
v_min = v_min and math.min( v_min, v ) or v
v_max = v_max and math.max( v_max, v ) or v
v_avg = v_sum / #trials
for i, v in pairs( trials ) do
v_var = v_var + math.pow( v - v_avg, 2 )
v_dev = math.sqrt( v_var / #trials )
v_med = v_min + ( v_max - v_min ) / 2
print( sprintf( str_total, escape, id, v_sum / factor, scale or "ms", #trials, v_avg / factor, v_min / factor, v_max / factor, v_med / factor, v_dev / factor ) )
2018-08-23 01:53:22 +02:00
end )
return S, S_