
413 lines
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-- Minetest :: Mobs Lite Mod (mobs)
-- See README.txt for licensing and release notes.
-- Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Leslie E. Krause
-- ./games/minetest_game/mods/mobs/monsters.lua
-- Ghastly the Ghost
mobs.register_mob( "mobs:ghost", {
type = "monster",
description = "Ghastly the Ghost",
timeout = 45,
mesh = "mobs_ghost.b3d",
collisionbox = { -0.25, 0, -0.3, 0.25, 1.3, 0.3 }, -- cardinal: left, bottom, back, right, top, front
drawtype = "front",
visual = "mesh",
visual_size = { x = 1, y = 1 },
height = 2,
y_offset = 0,
density = 0.5,
gravity = -0.1,
groups = { mob = 1, monster = 1, flies = 1, jumps = 1, mobile = 1 },
textures = { "mobs_ghost.png" },
makes_footstep_sound = false,
makes_bloodshed_effect = false,
hunger_params = { offset = -0.1, spread = 3.0 },
alertness_states = {
ignore = { view_offset = 2, view_radius = 8, view_height = 8, view_acuity = 0 },
attack = { view_offset = 2, view_radius = 14, view_height = 8, view_acuity = 3 },
escape = { view_offset = 2, view_radius = 14, view_height = 8, view_acuity = 3 },
certainty = 1.0,
sensitivity = 0.2,
fear_factor = 8,
flee_factor = 10,
attack_type = "shoot",
standoff = 4.0,
attack_range = 6.0,
escape_range = 2.5,
sneak_velocity = 0.2,
walk_velocity = 0.5,
recoil_velocity = 1.5,
run_velocity = 1.5,
stray_velocity = 1.5,
can_jump = true,
can_fly = true,
can_walk = false,
watch_players = { },
hunger = 5,
hp_max = 10,
hp_low = 9,
damage = 2,
armor = 100,
light_damage = 10,
water_damage = 0,
lava_damage = 0,
shoot_period = 1.25,
shoot_chance = 1,
weapon_params = { bullet = "mobs:fireball", rounds = 30, speed = 3.0 },
sounds = {
random = "mobs_ghost",
attack = "mobs_ghost",
animation = {
stand_start = 0,
stand_end = 80,
walk_start = 102,
walk_end = 122,
run_start = 102,
run_end = 122,
punch_start = 102,
punch_end = 122,
speed_normal = 10,
speed_run = 25,
drops = {
{ name = "default:coal_lump", chance = 2, min = 1, max = 4 },
} )
mobs.register_spawn( "mobs:ghost", {
nodenames = { "default:gravel" },
max_light = 3,
min_light = 0,
chance = 15,
max_object_count = 1,
max_height = 0,
min_height = -1023,
} )
-- Spider (aka Spidey)
mobs.register_mob( "mobs:spider", {
type = "monster",
description = "Spider",
timeout = 60,
mesh = "mobs_spider.x",
collisionbox = { -0.7, -0.01, -0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.7 },
drawtype = "front",
visual = "mesh",
visual_size = { x = 5, y = 5 },
height = 1,
y_offset = 0,
density = 0.3,
groups = { mob = 1, monster = 1, walks = 1, jumps = 1, mobile = 1 },
textures = { "mobs_spider.png" },
makes_footstep_sound = false,
makes_bloodshed_effect = true,
hunger_params = { offset = 0.3, spread = 4.0 },
alertness_states = {
ignore = { view_offset = 6, view_radius = 6, view_height = 6, view_acuity = 3 },
attack = { view_offset = 6, view_radius = 12, view_height = 6, view_acuity = 5 },
escape = { view_offset = 6, view_radius = 12, view_height = 6, view_acuity = 5 },
certainty = 1.0,
sensitivity = 0.2,
fear_factor = 10,
flee_factor = 8,
attack_type = "melee",
attack_range = 3.0,
escape_range = 3.0,
walk_velocity = 1.0,
stray_velocity = 1.0,
recoil_velocity = 0.5,
run_velocity = 3.0,
can_walk = true,
can_jump = true,
watch_players = { },
hunger = 6,
hp_max = 16,
hp_low = 4,
armor = 80,
damage = 4,
light_damage = 2,
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 6,
animation = {
stand_start = 1,
stand_end = 1,
walk_start = 20,
walk_end = 40,
run_start = 20,
run_end = 40,
punch_start = 50,
punch_end = 90,
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 30,
sounds = {
random = "mobs_spider",
attack = "mobs_spider",
damage_tool = "mobs_damage_tool",
damage_hand = "mobs_damage_hand",
drops = {
{ name = "farming:blueberries", chance = 6, min = 1, max = 2 },
{ name = "farming:raspberries", chance = 6, min = 1, max = 2 },
{ name = "default:grass_1", chance = 8, min = 1, max = 2 },
{ name = "default:shrub", chance = 8, min = 1, max = 2 },
on_rightclick = nil,
} )
mobs.register_spawn( "mobs:spider", {
nodenames = { "default:cobble" },
max_light = 3,
min_light = 0,
chance = 200,
max_object_count = 1,
max_height = 0,
min_height = -31,
} )
-- Bat (aka Paniki)
mobs.register_mob( "mobs:bat", {
type = "monster",
description = "Bat",
timeout = 30,
mesh = "mobs_paniki.b3d", --paniki from minetest defense
collisionbox = { -0.4, -0.2, -0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.4 },
drawtype = "side",
visual = "mesh",
visual_size = { x = 1.2, y = 1.2 },
height = 1,
y_offset = 0,
gravity = -0.1,
density = 0.3,
groups = { mob = 1, monster = 1, flies = 1, jumps = 1, mobile = 1 },
textures = { "mobs_paniki.png" }, --paniki from minetest defense
makes_footstep_sound = false,
makes_bloodshed_effect = true,
hunger_params = { offset = 1.0, spread = 1.0 },
alertness_states = {
ignore = { view_offset = 10, view_radius = 15, view_height = 15, view_acuity = 3 },
attack = { view_offset = 10, view_radius = 20, view_height = 15, view_acuity = 5 },
escape = { view_offset = 10, view_radius = 20, view_height = 15, view_acuity = 3 },
certainty = 1.0,
sensitivity = 0.3,
fear_factor = 8,
flee_factor = 6,
attack_type = "melee",
attack_range = 3.0,
escape_range = 5.0,
sneak_velocity = 1.0,
walk_velocity = 1.0,
stray_velocity = 0.5,
recoil_velocity = 0.5,
run_velocity = 2.0,
can_jump = true,
can_fly = true,
can_walk = false,
watch_players = { },
hunger = 6,
hp_max = 8,
hp_low = 2,
armor = 100,
damage = 2,
light_damage = 2,
water_damage = 6,
lava_damage = 6,
animation = {
stand_start = 30,
stand_end = 59,
walk_start = 30,
walk_end = 59,
run_start = 60,
run_end = 89,
punch_start = 60,
punch_end = 89,
speed_normal = 30,
speed_run = 30,
sounds = {
random = "mobs_bat",
attack = "mobs_bat",
damage_tool = "mobs_damage_tool",
damage_hand = "mobs_damage_hand",
drops = {
{ name = "default:apple", chance = 4, min = 1, max = 2 },
{ name = "default:orange", chance = 4, min = 1, max = 2 },
} )
mobs.register_spawn_near( "mobs:bat", {
nodenames = { "default:leaves" },
max_light = 3,
min_light = 0,
chance = 8,
vert_shift = 0,
safe_edge1 = -350, -5, -350 ),
safe_edge2 = 350, 50, 350 ),
is_area_safe = true,
} )
-- Oerrki (aka Okie)
mobs.register_mob( "mobs:griefer_ghost", {
type = "monster",
description = "Oerrki",
timeout = 60,
mesh = "mobs_oerkki.x",
collisionbox = { -0.4, -0.01, -0.4, 0.4, 1.9, 0.4 },
drawtype = "front",
visual = "mesh",
visual_size = { x = 5, y = 5 },
height = 2,
y_offset = 0,
density = 0.5,
groups = { mob = 1, monster = 1, walks = 1, jumps = 1, mobile = 1 },
textures = { "mobs_oerkki.png" },
makes_footstep_sound = true,
makes_bloodshed_effect = false,
hunger_params = { offset = 0.3, spread = 6.0 },
alertness_states = {
ignore = { view_offset = 5, view_radius = 10, view_height = 8, view_acuity = 2 },
attack = { view_offset = 5, view_radius = 20, view_height = 8, view_acuity = 2 },
escape = { view_offset = 5, view_radius = 20, view_height = 8, view_acuity = 2 },
certainty = 1.0,
sensitivity = 0.6,
fear_factor = 4,
flee_factor = 10,
attack_type = "melee",
attack_range = 3.0,
escape_range = 4.0,
walk_velocity = 1.0,
stray_velocity = 1.0,
recoil_velocity = 0.5,
run_velocity = 3.0,
can_jump = true,
can_walk = true,
watch_players = { },
hunger = 2,
hp_max = 12,
hp_low = 4,
armor = 80,
damage = 2,
light_damage = 6,
water_damage = 2,
lava_damage = 2,
animation = {
stand_start = 0,
stand_end = 23,
walk_start = 24,
walk_end = 36,
run_start = 37,
run_end = 49,
punch_start = 37,
punch_end = 49,
speed_normal = 15,
speed_run = 15,
sounds = {
random = "mobs_oerkki",
attack = "mobs_oerkki",
drops = {
{ name = "default:papyrus", chance = 6, min = 1, max = 2 },
{ name = "default:cactus", chance = 6, min = 1, max = 2 },
{ name = "farming:pumpkin_slice", chance = 8, min = 1, max = 2 },
{ name = "farming:melon_slice", chance = 8, min = 1, max = 2 },
} )
mobs.register_spawn( "mobs:griefer_ghost", {
nodenames = { "default:stone" },
max_light = 3,
min_light = 0,
chance = 12000,
max_object_count = 1,
max_height = -512,
min_height = -1023
} )
mobs.register_spawner_node( "mobs:cursed_stone", {
description = "Cursed Stone",
tiles = {
is_ground_content = false,
groups = { cracky = 1, level = 2 },
drop = "default:goldblock",
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults( ),
chance = 6,
min_light = 0,
max_light = 3,
mob_name = "mobs:griefer_ghost",
} )
minetest.register_craft( {
output = "mobs:cursed_stone",
recipe = {
{ "default:obsidian", "default:obsidian", "default:obsidian" },
{ "default:obsidian", "default:goldblock", "default:obsidian" },
{ "default:obsidian", "default:obsidian", "default:obsidian" },
} )