-------------------------------------------------------- -- Minetest :: Mobs Lite Mod (mobs) -- -- See README.txt for licensing and release notes. -- Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Leslie E. Krause -- -- ./games/minetest_game/mods/mobs/init.lua -------------------------------------------------------- mobs = { } local source_list = { } local connected_players = { } world_gravity = -10 liquid_density = 0.5 liquid_viscosity = 0.6 -------------------- local random = math.random local floor = math.floor local min = math.min local max = math.max local sqrt = math.sqrt local pow = math.pow local abs = math.abs local pi = math.pi local atan2 = math.atan2 local sin = math.sin local cos = math.cos local rad_360 = 2 * pi local rad_180 = pi local rad_90 = pi / 2 local rad_60 = pi / 3 local rad_45 = pi / 4 local rad_30 = pi / 6 local rad_20 = pi / 9 local rad_0 = 0 -------------------- local function Timekeeper( this ) local timer_defs = { } local clock = 0.0 local delay = 0.0 local self = { } self.shift = function ( dtime ) delay = delay + dtime end self.unshift = function ( ) delay = 0.0 end self.start = function ( period, name, func ) timer_defs[ name ] = { cycles = 0, period = period, expiry = clock + delay + period, started = clock, func = func } end self.start_now = function ( period, name, func ) if func( this, 0, period, 0.0, 0.0 ) then timer_defs[ name ] = { cycles = 0, period = period, expiry = clock + period, started = clock, func = func } end end self.clear = function ( name ) timer_defs[ name ] = nil end self.on_step = function ( dtime ) clock = clock + dtime local timers = { } for k, v in pairs( timer_defs ) do if clock >= v.expiry and clock > v.started then timer_defs[ k ].expiry = clock + v.period timer_defs[ k ].cycles = v.cycles + 1 -- callback( this, cycles, period, elapsed, overrun ) if v.func and v.func( this, v.cycles, v.period, clock - v.started, clock - v.expiry ) then self.clear( k ) end timers[ k ] = v end end return timers end return self end -------------------- local function effect( pos, amount, texture, min_size, max_size, radius, gravity ) minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = amount, time = 0.5, minpos = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z }, maxpos = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1.5, z = pos.z }, minvel = {x = -radius, y = -radius, z = -radius}, maxvel = {x = radius, y = radius, z = radius}, minacc = {x = 0, y = gravity, z = 0}, maxacc = {x = 0, y = gravity, z = 0}, minexptime = 0.1, maxexptime = 1, minsize = min_size, maxsize = max_size, texture = texture, }) end local function smoke_effect( pos ) effect(pos, 8, "tnt_smoke.png", 1.4, 1.6, 2, 0 ) end local function blood_effect( pos ) effect(pos, 4, "mobs_blood.png", 1.2, 1.4, 2, -10 ) end -------------------- local function node_locator( pos, size, time, color ) if is_debug then minetest.add_particle( { pos = pos, velocity = { x=0, y=0, z=0 }, acceleration = { x=0, y=0, z=0 }, exptime = time + 4, size = size, collisiondetection = false, vertical = true, texture = "wool_" .. color .. ".png", }) end end local function printf( ... ) print( string.format( ... ) ) end -------------------- local function normalize_angle( r ) -- stackoverflow.com/questions/1878907/the-smallest-difference-between-2-angles return atan2( sin( r ), cos( r ) ) end local function get_vector_angle( p1, p2 ) return atan2( p2.z - p1.z, p2.x - p1.x ) end local function get_vector_height( p1, p2 ) -- get altitude from p1 to p2 return abs( p2.y - p1.y ) end local function get_vector_length( p1, p2 ) -- get distance from p1 to p2 return sqrt( pow( p2.x - p1.x, 2 ) + pow( p2.z - p1.z, 2 ) ) end local function get_vector_incline( p1, p2 ) local h = get_vector_length( p1, p2 ) local v = p2.y - p1.y return v / h end local function ramp( f, cur_v, max_v ) -- min function handles NaN, but let's err on the side of caution return max_v == 0 and f or f * min( 1, cur_v / max_v ) end local function sign( v ) return random( 2 ) == 1 and v or -v end local function lower_random( v_limit, v_ratio ) return sign( v_ratio * random( ) * v_limit ) end local function upper_random( v_limit, v_ratio ) return sign( v_limit - v_ratio * random( ) * v_limit ) end local function get_power_decrease( scale, power, value ) return value <= 1 - scale and 1.0 or max( 1 - pow( ( scale + value - 1 ) / scale, 1 + power ), 0 ) end local function get_power_increase( scale, power, value ) return value >= scale and 1.0 or 1 - math.pow( ( scale - value ) / scale, 1 + power ) end local function check_limits( v, min_v, max_v ) return v >= min_v and v <= max_v end local function random_range( min_v, max_v ) return random( min_v * 100, max_v * 100 ) / 100 end -------------------- minetest.register_on_joinplayer( function( player ) local name = player:get_player_name( ) connected_players[ name ] = player -- maintain our own lookup table for efficiency end ) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer( function( player, is_timeout ) local name = player:get_player_name( ) -- delete all target references (if applicable) for id, this in pairs( source_list ) do if this.target == player then this:reset_target( ) end end connected_players[ name ] = nil end ) -------------------- local globaltimer = Timekeeper( { } ) minetest.register_globalstep( function ( dtime ) globaltimer.on_step( dtime ) end ) -------------------- mobs.register_mob = function ( name, def ) minetest.register_entity( name, { type = def.type, hp_max = def.hp_max, hp_low = def.hp_low, physical = true, mesh = def.mesh, collisionbox = def.collisionbox, visual = def.visual, visual_size = def.visual_size, height = def.height, y_offset = def.y_offset, gravity = def.gravity or world_gravity, density = def.density or 0.5, textures = def.textures, makes_footstep_sound = def.makes_footstep_sound, makes_bloodshed_effect = def.makes_bloodshed_effect, death_message = def.death_message, alertness_states = def.alertness_states, sensitivity = def.sensitivity or 0.0, certainty = def.certainty or 1.0, attack_range = def.attack_range, escape_range = def.escape_range, follow_range = def.follow_range, sneak_velocity = def.sneak_velocity, walk_velocity = def.walk_velocity, run_velocity = def.run_velocity, stray_velocity = def.stray_velocity, recoil_velocity = def.recoil_velocity, standoff = def.standoff or 5, damage = def.damage, light_damage = def.light_damage or 0, water_damage = def.water_damage or 0, lava_damage = def.lava_damage or 0, enable_fall_damage = def.enable_fall_damage, drops = def.drops, armor = def.armor, yaw_origin = def.drawtype == "front" and 0 or -rad_90, drawtype = def.drawtype, on_rightclick = def.on_rightclick, attack_type = def.attack_type, projectile = def.projectile, shoot_period = def.shoot_period, shoot_chance = def.shoot_chance, weapon_params = def.weapon_params, watch_wielditems = def.watch_wielditems, watch_players = def.watch_players, sounds = def.sounds, animation = def.animation, fear_factor = def.fear_factor, flee_factor = def.flee_factor, can_jump = def.can_jump or false, can_fly = def.can_fly or false, can_walk = def.can_walk or false, enable_climbing = true, enable_swimming = true, shoot_count = 0, timeout = def.timeout, is_tamed = false, description = def.description, -- prepare noise generator with seed, octaves, persistence, spread hunger_noise = PerlinNoise( random( 1000 ), 1, 0, def.hunger_params.spread ), hunger_offset = def.hunger_params.offset, -- primitive movement functions -- set_speed = function( self, speed ) self.speed = speed self.object:set_speed( speed ) end, set_speed_lateral = function( self, speed_x, speed_y ) self.speed = speed_y self.object:set_speed_lateral( speed_x, speed_y ) end, set_velocity_vert = function ( self, vel_y ) self.object:set_velocity_vert( vel_y ) self.object:set_acceleration_vert( self.gravity ) end, set_acceleration_vert = function ( self, acc_y ) self.object:set_acceleration_vert( acc_y ) end, set_yaw = function ( self, yaw ) self.object:set_yaw( yaw ) end, turn_to = function ( self, yaw, period ) local yaw_delta = normalize_angle( yaw - self.yaw ) self.object:turn_by( yaw_delta, period / 10 ) end, turn_by = function ( self, yaw_delta, period ) self.object:turn_by( yaw_delta, period / 10 ) end, move_by = function ( self, pos_delta, period ) self.object:move_by( pos_delta, period / 10 ) end, get_random_yaw = function ( self, r_limit, r_ratio ) return self.yaw + upper_random( r_limit, r_ratio or 1 ) end, get_direct_yaw = function ( self, pos ) -- convert to world coordinate system return get_vector_angle( self.pos, pos ) - rad_90 - self.yaw_origin end, get_target_yaw = function ( self, pos, r_limit, r_ratio ) return self:get_direct_yaw( pos ) + upper_random( r_limit, r_ratio or 1 ) end, get_target_yaw_delta = function ( self, pos ) local yaw = self:get_direct_yaw( pos ) return abs( normalize_angle( yaw - self.yaw ) ) end, -- collision processing -- get_pos_ahead = function ( self, outset, angle ) -- convert from world coordinate system local rot = angle + self.yaw_origin return vector.round( { x = self.pos.x - sin( self.yaw + rot ) * ( self.collisionbox[ 4 ] + outset ), y = self.pos.y, z = self.pos.z + cos( self.yaw + rot ) * ( self.collisionbox[ 4 ] + outset ) } ) end, can_walk_ahead = function ( self, outset, angle ) local fpos = self:get_pos_ahead( outset, angle ) local unknown_ndef = { groups = { }, walkable = false } if self.height < 2 then local node = minetest.get_node( fpos ) local ndef = core.registered_nodes[ node.name ] or unknown_ndef -- account for unknown nodes local is_airlike = not ndef.walkable --node_locator( vector.offset_y( fpos ), 4.5, 1.0, is_airlike and "green" or angle == 0 and "white" or "red" ) return is_airlike else local node_below = minetest.get_node( fpos ) local node_above = minetest.get_node_above( fpos ) local ndef_below = core.registered_nodes[ node_below.name ] or unknown_ndef -- account for unknown nodes local ndef_above = core.registered_nodes[ node_above.name ] or unknown_ndef local is_airlike = not ndef_below.walkable and not ndef_above.walkable --node_locator( vector.offset_y( fpos ), 4.5, 1.0, is_airlike and "green" or angle == 0 and "white" or "red" ) return is_airlike end end, -- sensory processing -- check_suspect = function ( self, target, elapsed ) local player_name = target:get_player_name( ) local wielditem_name = target:get_wielded_item( ):get_name( ) local suspect = self.watch_players[ player_name ] or self.watch_wielditems[ wielditem_name ] if type( suspect ) == "function" then return suspect( self, player_name, wielditem_name, elapsed or 0.0 ) else return suspect end end, is_starving = function ( self ) local hunger = self.hunger_noise:get2d( { x = self.timeout, y = 0 } ) -- offset of -1 is never hungry, offset of 1 is always hungry return hunger > -self.hunger_offset end, is_paranoid = function ( self, target_pos ) local length = get_vector_length( self.pos, target_pos ) local this = self.alertness if not this or length > 48 then return false else local view_range = this.view_radius + this.view_offset local view_pos = this.view_offset == 0.0 and self.pos or vector.new( self.pos.x - sin( self.yaw + self.yaw_origin ) * this.view_offset, self.pos.y, self.pos.z + cos( self.yaw + self.yaw_origin ) * this.view_offset ) local radius = get_vector_length( view_pos, target_pos ) local height = get_vector_height( view_pos, target_pos ) local clarity = get_power_decrease( 1.0, this.view_acuity, length / view_range ) -- certainty factor ranges from 0 (target never evident) to 1 (target always evident) -- sensitivity threshold ranges from 0 (full perception) to 1 (no perception) --node_locator( vector.offset_y( view_pos ), 4.5, 1.0, "yellow" ) --printf( "is_paranoid(%s):\n[%s] radius <= view_radius\n[%s] height <= view_height\n%0.2f = clarity (%0.2f = sensitivity, %0.2f = certainty)", self.name, radius <= this.view_radius and "x" or " ", height <= this.view_height and "x" or " ", clarity, self.sensitivity, self.certainty ) return radius <= this.view_radius and height <= this.view_height and clarity > self.sensitivity and clarity * self.certainty > random( ) end end, fire_weapon = function ( self, target_pos ) local params = self.weapon_params if self.shoot_count <= params.rounds then local launch_pos = vector.offset_y( self.pos, ( self.collisionbox[ 2 ] + self.collisionbox[ 5 ] ) / 2 ) local obj = minetest.add_entity( launch_pos, params.bullet ) obj:get_luaentity( ):launch( self.yaw, params.speed, get_vector_incline( launch_pos, target_pos ) ) self.shoot_count = self.shoot_count + 1 end end, -- state-change handlers -- reset_target = function ( self ) if self.target then self:set_ignore_state( ) end end, set_ignore_state = function ( self ) if self.state == "ignore" then return end self.state = "ignore" self.target = nil self.alertness = self.alertness_states.ignore self.is_tamed = false self:start_ignore_action( ) end, set_escape_state = function ( self, target ) if self.state == "escape" then return end self.state = "escape" self.target = target self.alertness = self.alertness_states.escape self.is_tamed = false if random( 2 ) == 1 then -- this is a bad player, so keep watch self.watch_players[ target:get_player_name( ) ] = "escape" end self:start_escape_action( ) end, set_follow_state = function ( self, target ) if self.state == "follow" then return end self.state = "follow" self.target = target self.alertness = self.alertness_states.follow self.is_tamed = true self:start_follow_action( ) end, set_attack_state = function ( self, target ) if self.state == "attack" then return end self.state = "attack" self.target = target self.alertness = self.alertness_states.attack self.is_tamed = false self:start_attack_action( ) end, -- action hooks -- start_ignore_action = function ( self ) if not self.move_result.is_standing then -- always stand when in mid-air self:set_speed( 0 ) self:set_animation( self.can_fly and "swim" or "stand" ) elseif self:is_starving( ) then self:set_speed( self.walk_velocity ) self:set_animation( "walk" ) else self:set_speed( 0 ) self:set_animation( "stand" ) end self.timekeeper.start( 1.0, "hunger", self.handle_hunger ) self.timekeeper.start( 1.0, "action", self.on_ignore_action ) end, on_ignore_action = function ( self, cycles ) -- handle standing and walking motion if self.speed == 0 then if random( 3 ) == 1 then -- turn randomly, because we're bored self:turn_to( self:get_random_yaw( rad_180 ), random( 2 ) == 1 and 10 or 20 ) end -- don't stand still when hungry if self:is_starving( ) then if self.can_fly and random( 2 ) == 1 then self:set_speed( self.run_velocity ) self:set_velocity_vert( self.run_velocity ) self:set_animation( "swim" ) else self:set_speed( self.walk_velocity ) self:set_animation( "walk" ) end elseif self.can_walk and self.move_result.is_standing then self:set_animation( "stand" ) elseif self.can_fly then local is_above = minetest.line_of_sight( self.pos, { x = self.pos.x, y = self.pos.y - self.standoff, z = self.pos.z }, 1 ) if self.can_walk then -- slowly descend until reaching ground self.object:set_velocity_vert( -self.walk_velocity ) elseif is_above then self.object:set_velocity_vert( random_range( -self.sneak_velocity, 0 ) ) else self.object:set_velocity_vert( random_range( 0, self.sneak_velocity ) ) end self:set_animation( "swim" ) end else if not self:can_walk_ahead( 1.0, 0 ) then if self:can_walk_ahead( 0.8, rad_90 ) then self:turn_by( rad_60, 5 ) elseif self:can_walk_ahead( 0.8, -rad_90 ) then self:turn_by( -rad_60, 5 ) else self:turn_by( rad_180, 20 ) end elseif random( 3 ) == 1 then -- otherwise occasionally change direction self:turn_to( self:get_random_yaw( rad_60 ), 20 ) end if self.move_result.is_standing then if self.can_jump and random( 10 ) == 1 then -- random jump self.object:set_velocity_vert( 5 ) end if not self:is_starving( ) then self:set_speed( 0 ) self:set_animation( "stand" ) else self:set_animation( "walk" ) end elseif self.can_fly then -- random vertical flight pattern, keeping clear of ground obstacles local is_above = minetest.line_of_sight( self.pos, { x = self.pos.x, y = self.pos.y - self.standoff, z = self.pos.z }, 1 ) if not self:is_starving( ) then self:set_speed( 0 ) self.object:set_velocity_vert( is_above and -self.walk_velocity ) elseif is_above then self.object:set_velocity_vert( random_range( -self.sneak_velocity, self.sneak_velocity ) ) else self.object:set_velocity_vert( self.walk_velocity ) end self:set_animation( "swim" ) end end end, start_escape_action = function ( self ) local target_pos = vector.offset_y( self.target:get_pos( ) ) local dist = vector.distance( self.pos, target_pos ) if self:get_target_yaw_delta( target_pos ) < rad_60 and dist <= self.escape_range then -- recoil if facing intruder self:set_speed( -self.recoil_velocity ) else -- otherwise run in current direction self:set_speed( self.run_velocity ) end if self.can_fly then self:set_velocity_vert( self.walk_velocity ) self:set_animation( "swim" ) else self:set_animation( "walk" ) end if self.sounds and self.sounds.escape and random( 2 ) == 1 then minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.escape, { object = self.object } ) end self.timekeeper.clear( "hunger" ) self.timekeeper.start( 0.5, "action", self.on_escape_action ) end, on_escape_action = function ( self, cycles ) if not self.target:is_player( ) then -- check for valid target self:set_ignore_state( ) return end local target_pos = vector.offset_y( self.target:get_pos( ), 0.5 ) local dist = vector.distance( self.pos, target_pos ) if cycles % 2 == 0 then if not self:is_paranoid( target_pos ) or random( 10 ) > self.flee_factor then self:set_ignore_state( ) return end end if dist <= self.escape_range then -- if close, keep backtracking if cycles % 2 == 0 then -- turn every 1.0 seconds (2 cycles) self:turn_to( self:get_target_yaw( target_pos, rad_20 ), 10 ) end if self.speed > 0 then self:set_speed( -self.recoil_velocity ) self:set_animation( self.can_fly and "swim" or "walk" ) end else -- otherwise turn and run away if cycles % 4 == 0 and self:get_target_yaw_delta( target_pos ) < rad_60 then -- turn immediately if facing target self:turn_to( self:get_target_yaw( target_pos, rad_60 ) + rad_180, 20 ) elseif cycles % 2 == 0 then -- otherwise turn every 1.0 seconds (2 cycles) self:turn_to( self:get_target_yaw( target_pos, rad_30 ) + rad_180, 10 ) end if self.speed <= 0 then self:set_speed( self.run_velocity ) self:set_animation( self.can_fly and "swim" or "run" ) end end if self.can_fly then local is_above = minetest.line_of_sight( self.pos, { x = self.pos.x, y = self.pos.y - self.standoff, z = self.pos.z }, 1 ) if is_above then self.object:set_velocity_vert( random_range( -self.stray_velocity, self.stray_velocity ) ) else self.object:set_velocity_vert( random_range( self.walk_velocity, self.run_velocity ) ) end elseif self.can_jump and self.move_result.is_standing then if self.yield_level < 3 and self.move_result.collides_xz then self.yield_level = self.yield_level + 1 self:set_velocity_vert( 5 ) end end end, start_follow_action = function ( self ) self:turn_to( self:get_target_yaw( self.target:get_pos( ), rad_20 ), 10 ) self:set_speed( self.recoil_velocity ) self:set_animation( "walk" ) self.timekeeper.clear( "hunger" ) self.timekeeper.start( 0.5, "action", self.on_follow_action ) end, on_follow_action = function ( self, cycles, period, elapsed ) local target_pos = self.target:get_pos( ) local dist = get_vector_length( self.pos, target_pos ) if cycles % 2 == 0 then if not self:is_paranoid( target_pos ) or self:check_suspect( self.target, elapsed ) ~= "follow" then self:set_ignore_state( ) return end end if cycles % 2 == 0 then if self:get_target_yaw_delta( target_pos ) > rad_45 then self:turn_to( self:get_target_yaw( target_pos, rad_20 ), 10 ) end end if dist <= self.follow_range then if self.speed > 0 then self:set_speed( 0 ) self:set_animation( "stand" ) -- if self.on_wielditem( self, self.target ) -- if self.target:get_entity_name( ) then -- end end else if self.speed == 0 then self:set_speed( self.walk_velocity ) self:set_animation( "walk" ) else if self.can_fly then -- descend or ascend to slightly above player altitude, but prevent incessant bobbing local v = 0 if target_pos.y + 2.5 > self.pos.y then v = self.walk_velocity elseif target_pos.y + 0.5 < self.pos.y then v = -self.walk_velocity end self:set_velocity_vert( v ) elseif self.can_jump and self.move_result.is_standing then if self.yield_level < 3 and self.move_result.collides_xz then self.yield_level = self.yield_level + 1 self.object:set_velocity_vert( 5 ) elseif random( 2 ) == 1 then self.object:set_velocity_vert( 5 ) end end end end end, start_attack_action = function ( self ) self:set_speed( self.run_velocity ) self:set_animation( "run" ) self:turn_to( self:get_target_yaw( self.target:get_pos( ), rad_90 ), 10 ) if self.sounds and self.sounds.attack and random( 2 ) == 1 then minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.attack, { object = self.object } ) end self.timekeeper.clear( "hunger" ) self.timekeeper.start( 0.2, "action", self.on_attack_action ) end, on_attack_action = function ( self, cycles ) if not self.target:is_player( ) or self.target:get_hp( ) == 0 or self.target:get_attach( ) then self:set_ignore_state( ) return end local target_pos = vector.offset_y( self.target:getpos( ), 0.5 ) local dist = vector.distance( self.pos, target_pos ) if cycles % 5 == 0 then if not self:is_paranoid( target_pos ) then self:set_ignore_state( ) return end end self:turn_to( self:get_direct_yaw( target_pos ), 5 ) if dist <= self.attack_range then if self.attack_type == "shoot" then if cycles % ( self.shoot_period * 5 ) == 0 and random( self.shoot_chance ) == 1 then if self.sounds and self.sounds.attack and random( 2 ) == 1 then minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.attack, { object = self.object } ) end self:fire_weapon( target_pos ) self:set_animation( "punch" ) else self:set_animation( self.can_fly and "swim" or "walk" ) end elseif self.attack_type == "melee" then if cycles % 5 == 0 then if self.sounds and self.sounds.attack and random( 3 ) == 1 then minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.attack, { object = self.object } ) end -- if minetest.line_of_sight( pos, target_pos, 0.5 ) then -- do not hit player through walls! self.target:punch( self.object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups = { fleshy=self.damage } }, vector.direction( self.pos, target_pos ) ) -- end self:set_animation( "punch" ) else self:set_animation( self.can_fly and "swim" or "walk" ) end end if self.can_fly and cycles % 2 == 0 then local v = self.new_vel.y if target_pos.y + 0.5 > self.pos.y then v = self.stray_velocity elseif target_pos.y + 2.5 < self.pos.y then v = -self.stray_velocity elseif dist < 1.0 then v = self.stray_velocity else v = random_range( -self.stray_velocity, self.stray_velocity ) end self:set_velocity_vert( v ) end if random( 5 ) == 1 then -- dodge player by sidestepping at random intervals self:set_speed_lateral( random( -self.stray_velocity, self.stray_velocity ), 0 ) end else if self.can_fly and cycles % 2 == 0 then local v = self.new_vel.y -- descend or ascend to slightly above player altitude, but prevent incessant bobbing if target_pos.y + 0.5 > self.pos.y then v = target_pos.y - self.pos.y > self.standoff and self.run_velocity or self.stray_velocity elseif target_pos.y + 2.5 < self.pos.y then v = target_pos.y - self.pos.y < -self.standoff and -self.run_velocity or -self.stray_velocity elseif dist > self.attack_range * 2 then v = self.stray_velocity elseif random( 10 ) == 1 then v = random_range( -self.stray_velocity, self.stray_velocity ) end self:set_velocity_vert( v ) elseif self.can_jump and self.move_result.is_standing and self.yield_level < 3 and self.move_result.collides_xz then self.yield_level = self.yield_level + 1 self:set_velocity_vert( 5 ) end if self:get_target_yaw_delta( target_pos ) > rad_30 then -- defend from turn-strafing if random( 15 ) == 1 then self:set_speed( 0 ) end self:set_animation( "walk" ) elseif self.speed <= 0 then self:set_speed( self.run_velocity ) self:set_animation( "run" ) end end end, -- animation handler -- set_animation = function ( self, type ) if not self.animation or self.cur_animation == type then return end if type == "stand" then if self.animation.stand_start and self.animation.stand_end and self.animation.speed_normal then self.object:set_animation( { x = self.animation.stand_start, y = self.animation.stand_end }, self.animation.speed_normal, 0 ) end elseif type == "walk" then if self.animation.walk_start and self.animation.walk_end and self.animation.speed_normal then self.object:set_animation( { x = self.animation.walk_start, y = self.animation.walk_end }, self.animation.speed_normal, 0 ) end elseif type == "run" then if self.animation.run_start and self.animation.run_end and self.animation.speed_run then self.object:set_animation( { x = self.animation.run_start, y = self.animation.run_end }, self.animation.speed_run, 0 ) end elseif type == "swim" then if self.animation.swim_start and self.animation.swim_end and self.animation.speed_swim then self.object:set_animation( { x = self.animation.swim_start, y = self.animation.swim_end }, self.animation.speed_swim, 0 ) end elseif type == "punch" then if self.animation.punch_start and self.animation.punch_end and self.animation.speed_normal then self.object:set_animation( { x = self.animation.punch_start, y = self.animation.punch_end }, self.animation.speed_normal, 0 ) end else return -- not a valid animation type, so abort end self.cur_animation = type end, -- damage and hunger routines -- handle_damage = function ( self ) -- handle environmental damage (light, water, and lava) local hp = self.object:get_hp( ) local node = minetest.get_node_above( self.pos, 0.5 ) local time_of_day = minetest.get_timeofday( ) if node.name == "ignore" then return end -- mapblock is not loaded, so abort! if self.light_damage and self.light_damage > 0 and self.pos.y > 0 and minetest.get_node_light( self.pos ) > 4 and check_limits( time_of_day, 0.2, 0.8 ) then hp = hp - self.light_damage self.object:set_hp( hp ) if hp <= 0 then smoke_effect( self.pos ) self.object:remove( ) end end if self.water_damage and self.water_damage > 0 and minetest.get_item_group( node.name, "water" ) ~= 0 then hp = hp - self.water_damage self.object:set_hp( hp ) if hp <= 0 then smoke_effect( self.pos ) self.object:remove( ) end end if self.lava_damage and self.lava_damage > 0 and minetest.get_item_group( node.name, "lava" ) ~= 0 then hp = hp - self.lava_damage self.object:set_hp( hp ) if hp <= 0 then smoke_effect( self.pos ) self.object:remove( ) end end end, handle_hunger = function ( self ) if self.sounds and self.sounds.random and random( 35 ) == 1 then minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.random, { object = self.object } ) end -- when not upset, seek out food or prey at random intervals for _, player in pairs( connected_players ) do local player_pos = player:getpos( ) if not player:get_attach( ) and self:is_paranoid( player_pos ) then if random( 10 ) <= self.fear_factor and player:get_hp( ) > 0 then if self.type == "monster" then self:set_attack_state( player ) return else self:set_escape_state( player ) return end elseif self.type == "animal" then local state = self:check_suspect( player ) if state == "escape" then self:set_escape_state( player ) return elseif state == "follow" then self:set_follow_state( player ) return end end end end end, -- generic callbacks -- on_step = function( self, dtime, pos, rot, new_vel, old_vel, move_result ) self.pos = pos self.yaw = rot.Y self.new_vel = new_vel self.move_result = move_result local hp = self.object:get_hp( ) if hp == 0 then self.object:remove( ) return end self.timeout = self.timeout - dtime if self.timeout <= 0 and not self.tamed then smoke_effect( pos ) self.object:remove( ) return end if self.enable_fall_damage and move_result.collides_y and old_vel.y < -5 then local damage = floor( -old_vel.y - 5 ) + 0.5 self.object:set_hp( hp - damage ) if hp - damage <= 0.0 then smoke_effect( pos ) self.object:remove( ) return end end if move_result.is_swimming then local drag = -new_vel.y * liquid_viscosity * 1.5 local buoyancy = self.density - liquid_density self.object:set_acceleration_vert( world_gravity * buoyancy + drag ) self.is_floating = true elseif self.is_swimming then self.object:set_acceleration_vert( ramp( world_gravity, new_vel.y, 2.0 ) ) -- hack to reduce oscilations end self.is_swimming = move_result.is_swimming if self.yield_level > 0 and not move_result.collides_xz then self.yield_level = 0 end self.timekeeper.on_step( dtime ) -- run timer callbacks end, on_activate = function ( self, staticdata, dtime_s, id ) source_list[ id ] = self self.object:set_armor_groups( { fleshy = self.armor } ) self:set_acceleration_vert( self.gravity ) self:set_velocity_vert( 0 ) self:set_yaw( random( ) * rad_360 ) self.yield_level = 0 self.move_result = { collides_xz = false, collides_y = true, is_standing = true } self.pos = self.object:get_pos( ) if staticdata then local tmp = minetest.deserialize( staticdata ) if tmp and tmp.lifetimer then self.timeout = tmp.lifetimer - dtime_s end if tmp and tmp.tamed then self.tamed = tmp.tamed end end self.timeout = self.timeout - dtime_s if self.timeout <= 0 and not self.is_tamed then self.object:remove( ) return end self.timekeeper = Timekeeper( self ) self.timekeeper.start( 1.5, "damage", self.handle_damage ) self:set_ignore_state( ) end, on_deactivate = function ( self, id ) source_list[ id ] = nil end, get_staticdata = function ( self ) return minetest.serialize( { lifetimer = self.timeout, is_tamed = self.is_tamed, } ) end, on_punch = function ( self, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction, damage ) local hp = self.object:get_hp( ) local pos = self.pos local tool = hitter:get_wielded_item( ) if damage == 0 then return end if self.makes_bloodshed_effect and random( 2 ) == 2 then blood_effect( pos ) end if self.sounds and self.sounds.damage_hand and self.sounds.damage_tool then minetest.sound_play( minetest.registered_tools[ tool:get_name( ) ] and self.sounds.damage_tool or self.sounds.damage_hand, { object = self.object } ) else minetest.sound_play( "mobs_damage", { object = self.object } ) end if hitter:is_player( ) then if hitter:get_wielded_item( ) then tool:add_wear( 100 ) hitter:set_wielded_item( tool ) end if hp - damage <= self.hp_low then self:set_escape_state( hitter ) elseif self.type == "monster" then self:set_attack_state( hitter ) end end end, on_death = function( self, killer ) for _, drop in ipairs( self.drops ) do if random( drop.chance ) == 1 then minetest.spawn_item( self.pos, drop.name .. " " .. random( drop.min, drop.max ), 1, 5 ) end end if not self.makes_bloodshed_effect then smoke_effect( self.pos ) end if killer:is_player( ) then if self.death_message then minetest.chat_send_all( string.format( self.death_message, killer:get_player_name( ), self.description ) ) end minetest.log( "action", name .. " killed by " .. killer:get_player_name( ) ) end end, } ) end mobs.register_spawn = function ( name, def ) local max_object_count = def.max_object_count local min_height = def.min_height local max_height = def.max_height local min_light = def.min_light local max_light = def.max_light local can_spawn = def.can_spawn minetest.register_abm( { nodenames = def.nodenames, neighbors = { "air" }, interval = 10, chance = def.chance, action = function( pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider ) if active_object_count_wider > max_object_count then return end local pos2 = vector.offset_y( pos ) if minetest.get_node( pos2 ).name ~= "air" or minetest.get_node_above( pos2 ).name ~= "air" then return elseif not check_limits( minetest.get_node_light( pos2 ), min_light, max_light ) then return elseif not check_limits( pos2.y, min_height, max_height ) then return elseif can_spawn and not can_spawn( pos2 ) then return end minetest.log( "action", "Adding mob " .. name .. " on ".. node.name .." at " .. minetest.pos_to_string( pos ) ) minetest.add_entity( pos2, name ) end } ) end mobs.register_spawn_near = function ( name, def ) local nodenames = def.nodenames local max_light = def.max_light local min_light = def.min_light local chance = def.chance local vert_shift = def.vert_shift local is_area_safe = def.is_area_safe local safe_area = VoxelArea:new( { MinEdge = def.safe_edge1, MaxEdge = def.safe_edge2 } ) local can_spawn = def.can_spawn globaltimer.shift( 0.5 ) globaltimer.start( 10, name, function ( ) for player_name, player in pairs( connected_players ) do local player_pos = player:getpos( ) if random( chance ) == 1 and is_area_safe == safe_area:containsp( player_pos ) then local positions = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air( vector.offset( player_pos, -10, vert_shift - 5, -10 ), vector.offset( player_pos, 10, vert_shift + 5, 10 ), nodenames ) if #positions > 0 then local y_offset = minetest.registered_entities[ name ].y_offset local pos = positions[ random( #positions ) ] local pos2 = vector.offset_y( pos, 2 ) if minetest.get_node( pos2 ).name == "air" and minetest.get_node_above( pos2 ).name == "air" and check_limits( minetest.get_node_light( pos2 ), min_light, max_light ) and ( not can_spawn or can_spawn( pos2 ) ) then minetest.log( "action", "Adding mob " .. name .. " near player " .. player_name .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string( pos2 ) ) minetest.add_entity( vector.offset_y( pos2, y_offset ), name ) end end end end end ) end mobs.register_spawner_node = function ( name, def ) local chance = def.chance local min_light = def.min_light local max_light = def.max_light local mob_name = def.mob_name def.on_timer = function ( pos, elapsed ) local y_offset = minetest.registered_entities[ mob_name ].y_offset local pos2 = vector.offset_y( pos ) if random( chance ) == 1 and check_limits( minetest.get_node_light( pos2 ), min_light, max_light ) and minetest.get_node( pos2 ).name == "air" and minetest.get_node_above( pos2 ).name == "air" then minetest.add_entity( vector.offset_y( pos2, y_offset ), mob_name ) minetest.log( "action", "Adding mob " .. mob_name .. " on " .. name .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string( pos ) ) end return true end def.after_place_node = function ( pos, player, itemstack ) minetest.get_node_timer( pos ):start( 10 ) end minetest.register_node( name, def ) end mobs.register_projectile = function ( name, def ) minetest.register_entity( name, { physical = true, visual = def.visual, visual_size = def.visual_size, textures = def.textures, gravity = def.gravity, trail_effect = def.trail_effect, can_submerge = def.can_submerge, on_launch = def.on_launch, on_impact = def.on_impact, on_impact_nodes = def.on_impact_nodes, sounds = def.sounds, timeout = def.timeout, launch = function ( self, yaw, speed, incline, gravity ) self.object:set_yaw( yaw ) self.object:set_speed( speed ) self.object:set_velocity_vert( incline * speed ) self.object:set_acceleration_vert( gravity or self.gravity ) self.trail_effect.vel_x = -sin( yaw + self.trail_effect.angle ) * self.trail_effect.speed self.trail_effect.vel_z = cos( yaw + self.trail_effect.angle ) * self.trail_effect.speed minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.launch, { object = self.object, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 16 } ) end, on_activate = function( self, staticdata, dtime_s ) self.timekeeper = Timekeeper( self ) if self.trail_effect then self.timekeeper.start( self.trail_effect.period, "trail_effect" ) end self.timekeeper.start( self.timeout, "timeout", function ( ) self.object:remove( ) -- remove expired projectile after timeout end ) end, on_step = function( self, dtime, pos, rot, new_vel, old_vel, move_result ) local timers = self.timekeeper.on_step( dtime ) if timers.trail_effect then local fx = self.trail_effect for i = 1, fx.amount do minetest.add_particle( { pos = vector.offset( pos, random_range( -0.5, 0.5 ), random_range( -0.5, 0.5 ), random_range( -0.5, 0.5 ) ), velocity = vector.new( fx.vel_x, fx.vel_y, fx.vel_z ), acceleration = vector.new( 0, fx.acc_y, 0 ), expirationtime = def.trail_effect.expiry, collisiondetection = false, texture = fx.texture, size = fx.size, } ) end end if move_result.is_swimming and not self.is_swimming then minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.submerge, { object = self.object, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 16 } ) if not self.can_submerge then self.object:remove( ) end end self.is_swimming = move_result.is_swimming if move_result.collides_xz or move_result.collides_y then if #move_result.touched_objects > 0 and self.on_impact then for i, v in ipairs( move_result.touched_objects ) do self:on_impact( pos, old_vel, v ) end end if #move_result.collisions > 0 and self.on_impact_nodes then self:on_impact_nodes( pos, old_vel, move_result.collisions ) end minetest.sound_play( self.sounds.impact, { object = self.object, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 16 } ) self.object:remove( ) end end } ) end -------------------- dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "mobs" ) .. "/extras.lua" ) dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "mobs" ) .. "/monsters.lua" ) dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "mobs" ) .. "/animals.lua" ) dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "mobs" ) .. "/weapons.lua" ) -- compatibility for Minetest S3 engine if not vector.origin then dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "mobs" ) .. "/compatibility.lua" ) end