Curtains can be placed on floor and ceiling #7

opened 2022-04-24 12:51:14 +02:00 by rudzik8 · 1 comment

Can be fixed by uncommenting on_place function in api.lua for curtains BUT will make curtains infinite by another bug
Should be done due to v1.2 release (not v1.2pre, stable one)

Can be fixed by uncommenting on_place function in api.lua for curtains BUT will make curtains infinite by another bug Should be done due to v1.2 release (**not** v1.2pre, stable one)
rudzik8 added this to the Version 1.2 milestone 2022-04-24 12:51:14 +02:00

maybe will be fixed in v1.2_01 or v1.3 or whatever. closed until better times due to on_place def removal

maybe will be fixed in v1.2_01 or v1.3 or whatever. closed until better times due to on_place def removal
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Reference: rudzik8/mcl_decor#7
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