local is_invisible = {} local is_poisoned = {} local is_regenerating = {} local is_strong = {} local is_weak = {} local is_water_breathing = {} local is_leaping = {} local is_swift = {} local is_cat = {} local is_fire_proof = {} local function potions_set_hudbar(player) if is_poisoned[player] and is_regenerating[player] then hb.change_hudbar(player, "health", nil, nil, "hbhunger_icon_regen_poison.png", nil, "hudbars_bar_health.png") elseif is_poisoned[player] then hb.change_hudbar(player, "health", nil, nil, "hbhunger_icon_health_poison.png", nil, "hudbars_bar_health.png") elseif is_regenerating[player] then hb.change_hudbar(player, "health", nil, nil, "hudbars_icon_regenerate.png", nil, "hudbars_bar_health.png") else hb.change_hudbar(player, "health", nil, nil, "hudbars_icon_health.png", nil, "hudbars_bar_health.png") end end local is_player, entity, meta minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -- Check for invisible players for player, vals in pairs(is_invisible) do is_invisible[player].timer = is_invisible[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#B0B0B0") end if is_invisible[player].timer >= is_invisible[player].dur then mcl_potions.make_invisible(player, false) is_invisible[player] = nil if player:is_player() then meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_invisible", minetest.serialize(is_invisible[player])) end end end -- Check for poisoned players for player, vals in pairs(is_poisoned) do is_player = player:is_player() entity = player:get_luaentity() is_poisoned[player].timer = is_poisoned[player].timer + dtime is_poisoned[player].hit_timer = (is_poisoned[player].hit_timer or 0) + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#225533") end if is_poisoned[player].hit_timer >= is_poisoned[player].step then if entity and entity._cmi_is_mob then entity.health = math.max(entity.health - 1, 1) is_poisoned[player].hit_timer = 0 elseif is_player then player:set_hp( math.max(player:get_hp() - 1, 1), { type = "punch", other = "poison"}) is_poisoned[player].hit_timer = 0 else -- if not player or mob then remove is_poisoned[player] = nil end end if is_poisoned[player].timer >= is_poisoned[player].dur then is_poisoned[player] = nil if is_player then meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_poisoned", minetest.serialize(is_poisoned[player])) potions_set_hudbar(player) end end end -- Check for regnerating players for player, vals in pairs(is_regenerating) do is_player = player:is_player() entity = player:get_luaentity() is_regenerating[player].timer = is_regenerating[player].timer + dtime is_regenerating[player].heal_timer = (is_regenerating[player].heal_timer or 0) + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#A52BB2") end if is_regenerating[player].heal_timer >= is_regenerating[player].step then if is_player then player:set_hp(math.min(player:get_properties().hp_max or 20, player:get_hp() + 1), { type = "set_hp", other = "regeneration" }) is_regenerating[player].heal_timer = 0 elseif entity and entity._cmi_is_mob then entity.health = math.min(entity.hp_max, entity.health + 1) is_regenerating[player].heal_timer = 0 else -- stop regenerating if not a player or mob is_regenerating[player] = nil end end if is_regenerating[player].timer >= is_regenerating[player].dur then is_regenerating[player] = nil if is_player then meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_regenerating", minetest.serialize(is_regenerating[player])) potions_set_hudbar(player) end end end -- Check for water breathing players for player, vals in pairs(is_water_breathing) do if player:is_player() then is_water_breathing[player].timer = is_water_breathing[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#0000AA") end if player:get_breath() then if player:get_breath() < 10 then player:set_breath(10) end end if is_water_breathing[player].timer >= is_water_breathing[player].dur then meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_water_breathing", minetest.serialize(is_water_breathing[player])) is_water_breathing[player] = nil end else is_water_breathing[player] = nil end end -- Check for leaping players for player, vals in pairs(is_leaping) do if player:is_player() then is_leaping[player].timer = is_leaping[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#00CC33") end if is_leaping[player].timer >= is_leaping[player].dur then playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "jump", "mcl_potions:leaping") is_leaping[player] = nil meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_leaping", minetest.serialize(is_leaping[player])) end else is_leaping[player] = nil end end -- Check for swift players for player, vals in pairs(is_swift) do if player:is_player() then is_swift[player].timer = is_swift[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#009999") end if is_swift[player].timer >= is_swift[player].dur then playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "speed", "mcl_potions:swiftness") is_swift[player] = nil meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_swift", minetest.serialize(is_swift[player])) end else is_swift[player] = nil end end -- Check for Night Vision equipped players for player, vals in pairs(is_cat) do if player:is_player() then is_cat[player].timer = is_cat[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#1010AA") end if minetest.get_timeofday() > 0.8 or minetest.get_timeofday() < 0.2 then player:override_day_night_ratio(0.45) else player:override_day_night_ratio(nil) end if is_cat[player].timer >= is_cat[player].dur then is_cat[player] = nil meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_cat", minetest.serialize(is_cat[player])) end else is_cat[player] = nil end end -- Check for Fire Proof players for player, vals in pairs(is_fire_proof) do if player:is_player() then player = player or player:get_luaentity() is_fire_proof[player].timer = is_fire_proof[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#E0B050") end if is_fire_proof[player].timer >= is_fire_proof[player].dur then is_fire_proof[player] = nil meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_fire_proof", minetest.serialize(is_fire_proof[player])) end else is_fire_proof[player] = nil end end -- Check for Weak players for player, vals in pairs(is_weak) do if player:is_player() then is_weak[player].timer = is_weak[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#7700BB") end if is_weak[player].timer >= is_weak[player].dur then is_weak[player] = nil meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_weak", minetest.serialize(is_weak[player])) end else is_weak[player] = nil end end -- Check for Strong players for player, vals in pairs(is_strong) do if player:is_player() then is_strong[player].timer = is_strong[player].timer + dtime if player:get_pos() then mcl_potions._add_spawner(player, "#7700BB") end if is_strong[player].timer >= is_strong[player].dur then is_strong[player] = nil meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_strong", minetest.serialize(is_strong[player])) end else is_strong[player] = nil end end end) local is_fire_node = { ["mcl_core:lava_flowing"]=true, ["mcl_core:lava_source"]=true, ["mcl_fire:eternal_fire"]=true, ["mcl_fire:fire"]=true, ["mcl_nether:magma"]=true, ["mcl_nether:nether_lava_source"]=true, ["mcl_nether:nether_lava_flowing"]=true, ["mcl_nether:nether_lava_source"]=true} -- Prevent damage to player with Fire Resistance enabled minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, reason) if is_fire_proof[player] and hp_change < 0 then -- This is a bit forced, but it assumes damage is taken by fire and avoids it -- also assumes any change in hp happens between calls to this function -- it's worth noting that you don't take damage from players in this case... local player_info = mcl_playerinfo[player:get_player_name()] -- if reason.type == "drown" then return hp_change if is_fire_node[player_info.node_head] or is_fire_node[player_info.node_feet] or is_fire_node[player_info.node_stand] then return 0 else return hp_change end else return hp_change end end, true) function mcl_potions._reset_player_effects(player) if not player:is_player() then return end meta = player:get_meta() mcl_potions.make_invisible(player, false) is_invisible[player] = nil is_poisoned[player] = nil is_regenerating[player] = nil is_strong[player] = nil is_weak[player] = nil is_water_breathing[player] = nil is_leaping[player] = nil playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "jump", "mcl_potions:leaping") is_swift[player] = nil playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "speed", "mcl_potions:swiftness") is_cat[player] = nil player:override_day_night_ratio(nil) is_fire_proof[player] = nil potions_set_hudbar(player) end function mcl_potions._save_player_effects(player) if not player:is_player() then return end meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("_is_invisible", minetest.serialize(is_invisible[player])) meta:set_string("_is_poisoned", minetest.serialize(is_poisoned[player])) meta:set_string("_is_regenerating", minetest.serialize(is_regenerating[player])) meta:set_string("_is_strong", minetest.serialize(is_strong[player])) meta:set_string("_is_weak", minetest.serialize(is_weak[player])) meta:set_string("_is_water_breathing", minetest.serialize(is_water_breathing[player])) meta:set_string("_is_leaping", minetest.serialize(is_leaping[player])) meta:set_string("_is_swift", minetest.serialize(is_swift[player])) meta:set_string("_is_cat", minetest.serialize(is_cat[player])) meta:set_string("_is_fire_proof", minetest.serialize(is_fire_proof[player])) end function mcl_potions._load_player_effects(player) if not player:is_player() then return end meta = player:get_meta() if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_invisible")) then is_invisible[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_invisible")) mcl_potions.make_invisible(player, true) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_poisoned")) then is_poisoned[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_poisoned")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_regenerating")) then is_regenerating[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_regenerating")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_strong")) then is_strong[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_strong")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_weak")) then is_weak[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_weak")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_water_breathing")) then is_water_breathing[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_water_breathing")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_leaping")) then is_leaping[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_leaping")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_swift")) then is_swift[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_swift")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_cat")) then is_cat[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_cat")) end if minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_fire_proof")) then is_fire_proof[player] = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_is_fire_proof")) end potions_set_hudbar(player) end minetest.register_on_leaveplayer( function(player) mcl_potions._save_player_effects(player) mcl_potions._reset_player_effects(player) -- clearout the buffer to prevent looking for a player not there end) minetest.register_on_dieplayer( function(player) mcl_potions._reset_player_effects(player) end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer( function(player) mcl_potions._reset_player_effects(player) -- make sure there are no wierd holdover effects mcl_potions._load_player_effects(player) end) function mcl_potions.is_obj_hit(self, pos) local entity for _,object in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1.1)) do entity = object:get_luaentity() if entity and entity.name ~= self.object:get_luaentity().name then if entity._cmi_is_mob then return true end elseif object:is_player() and self._thrower ~= object:get_player_name() then return true end end return false end function mcl_potions.make_invisible(player, toggle) if not player then return false end local is_player = player:is_player() local entity = player:get_luaentity() if toggle then -- hide player if player:is_player() then is_invisible[player].old_size = player:get_properties().visual_size elseif entity then is_invisible[player].old_size = entity.visual_size else -- if not a player or entity, do nothing return end player:set_properties({visual_size = {x = 0, y = 0}}) player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 0}}) elseif is_invisible[player] then -- show player player:set_properties({visual_size = is_invisible[player].old_size}) player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}}) end end function mcl_potions._use_potion(item, obj, color) local d = 0.1 local pos = obj:get_pos() minetest.sound_play("mcl_potions_drinking", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 6, gain = 1}) minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 25, time = 1, minpos = {x=pos.x-d, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z-d}, maxpos = {x=pos.x+d, y=pos.y+2, z=pos.z+d}, minvel = {x=-0.1, y=0, z=-0.1}, maxvel = {x=0.1, y=0.1, z=0.1}, minacc = {x=-0.1, y=0, z=-0.1}, maxacc = {x=0.1, y=.1, z=0.1}, minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 5, minsize = 0.5, maxsize = 1, collisiondetection = true, vertical = false, texture = "mcl_potions_sprite.png^[colorize:"..color..":127", }) end function mcl_potions._add_spawner(obj, color) local d = 0.2 local pos = obj:get_pos() minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 1, time = 1, minpos = {x=pos.x-d, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z-d}, maxpos = {x=pos.x+d, y=pos.y+2, z=pos.z+d}, minvel = {x=-0.1, y=0, z=-0.1}, maxvel = {x=0.1, y=0.1, z=0.1}, minacc = {x=-0.1, y=0, z=-0.1}, maxacc = {x=0.1, y=.1, z=0.1}, minexptime = 0.5, maxexptime = 1, minsize = 0.5, maxsize = 1, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "mcl_potions_sprite.png^[colorize:"..color..":127", }) end function mcl_potions.healing_func(player, hp) local obj = player:get_luaentity() if obj and obj.harmed_by_heal then hp = -hp end if hp > 0 then if obj and obj._cmi_is_mob then obj.health = math.max(obj.health + hp, obj.hp_max) elseif player:is_player() then player:set_hp(math.min(player:get_hp() + hp, player:get_properties().hp_max), { type = "set_hp", other = "healing" }) end else if obj and obj._cmi_is_mob then obj.health = obj.health + hp elseif player:is_player() then player:set_hp(player:get_hp() + hp, { type = "punch", other = "harming" }) end end end function mcl_potions.swiftness_func(player, factor, duration) if not player:get_meta() then return false end if not is_swift[player] then is_swift[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0} playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "mcl_potions:swiftness", factor) else local victim = is_swift[player] playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "mcl_potions:swiftness", factor) victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions.leaping_func(player, factor, duration) if not player:get_meta() then return false end if not is_leaping[player] then is_leaping[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0} playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "jump", "mcl_potions:leaping", factor) else local victim = is_leaping[player] playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "jump", "mcl_potions:leaping", factor) victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions.weakness_func(player, factor, duration) if not is_weak[player] then is_weak[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0, factor = factor} else local victim = is_weak[player] victim.factor = factor victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions.strength_func(player, factor, duration) if not is_strong[player] then is_strong[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0, factor = factor} else local victim = is_strong[player] victim.factor = factor victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions.poison_func(player, factor, duration) if not is_poisoned[player] then is_poisoned[player] = {step = factor, dur = duration, timer = 0} else local victim = is_poisoned[player] victim.step = math.min(victim.step, factor) victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end if player:is_player() then potions_set_hudbar(player) end end function mcl_potions.regeneration_func(player, factor, duration) if not is_regenerating[player] then is_regenerating[player] = {step = factor, dur = duration, timer = 0} else local victim = is_regenerating[player] victim.step = math.min(victim.step, factor) victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end if player:is_player() then potions_set_hudbar(player) end end function mcl_potions.invisiblility_func(player, null, duration) if not is_invisible[player] then is_invisible[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0} mcl_potions.make_invisible(player, true) else local victim = is_invisible[player] victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions.water_breathing_func(player, null, duration) if not is_water_breathing[player] then is_water_breathing[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0} else local victim = is_water_breathing[player] victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions.fire_resistance_func(player, null, duration) if not is_fire_proof[player] then is_fire_proof[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0} else local victim = is_fire_proof[player] victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions.night_vision_func(player, null, duration) if not is_cat[player] then is_cat[player] = {dur = duration, timer = 0} else local victim = is_cat[player] victim.dur = math.max(duration, victim.dur - victim.timer) victim.timer = 0 end end function mcl_potions._extinguish_nearby_fire(pos) local epos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+0.5, z=pos.z} local dnode = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-0.5,z=pos.z}) if minetest.get_item_group(dnode.name, "fire") ~= 0 then epos.y = pos.y - 0.5 end local dirs = { {x=0,y=0,z=0}, {x=0,y=0,z=-1}, {x=0,y=0,z=1}, {x=-1,y=0,z=0}, {x=1,y=0,z=0}, } local exting = false for d=1, #dirs do local tpos = vector.add(epos, dirs[d]) local node = minetest.get_node(tpos) if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "fire") ~= 0 then minetest.sound_play("fire_extinguish_flame", {pos = tpos, gain = 0.25, max_hear_distance = 16}, true) minetest.remove_node(tpos) exting = true end end return exting end