local mod_mcl_hunger = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_hunger") local mod_awards = minetest.get_modpath("awards") and minetest.get_modpath("mcl_achievements") minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_bows:arrow", { description = "Arrow", _doc_items_longdesc = [[Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers. An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.]], _doc_items_usagehelp = "To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory.", inventory_image = "mcl_bows_arrow_inv.png", groups = { ammo=1, ammo_bow=1 }, _on_dispense = function(itemstack, dispenserpos, droppos, dropnode, dropdir) -- Shoot arrow local shootpos = vector.add(dispenserpos, vector.multiply(dropdir, 0.51)) local yaw = math.atan2(dropdir.z, dropdir.x) - math.pi/2 mcl_bows.shoot_arrow(itemstack:get_name(), shootpos, dropdir, yaw, nil, 19, 3) end, }) minetest.register_node("mcl_bows:arrow_box", { drawtype = "nodebox", is_ground_content = false, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -- Shaft {-6.5/17, -1.5/17, -1.5/17, 6.5/17, 1.5/17, 1.5/17}, --Spitze {-4.5/17, 2.5/17, 2.5/17, -3.5/17, -2.5/17, -2.5/17}, {-8.5/17, 0.5/17, 0.5/17, -6.5/17, -0.5/17, -0.5/17}, --Federn {6.5/17, 1.5/17, 1.5/17, 7.5/17, 2.5/17, 2.5/17}, {7.5/17, -2.5/17, 2.5/17, 6.5/17, -1.5/17, 1.5/17}, {7.5/17, 2.5/17, -2.5/17, 6.5/17, 1.5/17, -1.5/17}, {6.5/17, -1.5/17, -1.5/17, 7.5/17, -2.5/17, -2.5/17}, {7.5/17, 2.5/17, 2.5/17, 8.5/17, 3.5/17, 3.5/17}, {8.5/17, -3.5/17, 3.5/17, 7.5/17, -2.5/17, 2.5/17}, {8.5/17, 3.5/17, -3.5/17, 7.5/17, 2.5/17, -2.5/17}, {7.5/17, -2.5/17, -2.5/17, 8.5/17, -3.5/17, -3.5/17}, } }, tiles = {"mcl_bows_arrow.png^[transformFX", "mcl_bows_arrow.png^[transformFX", "mcl_bows_arrow_back.png", "mcl_bows_arrow_front.png", "mcl_bows_arrow.png", "mcl_bows_arrow.png^[transformFX"}, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) local THROWING_ARROW_ENTITY={ physical = false, visual = "wielditem", visual_size = {x=0.4, y=0.4}, textures = {"mcl_bows:arrow_box"}, collisionbox = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, _lastpos={}, _startpos=nil, _damage=1, -- Damage on impact _shooter=nil, -- ObjectRef of player or mob who shot it } THROWING_ARROW_ENTITY.on_step = function(self, dtime) local pos = self.object:getpos() local node = minetest.get_node(pos) -- Check for object collision. Done every tick (hopefully this is not too stressing) do local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2) local closest_object local closest_distance local ok = false -- Iterate through all objects and remember the closest attackable object for k, obj in pairs(objs) do -- Arrows can only damage players and mobs if obj ~= self._shooter and obj:is_player() then ok = true elseif obj:get_luaentity() ~= nil then if obj ~= self._shooter and obj:get_luaentity()._cmi_is_mob then ok = true end end if ok then local dist = vector.distance(pos, obj:getpos()) if not closest_object or not closest_distance then closest_object = obj closest_distance = dist elseif dist < closest_distance then closest_object = obj closest_distance = dist end end end -- If an attackable object was found, we will damage the closest one only if closest_object ~= nil then local obj = closest_object local is_player = obj:is_player() local lua = obj:get_luaentity() if obj ~= self._shooter and (is_player or (lua and lua._cmi_is_mob)) then obj:punch(self.object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval=1.0, damage_groups={fleshy=self._damage}, }, nil) if is_player then if self._shooter and self._shooter:is_player() then -- “Ding” sound for hitting another player minetest.sound_play({name="mcl_bows_hit_player", gain=0.1}, {to_player=self._shooter}) end if mod_mcl_hunger then mcl_hunger.exhaust(obj:get_player_name(), mcl_hunger.EXHAUST_DAMAGE) end end if lua then local entity_name = lua.name -- Achievement for hitting skeleton, wither skeleton or stray (TODO) with an arrow at least 50 meters away -- NOTE: Range has been reduced because mobs unload much earlier than that ... >_> -- TODO: This achievement should be given for the kill, not just a hit if self._shooter and self._shooter:is_player() and vector.distance(pos, self._startpos) >= 20 then if mod_awards and (entity_name == "mobs_mc:skeleton" or entity_name == "mobs_mc:stray" or entity_name == "mobs_mc:witherskeleton") then awards.unlock(self._shooter:get_player_name(), "mcl:snipeSkeleton") end end end self.object:remove() end end end -- Check for node collision if self._lastpos.x~=nil then local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if (def and def.walkable) or not def then if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then minetest.add_item(self._lastpos, 'mcl_bows:arrow') end self.object:remove() elseif (def and def.liquidtype ~= "none") then -- Slow down arrow in liquids local v = def.liquid_viscosity if not v then v = 0 end local vpenalty = math.max(0.1, 0.98 - 0.1 * v) local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if math.abs(vel.x) > 0.001 then vel.x = vel.x * vpenalty end if math.abs(vel.z) > 0.001 then vel.z = vel.z * vpenalty end self.object:set_velocity(vel) end end -- Update internal variable self._lastpos={x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z} end minetest.register_entity("mcl_bows:arrow_entity", THROWING_ARROW_ENTITY) if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_core") and minetest.get_modpath("mcl_mobitems") then minetest.register_craft({ output = 'mcl_bows:arrow 4', recipe = { {'mcl_core:flint'}, {'mcl_core:stick'}, {'mcl_mobitems:feather'} } }) end