mcl_bossbars = { bars = {}, huds = {}, static = {}, colors = {"light_purple", "blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "dark_purple", "white"}, max_bars = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("max_bossbars")) or 4 } function mcl_bossbars.recalculate_colors() local sorted = {} local colors = mcl_bossbars.colors local color_count = #colors local frame_count = color_count * 2 for i, color in ipairs(colors) do local idx = i * 2 - 1 local image = "mcl_bossbars.png" .. "^[transformR270" .. "^[verticalframe:" .. frame_count .. ":" .. (idx - 1) .. "^(mcl_bossbars_empty.png" .. "^[lowpart:%d:mcl_bossbars.png" .. "^[transformR270" .. "^[verticalframe:" .. frame_count .. ":" .. idx .. ")" local _, hex = mcl_util.get_color(color) sorted[color] = { image = image, hex = hex, } end mcl_bossbars.colors_sorted = sorted end local function get_color_info(color, percentage) local cdef = mcl_bossbars.colors_sorted[color] return cdef.hex, string.format(cdef.image, percentage) end local last_id = 0 function mcl_bossbars.add_bar(player, def, dynamic, priority) local name = player:get_player_name() local bars = mcl_bossbars.bars[name] local bar = {text = def.text, priority = priority or 0} bar.color, bar.image = get_color_info(def.color, def.percentage) if dynamic then for _, other in pairs(bars) do if not and other.color == bar.color and (other.original_text or other.text) == bar.text and other.image == bar.image then if not other.count then other.count = 1 other.original_text = other.text end other.count = other.count + 1 other.text = other.original_text .. " x" .. other.count return end end end table.insert(bars, bar) if not dynamic then bar.raw_color = def.color = last_id + 1 last_id = mcl_bossbars.static[] = bar return end end function mcl_bossbars.remove_bar(id) mcl_bossbars.static[id].bar.static = false mcl_bossbars.static[id] = nil end function mcl_bossbars.update_bar(id, def, priority) local old = mcl_bossbars.static[id] old.color = get_color_info(def.color or old.raw_color, def.percentage or old.percentage) old.text = def.text or old.text old.priority = priority or old.priority end function mcl_bossbars.update_boss(luaentity, name, color) local object = luaentity.object local bardef = { text = luaentity.nametag, percentage = math.floor( / luaentity.hp_max * 100), color = color, } if not bardef.text or bardef.text == "" then bardef.text = name end local pos = object:get_pos() for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local d = vector.distance(pos, player:get_pos()) if d <= 80 then mcl_bossbars.add_bar(player, bardef, true, d) end end end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() mcl_bossbars.huds[name] = {} mcl_bossbars.bars[name] = {} end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() mcl_bossbars.huds[name] = nil for _, bar in pairs(mcl_bossbars.bars[name]) do if then mcl_bossbars.static[] = nil end end mcl_bossbars.bars[name] = nil end) minetest.register_globalstep(function() for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local name = player:get_player_name() local bars = mcl_bossbars.bars[name] local huds = mcl_bossbars.huds[name] table.sort(bars, function(a, b) return a.priority < b.priority end) local huds_new = {} local bars_new = {} local i = 0 while #huds > 0 or #bars > 0 do local bar = table.remove(bars, 1) local hud = table.remove(huds, 1) if bar and then table.insert(bars_new, bar) end if bar and not hud then if i < mcl_bossbars.max_bars then hud = { color = bar.color, image = bar.image, text = bar.text, text_id = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", text = bar.text, number = bar.color, position = {x = 0.5, y = 0}, alignment = {x = 0, y = 1}, offset = {x = 0, y = i * 40}, }), image_id = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", text = bar.image, position = {x = 0.5, y = 0}, alignment = {x = 0, y = 1}, offset = {x = 0, y = i * 40 + 25}, scale = {x = 3, y = 3}, }), } end elseif hud and not bar then player:hud_remove(hud.text_id) player:hud_remove(hud.image_id) hud = nil else if bar.text ~= hud.text then player:hud_change(hud.text_id, "text", bar.text) hud.text = bar.text end if bar.color ~= hud.color then player:hud_change(hud.text_id, "number", bar.color) hud.color = bar.color end if bar.image ~= hud.image then player:hud_change(hud.image_id, "text", bar.image) hud.image = bar.image end end table.insert(huds_new, hud) i = i + 1 end mcl_bossbars.huds[name] = huds_new mcl_bossbars.bars[name] = bars_new end end) mcl_bossbars.recalculate_colors()