--[[ DOM, renew of the watch mod Original from Echo, here: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3795 ]]-- watch = {} watch.ultimo_tempo = -1 -- Image of all 12 possible faces, only cover hours, a day is to short to lost time with game minutes... :-P watch.images_a = { "watch_a0.png", "watch_a1.png", "watch_a2.png", "watch_a3.png", "watch_a4.png", "watch_a5.png", "watch_a6.png", "watch_a7.png", "watch_a8.png", "watch_a9.png", "watch_a10.png", "watch_a11.png", } watch.images_d={ "watch_d0.png", "watch_d1.png", "watch_d2.png", "watch_d3.png", "watch_d4.png", "watch_d5.png", "watch_d6.png", "watch_d7.png", "watch_d8.png", "watch_d9.png", "watch_d10.png", "watch_d11.png", } --Catch the sever time and convert to hour, 12000 = 12h = 0.5, 6000 = 6h = 0.25 function watch.pega_hora(tipo) local tempo_r = "12:00" local t = minetest.env:get_timeofday() local tempo = t*24 -- Get the time local tempo_h = math.floor(tempo) -- Get 24h only, losting minutes local tempo_m =math.floor((tempo - tempo_h)*60) --Get only minutes --Hour tempo_h_12=tempo_h if tempo_h > 12 then -- Converte time to time in 12h format tempo_h_12 = tempo_h - 12 end if tipo==2 then -- hh return(tostring(tempo_h_12)) end tempo_r = tostring(tempo_h) .. ":" --Minutes if tempo_m < 10 then -- Add a zero at left if need. tempo_r = tempo_r .. "0" end tempo_r = tempo_r .. tostring(tempo_m) return(tempo_r) --HH:MM end --When someone try use the watch. function watch.usa (itemstack, user, pointed_thing) item=itemstack:to_table() local meta=DOM_get_item_meta(item) local w_type="a" if meta~=nil then w_type = meta["w_type"] end --DOM_inspeciona_r("Valores no meta:"..dump(meta)) --print("Relógio em modo: "..w_type) meta["time"] = watch.pega_hora(1) meta["w_type"] = w_type DOM_set_item_meta(item, meta) meta=DOM_get_item_meta(item) --DOM_inspeciona_r("Valores no meta:"..dump(meta)) minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "[Watch] Time now is:" .. meta["time"]) itemstack:replace(item) return itemstack end -- Register itens function watch.registra_item(nome,imagem,aparece_nas_receitas) local g = 1 if aparece_nas_receitas then g = 0 end --DOM_inspeciona_r("Registrando item "..nome..","..imagem) minetest.register_tool(nome, { description = "Watch", inventory_image = imagem, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=g}, metadata = {w_type="d"}, wield_image = "", stack_max = 1, on_use = watch.usa, }) end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local t="a" -- d to digital, a to analogic now = watch.pega_hora(2) --DOM_inspeciona_r("Hora:"..now) if now == "12" then now = "0" end if watch.ultimo_tempo == now then return end watch.ultimo_tempo = now local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for i,player in ipairs(players) do if string.sub(player:get_wielded_item():get_name(), 0, 11) == "watch:watch" then player:set_wielded_item("watch:watch_"..t..now) end for i,stack in ipairs(player:get_inventory():get_list("main")) do if i<9 and string.sub(stack:get_name(), 0, 11) == "watch:watch" then player:get_inventory():remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) player:get_inventory():add_item("main", "watch:watch_"..t..now) end end end end)