anvil = {} realtest.registered_anvil_recipes = {} local F = minetest.formspec_escape local breakline = function(str) local strs = string.split(str, " ") local new = "" for s=1, #strs do new = new .. strs[s] if s ~= #strs then new = new .. "\n" end end return new end function realtest.register_anvil_recipe(RecipeDef) local recipe = { type = RecipeDef.type or "forge", item1 = RecipeDef.item1 or "", item2 = RecipeDef.item2 or "", rmitem1 = RecipeDef.rmitem1, rmitem2 = RecipeDef.rmitem2, output = RecipeDef.output or "", level = RecipeDef.level or 0, instrument = RecipeDef.instrument or "hammer", material = RecipeDef.material, -- just to make the craft guide more manageable } if recipe.rmitem1 == nil then recipe.rmitem1 = true end if recipe.rmitem2 == nil then recipe.rmitem2 = true end if recipe.level < 0 then recipe.level = 0 end if recipe.output ~= "" and recipe.item1 ~= "" and (recipe.type == "forge" or recipe.type == "weld") then table.insert(realtest.registered_anvil_recipes, recipe) end end --Unshaped metals, buckets, double ingots, sheets, hammers, locks and hatches for i, metal in ipairs(metals.list) do realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_unshaped", output = "metals:"..metal.."_ingot", material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_sheet", item2 = "scribing_table:plan_bucket", rmitem2 = false, output = "instruments:bucket_"..metal, level = metals.levels[i], material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_doubleingot", output = "metals:"..metal.."_sheet", level = metals.levels[i] - 1, material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_doubleingot", output = "metals:"..metal.."_ingot 2", level = metals.levels[i] - 1, instrument = "chisel", material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_doublesheet", output = "metals:"..metal.."_sheet 2", level = metals.levels[i] - 1, instrument = "chisel", material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ type = "weld", item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_ingot", item2 = "metals:"..metal.."_ingot", output = "metals:"..metal.."_doubleingot", level = metals.levels[i] - 1, material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ type = "weld", item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_sheet", item2 = "metals:"..metal.."_sheet", output = "metals:"..metal.."_doublesheet", level = metals.levels[i] - 1, material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_ingot", item2 = "scribing_table:plan_lock", rmitem2 = false, output = "metals:"..metal.."_lock", level = metals.levels[i], material = metal, }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal.."_ingot", item2 = "scribing_table:plan_hatch", rmitem2 = false, output = "hatches:"..metal.."_hatch_closed", level = metals.levels[i], material = metal, }) end -- receipe for coin production realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:gold_sheet", output = "money:coin 15", instrument = "chisel", material = "gold", }) -- general receipes (for flux production; used for welding) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "minerals:borax", output = "minerals:flux 8" }) realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "minerals:sylvite", output = "minerals:flux 4" }) --Pig iron --> Wrought iron realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:pig_iron_ingot", output = "metals:wrought_iron_ingot", level = 2, material = "wrought_iron", }) --Instruments local anvil_instruments = {{"axe", "_ingot"}, {"pick", "_ingot"}, {"shovel", "_ingot"}, {"spear", "_ingot"}, {"chisel", "_ingot"}, {"sword", "_doubleingot"}, {"hammer", "_doubleingot"}, {"saw", "_sheet"} } for _, instrument in ipairs(anvil_instruments) do for i, metal in ipairs(metals.list) do -- the proper way to do that is to check whether we have metal in instruments.metals list or not -- but who cares? local output_name = "instruments:"..instrument[1].."_"..metal.."_head" if minetest.registered_items[output_name] then realtest.register_anvil_recipe({ item1 = "metals:"..metal..instrument[2], item2 = "scribing_table:plan_"..instrument[1], rmitem2 = false, output = output_name, level = metals.levels[i], material = metal, }) end end end local anvils = { {'stone', 'Stone', 0, 61*2.3}, {'desert_stone', 'Desert Stone', 0, 61*2.3}, {'copper', 'Copper', 1, 411*2.3}, {'rose_gold', 'Rose Gold', 2, 521*2.3}, {'bismuth_bronze', 'Bismuth Bronze', 2, 581*2.3}, {'black_bronze', 'Black Bronze', 2, 531*2.3}, {'bronze', 'Bronze', 2, 601*2.3}, {'wrought_iron', 'Wrought Iron', 3, 801*2.3}, {'steel', 'Steel', 4, 1101*2.3}, {'black_steel', 'Black Steel', 5, 1501*2.3} } minetest.register_craft({ output = 'anvil:anvil_stone', recipe = { {'default:stone','default:stone','default:stone'}, {'','default:stone',''}, {'default:stone','default:stone','default:stone'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'anvil:anvil_desert_stone', recipe = { {'default:desert_stone','default:desert_stone','default:desert_stone'}, {'','default:desert_stone',''}, {'default:desert_stone','default:desert_stone','default:desert_stone'}, } }) for _, anvil in ipairs(anvils) do if anvil[1] ~= "stone" and anvil[1] ~= "desert_stone" then minetest.register_craft({ output = "anvil:anvil_"..anvil[1], recipe = { {"metals:"..anvil[1].."_doubleingot","metals:"..anvil[1].."_doubleingot","metals:"..anvil[1].."_doubleingot"}, {"","metals:"..anvil[1].."_doubleingot",""}, {"metals:"..anvil[1].."_doubleingot","metals:"..anvil[1].."_doubleingot","metals:"..anvil[1].."_doubleingot"}, } }) end end for _, anvil in ipairs(anvils) do minetest.register_node("anvil:anvil_"..anvil[1], { description = anvil[2] .. " Anvil", tiles = {"anvil_"..anvil[1].."_top.png","anvil_"..anvil[1].."_top.png","anvil_"..anvil[1].."_side.png"}, use_texture_alpha = "clip", drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5,-0.5,-0.3,0.5,-0.4,0.3}, {-0.35,-0.4,-0.25,0.35,-0.3,0.25}, {-0.3,-0.3,-0.15,0.3,-0.1,0.15}, {-0.35,-0.1,-0.2,0.35,0.1,0.2}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5,-0.5,-0.3,0.5,-0.4,0.3}, {-0.35,-0.4,-0.25,0.35,-0.3,0.25}, {-0.3,-0.3,-0.15,0.3,-0.1,0.15}, {-0.35,-0.1,-0.2,0.35,0.1,0.2}, }, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, falling_node=1, dig_immediate=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), can_dig = function(pos,player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local inv = meta:get_inventory() if inv:is_empty("src1") and inv:is_empty("src2") and inv:is_empty("hammer") and inv:is_empty("output") and inv:is_empty("flux") then return true end return false end, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", "size[8,7]".. -- some (hopefully) helpful buttons "button[2.0,1.75;1,0.5;guide;Guide]".. "button_exit[5,1.75;1,0.5;quit;Exit]".. "label[2.9,-0.2;Input 1:]".. "label[4.1,-0.2;Input 2:]".. "label[1.0,1.1;Instrument:]".. "label[6.0,1.1;Flux:]".. "label[3.5,2.35;Output]".. -- the rest of the formspec "button[0.5,0.25;1.35,1;buttonForge;Forge]".. "button[1.6,0.25;0.9,1;buttonForge10;x10]".. "list[current_name;src1;2.9,0.25;1,1;]".. "image[3.69,0.22;0.54,1.5;anvil_arrow.png]".. "list[current_name;src2;4.1,0.25;1,1;]".. "button[5.5,0.25;1.35,1;buttonWeld;Weld]".. "button[6.6,0.25;0.9,1;buttonWeld10;x10]".. "list[current_name;hammer;1,1.5;1,1;]".. "list[current_name;output;3.5,1.5;1,1;]".. "list[current_name;flux;6,1.5;1,1;]".. "list[current_player;main;0,3;8,4;]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[current_name;src1]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[current_name;src2]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[current_name;hammer]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[current_name;output]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[current_name;flux]") meta:set_string("infotext", anvil[2].." Anvil") local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("src1", 1) inv:set_size("src2", 1) inv:set_size("hammer", 1) inv:set_size("output", 1) inv:set_size("flux", 1) end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) if( fields and and sender ) then -- anvils made from diffrent materials have diffrent capabilities fields.anvil_typ = anvil[1]; realtest.show_craft_guide_anvil( sender, "realtest:craft_guide_anvil", fields); return; end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local src1, src2 = inv:get_stack("src1", 1), inv:get_stack("src2", 1) local instrument, flux = inv:get_stack("hammer", 1), inv:get_stack("flux", 1) local output = inv:get_stack("output", 1) local forge = function() for _, recipe in ipairs(realtest.registered_anvil_recipes) do if recipe.type == "forge" and recipe.item1 == src1:get_name() and recipe.item2 == src2:get_name() and anvil[3] >= recipe.level and minetest.get_item_group(instrument:get_name(), recipe.instrument) == 1 and minetest.get_item_group(instrument:get_name(), "material_level") >= recipe.level - 1 then if inv:room_for_item("output", recipe.output) then if recipe.rmitem1 then src1:take_item() inv:set_stack("src1", 1, src1) end if recipe.item2 ~= "" and recipe.rmitem2 then src2:take_item() inv:set_stack("src2", 1, src2) end output:add_item(recipe.output) inv:set_stack("output", 1, output) instrument:add_wear(65535/minetest.get_item_group(instrument:get_name(), "durability")) inv:set_stack("hammer", 1, instrument) end return end end end local weld = function() if flux:get_name() == "minerals:flux" then for _, recipe in ipairs(realtest.registered_anvil_recipes) do if recipe.type == "weld" and recipe.item1 == src1:get_name() and recipe.item2 == src2:get_name() and anvil[3] >= recipe.level and minetest.get_item_group(instrument:get_name(), recipe.instrument) == 1 and minetest.get_item_group(instrument:get_name(), "material_level") >= recipe.level then if inv:room_for_item("output", recipe.output) then if recipe.rmitem1 then src1:take_item() inv:set_stack("src1", 1, src1) end if recipe.item2 ~= "" and recipe.rmitem2 then src2:take_item() inv:set_stack("src2", 1, src2) end output:add_item(recipe.output) inv:set_stack("output", 1, output) flux:take_item() inv:set_stack("flux", 1, flux) instrument:add_wear(65535/minetest.get_item_group(instrument:get_name(), "durability")/2) inv:set_stack("hammer", 1, instrument) end return end end end end if fields["buttonForge"] then forge() elseif fields["buttonForge10"] then for i = 0, 9 do forge() end elseif fields["buttonWeld"] then weld() elseif fields["buttonWeld10"] then for i = 0, 9 do weld() end end end, }) end realtest.show_craft_guide_anvil = function( player, formname, fields) if( formname ~= "realtest:craft_guide_anvil" or not( player ) or fields.quit) then return; end if fields.nothing then return end local material local mtypes = { "a", "m", "i" } -- anvil, metal, instrument local material_button_pressed = false for m=1, #metals.list do for _,t in pairs(mtypes) do if fields[t.."material_"..metals.list[m]] then material = metals.list[m] material_button_pressed = true break end end end if( not( material )) then if fields["amaterial_stone"] or fields["amaterial_desert_stone"] then material = "bismuth" elseif fields["imaterial_stone"] or fields["imaterial_desert_stone"] then return elseif( fields.old_material and not material_button_pressed ) then material = fields.old_material; else material = metals.list[1]; end end local recipe_output, recipe_item1 for f,_ in pairs(fields) do if string.sub(f, 1, 7) == "recipe/" then local spl = string.split(f, "/") recipe_output = spl[2] recipe_item1 = spl[3] end end -- select the plan that is to be shown local nr = 1; for i, v in ipairs(realtest.registered_anvil_recipes ) do if( recipe_output and recipe_item1 and v and v.output and v.item1 and v.output == recipe_output and v.item1 == recipe_item1 ) then nr = i; break elseif( v and v.output and fields[v.output] ) then nr = i; break; elseif( material_button_pressed and v and v.material and material == v.material) then nr = i; break end end local plan = realtest.registered_anvil_recipes[ nr ]; -- abort if no plan can be found if( not( plan )) then return; end local stack = ItemStack( plan.output ); local def = stack:get_definition(); local name = ""; if( def ) then name = def.description; end if( not( name )) then name = plan.output; end local how_to = "Forge"; if( plan.type and plan.type=="weld" ) then how_to = "Weld"; end local item_output = ItemStack(plan.output):get_name() local f_output = "item_image[3.5,2.0;1,1;"..plan.output.."]".. "tooltip[3.5,2;0.8,0.9;"..F(minetest.registered_items[item_output].description).."]" local formspec = "size[12,8]".. "label[1.5,-0.2;"..how_to.." "..tostring(stack:get_count()).."x "" this way (click on "..how_to.."):]".. -- extra exit button for those tablet users "button_exit[5,2.25;1,0.5;quit;Exit]".. -- labels that describe the general usage of a slot "label[2.9,0.3;Input 1:]".. "label[4.1,0.3;Input 2:]".. "label[1.0,1.6;Instrument:]".. "label[6.0,1.6;Flux:]".. "label[3.5,2.85;Output]".. "label[8,-0.4;Select metal type to work with:]".. -- buttons that do nothing; they exist just so that the interface looks similar "button[0.5,0.75;1.35,1;nothing;Forge]".. "button[1.6,0.75;0.9,1;nothing;x10]".. "button[5.5,0.75;1.35,1;nothing;Weld]".. "button[6.6,0.75;0.9,1;nothing;x10]".. "image[3.69,0.72;0.54,1.5;anvil_arrow.png]".. -- background for the inventory slots "box[2.9,0.75;0.8,0.9;#BBBBBB]".. "box[4.1,0.75;0.8,0.9;#BBBBBB]".. "box[3.5,1.99;0.8,0.9;#BBBBBB]".. f_output.. -- the 4 simulated slots for the instruments "box[1.0,1.99;0.8,0.9;#BBBBBB]".. "box[6.0,1.99;0.8,0.9;#BBBBBB]".. -- hide the material (=selected metal) somewhere "field[-10,-10;0.1,0.1;old_material;"..material..";"..material.."]".. "label[0,3.5;Select receipe to show:]"; -- show the indigrents if( plan.item1 and plan.item1 ~= "" and minetest.registered_items[ plan.item1 ]) then local button = "item_image[2.9,0.75;1,1;"..plan.item1.."]".. "tooltip[2.9,0.75;0.8,0.9;"..F(minetest.registered_items[plan.item1].description).."]" for _, v in ipairs(realtest.registered_anvil_recipes) do if( v.output == plan.item1 ) then button = "item_image_button[2.9,0.75;1,1;"..v.output..";"..v.output..";]"; end end formspec = formspec..button; end -- the second slot usually takes a plan if( plan.item2 and plan.item2 ~= "" and minetest.registered_items[ plan.item2 ]) then local button = "item_image[4.1,0.75;1,1;"..plan.item2.."]".. "tooltip[4.1,0.75;0.8,0.9;"..F(minetest.registered_items[plan.item2].description).."]" for _, v in ipairs(realtest.registered_anvil_recipes) do if( v.output == plan.item2 ) then button = "item_image_button[4.1,0.75;1,1;"..v.output..";"..v.output..";]"; end end formspec = formspec..button; end -- show the instrument needed if( plan.instrument and plan.instrument ~= "" and minetest.registered_items[ "instruments:"..plan.instrument.."_copper" ]) then -- find a suitable instrument that can be used to work on this local found = -1; for i,v in ipairs( instruments.levels ) do if( found<1 and plan.level <= v ) then found = i; end end local instrument_material = "copper"; -- fallback if( found ) then instrument_material = instruments.materials[ found ]; end -- There is no stone chisel if plan.instrument == "chisel" and instrument_material == "stone" then instrument_material = "copper" end -- the instrument may need to be made out of a diffrent material formspec = formspec.."item_image_button[1.0,2.0;1,1;instruments:"..plan.instrument.."_"..instrument_material..";imaterial_"..instrument_material..";]"; -- show error message for unkown tools elseif( plan.instrument and plan.instrument ~= "" ) then formspec = formspec.."label[0.5,2.5;ERROR]"; end -- welding requires flux if( plan.type and plan.type=="weld") then formspec = formspec.."item_image[6.0,2.0;1,1;minerals:flux]".. "tooltip[6,2;0.8,0.9;"..minetest.registered_items["minerals:flux"].description.."]" end -- show a list of all receipes to select from local i = 1; for _, v in ipairs(realtest.registered_anvil_recipes) do if( v and not( v.material ) or v.material == material) then formspec = formspec.. "item_image_button["..tostring((i-1)%8)..",".. tostring(4+math.floor((i-1)/8))..";1,1;".. v.output..";recipe/"..v.output.."/"..v.item1..";]"; -- minetest.formspec_escape(v.output).."]"; i = i+1; end end -- show the metals to select from for i, v in ipairs( metals.list ) do formspec = formspec.. "image_button["..tostring(8+(i-1)%4)..",".. tostring(math.floor((i-1)/4))..";1,1;".. "metals_"..v.."_block.png;mmaterial_"..v..";".. breakline(metals.desc_list[i]).."]"; end -- show the anvils that can do this task formspec = formspec.."label[0,6.9;The following anvils are strong enough for this task "; if( plan.type=="weld") then formspec = formspec.."(welding can be done on all anvils):]"; else formspec = formspec.." (at least strength "..tostring(plan.level).."):]"; end for i,anvil in ipairs( anvils ) do if( anvil[3] >= plan.level or plan.type=="weld") then formspec = formspec.."item_image_button["..tostring(i-1)..",7.3;1,1;anvil:anvil_"..anvil[1]..";amaterial_"..anvil[1]..";"..breakline(anvil[2]).."]"; end end minetest.show_formspec( player:get_player_name(), "realtest:craft_guide_anvil", formspec ); end -- make sure we receive player input; needed for showing formspecs directly minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( realtest.show_craft_guide_anvil );