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2022-06-10 03:12:45 +02:00
# mcl_structures
Structure placement API for MCL2.
## mcl_structures.register_structure(name,structure definition)
### structure definition
fill_ratio = OR noise = {},
biomes = {},
y_min =,
y_max =,
place_on = {},
spawn_by = {},
num_spawn_by =
flags = (default: "place_center_x, place_center_z, force_placement")
(same as decoration def)
y_offset =, --can be a number or a function returning a number
filenames = {} OR place_func = function(pos,filename)
-- filenames can be a list of any schematics accepted by mcl_structures.place_schematic
after_place = function(pos)
## mcl_structures.registered_structures
Table of the registered structure defintions indexed by name.
## mcl_structures.place_structure(pos, def, pr)
Places a structure using the mapgen placement function
## mcl_structures.place_schematic(pos, schematic, rotation, replacements, force_placement, flags, after_placement_callback, pr, callback_param)