mcl_criticals = {} function mcl_criticals.modifier(obj, hp_change, reason) local damage = -hp_change if damage > 0 and reason.type == "player" then local hitter = if mcl_sprint.is_sprinting(hitter) then obj:add_velocity(hitter:get_velocity()) elseif (hitter:get_velocity() or hitter:get_player_velocity()).y < 0 then local pos = mcl_util.get_object_center(obj) minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 15, time = 0.1, minpos = {x=pos.x-0.5, y=pos.y-0.5, z=pos.z-0.5}, maxpos = {x=pos.x+0.5, y=pos.y+0.5, z=pos.z+0.5}, minvel = {x=-0.1, y=-0.1, z=-0.1}, maxvel = {x=0.1, y=0.1, z=0.1}, minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 2, minsize = 1.5, maxsize = 1.5, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "mcl_particles_crit.png^[colorize:#bc7a57:127", }) minetest.sound_play("mcl_criticals_hit", {object = obj}) -- the minecraft wiki is actually wrong about a crit dealing 150% damage, see minecraft source code damage = damage + math.random(0, math.floor(damage * 1.5 + 2)) end end return -damage end mcl_damage.register_modifier(function(player, hp_change, _, mcl_reason) return mcl_criticals.modifier(player, hp_change, mcl_reason) end, -100)