--[[ This mod implements a HACK to make 100% sure the digging times of all tools match Minecraft's perfectly. The digging times system of Minetest is very different, so this weird group trickery has to be used. In Minecraft, each block has a hardness and the actual Minecraft digging time is determined by this: 1) The block's hardness 2) The tool being used (the tool_multiplier and its efficiency level) 3) Whether the tool is considered as "eligible" for the block (e.g. only diamond pick eligible for obsidian) See Minecraft Wiki for more information. How the mod is used =================== In MineClone 2, all diggable node have the hardness set in the custom field "_mcl_hardness" (0 by default). Digging groups are registered using the following code: mcl_autogroup.register_diggroup("pickaxey", { levels = 5 }) mcl_autogroup.register_diggroup("shovely") mcl_autogroup.register_diggroup("shovely") The first line registers "pickaxey" as a digging group. The "levels" field indicates that the digging group have 5 levels (in this case one for each material of a pickaxe). The second line registers "shovely" as a digging group which does not have separate levels (if the "levels" field is not set it defaults to 0). Nodes indicate that they belong to a particular digging group by being member of the digging group in their node definition. "mcl_core:dirt" for example has shovely=1 in its groups. If the digging group has multiple levels the value of the group indicates which digging level the node requires. "mcl_core:stone_with_gold" for example has pickaxey=3 because it requires a pickaxe of level 3 to be mined. For tools to be able to dig nodes of the digging groups they need to use the have the custom field "_mcl_autogroup_groupcaps" function to get the groupcaps. See "mcl_tools/init.lua" for examples of this. Information about the mod ========================= The mod is split up into two parts, mcl_autogroup and _mcl_autogroup. mcl_autogroup contains the API functions used to register custom digging groups. _mcl_autogroup contains most of the code. The leading underscore in the name "_mcl_autogroup" is used to force Minetest to load that part of the mod as late as possible. Minetest loads mods in reverse alphabetical order. --]] -- Returns a table containing the unique "_mcl_hardness" for nodes belonging to -- each diggroup. local function get_hardness_values_for_groups() local maps = {} local values = {} for g, _ in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do maps[g] = {} values[g] = {} end for _, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do for g, _ in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do if ndef.groups[g] ~= nil then maps[g][ndef._mcl_hardness or 0] = true end end end for g, map in pairs(maps) do for k, _ in pairs(map) do table.insert(values[g], k) end end for g, _ in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do table.sort(values[g]) end return values end -- Returns a table containing a table indexed by "_mcl_hardness_value" to get -- its index in the list of unique hardnesses for each diggroup. local function get_hardness_lookup_for_groups(hardness_values) map = {} for g, values in pairs(hardness_values) do map[g] = {} for k, v in pairs(values) do map[g][v] = k end end return map end -- Array of unique hardness values for each group which affects dig time. local hardness_values = get_hardness_values_for_groups() -- Map indexed by hardness values which return the index of that value in -- hardness_value. Used for quick lookup. local hardness_lookup = get_hardness_lookup_for_groups(hardness_values) local function compute_creativetimes(group) local creativetimes = {} for index, hardness in pairs(hardness_values[group]) do table.insert(creativetimes, 0) end return creativetimes end -- Get the list of digging times for using a specific tool on a specific -- diggroup. -- -- Parameters: -- group - the group which it is digging -- can_harvest - if the tool can harvest the block -- tool_multiplier - dig speed multiplier for tool (default 1) -- efficiency - efficiency level for the tool (default 0) local function get_digtimes(group, can_harvest, tool_multiplier, efficiency) efficiency = efficiency or 0 tool_multiplier = tool_multiplier or 1 speed_multiplier = tool_multiplier if efficiency > 0 then speed_multiplier = speed_multiplier + efficiency * efficiency + 1 end local digtimes = {} for index, hardness in pairs(hardness_values[group]) do local digtime = (hardness or 0) / speed_multiplier if can_harvest then digtime = digtime * 1.5 else digtime = digtime * 5 end if digtime <= 0.05 then digtime = 0 else digtime = math.ceil(digtime * 20) / 20 end table.insert(digtimes, digtime) end return digtimes end -- Get one groupcap field for using a specific tool on a specific group. local function get_groupcap(group, can_harvest, multiplier, efficiency, uses) return { times = get_digtimes(group, can_harvest, multiplier, efficiency), uses = uses, maxlevel = 0, } end -- Get the groupcaps for a tool on the specified digging groups. groupcaps_def -- contains a table with keys being the digging group and values being the tools -- properties for that digging group. -- -- The tool properties can have the following values: -- -- tool_multiplier - the digging speed multiplier for this tool (default 1) -- efficiency - the efficiency level for this tool (default 0) -- level - the maximum level of the group the tool can harvest (default 1) -- uses - the number of uses the tool has for this group -- -- A level of 0 means that the tool will be able to dig that group but will -- never be able to harvest the nodes of that group and will always get a -- digging time penalty. This is useful for implementing the hand. -- -- Example usage: -- -- mcl_autogroup.get_groupcaps { -- pickaxey = { tool_multiplier = 4, level = 3, uses = 132 } -- } -- -- This computes the groupcaps for a tool mining "pickaxey" blocks. The tool -- has a digging speed multiplier of 4, can mine nodes of level >= 3 and has 132 -- uses. local function add_groupcaps(groupcaps, groupcaps_def) for g, capsdef in pairs(groupcaps_def) do local mult = capsdef.tool_multiplier or 1 local eff = capsdef.efficiency or 0 local uses = capsdef.uses local def = mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups[g] local level = capsdef.level or 1 local max_level = def.levels or 0 if max_level > 0 then level = math.min(level, max_level) groupcaps[g .. "_0_dig"] = get_groupcap(g, false, mult, eff, uses) groupcaps[g .. "_" .. level .. "_dig"] = get_groupcap(g, true, mult, eff, uses) else groupcaps[g .. "_dig"] = get_groupcap(g, true, mult, eff, uses) end end return groupcaps end -- Checks if the given node would drop its useful drop if dug by a tool with the -- given tool capabilities. Returns true if it will yield its useful drop, false -- otherwise. function mcl_autogroup.can_harvest(nodename, tool_capabilities) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] local groupcaps = tool_capabilities.groupcaps local handy = minetest.get_item_group(nodename, "handy") local dig_immediate = minetest.get_item_group(nodename, "handy") if handy > 0 or dig_immediate >= 2 then return true end for g, _ in pairs(groupcaps) do if ndef.groups[g] then if not string.find(g, "_0_dig$") and string.find(g, "_dig$") then return true end end end return false end local overwrite = function() for nname, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do local newgroups = table.copy(ndef.groups) if (nname ~= "ignore" and ndef.diggable) then -- Automatically assign the "solid" group for solid nodes if (ndef.walkable == nil or ndef.walkable == true) and (ndef.collision_box == nil or ndef.collision_box.type == "regular") and (ndef.node_box == nil or ndef.node_box.type == "regular") and (ndef.groups.not_solid == 0 or ndef.groups.not_solid == nil) then newgroups.solid = 1 end -- Automatically assign the "opaque" group for opaque nodes if (not (ndef.paramtype == "light" or ndef.sunlight_propagates)) and (ndef.groups.not_opaque == 0 or ndef.groups.not_opaque == nil) then newgroups.opaque = 1 end -- Assign groups used for digging this node depending on -- the registered digging groups for g, gdef in pairs(mcl_autogroup.registered_diggroups) do local index = hardness_lookup[g][ndef._mcl_hardness or 0] if ndef.groups[g] then if gdef.levels then newgroups[g .. "_0_dig"] = index for i = ndef.groups.pickaxey, gdef.levels do newgroups[g .. "_" .. i .. "_dig"] = index end else newgroups[g .. "_dig"] = index end end end minetest.override_item(nname, { groups = newgroups }) end end for tname, tdef in pairs(minetest.registered_tools) do -- Assign groupcaps for digging the registered digging groups -- depending on the _mcl_autogroup_groupcaps in the tool -- definition if tdef._mcl_autogroup_groupcaps then local toolcaps = table.copy(tdef.tool_capabilities) or {} local groupcaps = toolcaps.groupcaps or {} groupcaps = add_groupcaps(groupcaps, tdef._mcl_autogroup_groupcaps) toolcaps.groupcaps = groupcaps minetest.override_item(tname, { tool_capabilities = toolcaps }) end end end overwrite()