-- -- Minetest snippets mod: A formspec API -- -- This should probably be put in formspeclib. -- local open_formspecs = {} minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() open_formspecs[name] = nil end) local get_player_by_name = minetest.global_exists('cloaking') and cloaking.get_player_by_name or minetest.get_player_by_name -- Formspec objects -- You can create one of these per player and handle input local Form = {} local forms = {} setmetatable(forms, {__mode = 'k'}) local function get(form) if not forms[form] then error('snippets.Form method called on a non-Form!', 3) end return forms[form] end -- Get unique formnames local used_ids = {} setmetatable(used_ids, {__mode = 'v'}) local function get_next_formname(form) -- Iterate over it because of inconsistencies when getting the length of a -- list containing nil. local id = 1 for _ in ipairs(used_ids) do id = id + 1 end -- ID should be equal to #used_ids + 1. used_ids[id] = form return 'snippets:form_' .. id end -- Override minetest.show_formspec local show_formspec = minetest.show_formspec function minetest.show_formspec(pname, ...) if pname then open_formspecs[pname] = nil end return show_formspec(pname, ...) end -- Show formspecs local print = print function Form:show() local data = get(self) if not get_player_by_name(data.victim) then return false end open_formspecs[data.victim] = self print('show_formspec', data.victim, data.formname, data.prepend .. data.formspec .. data.append) show_formspec(data.victim, data.formname, data.prepend .. data.formspec .. data.append) return true end Form.open = Form.show -- Close formspecs function Form:close() local data = get(self) if open_formspecs[data.victim] == self then minetest.close_formspec(data.victim, data.name) open_formspecs[data.victim] = nil end end Form.hide = Form.close -- Prepends etc function Form:get_prepend() return get(self).prepend end function Form:get_formspec() return get(self).formspec end function Form:get_append() return get(self).append end function Form:set_prepend(text) local data = get(self) data.prepend = tostring(text or '') if open_formspecs[data.victim] == self then self:show() end end function Form:set_formspec(text) local data = get(self) data.formspec = tostring(text or '') if open_formspecs[data.victim] == self then self:show() end end function Form:set_append(text) local data = get(self) data.append = tostring(text or '') if open_formspecs[data.victim] == self then self:show() end end -- Callbacks function Form:add_callback(...) local data, argc = get(self), select('#', ...) local event, func if argc == 1 then event, func = '', ... elseif argc == 2 then event, func = ... if type(event) ~= 'string' then error('Invalid usage for snippets.Form:add_callback().', 2) end else error('snippets.Form:add_callback() takes one or two arguments.', 2) end if not data.callbacks[event] then data.callbacks[event] = {} end table.insert(data.callbacks[event], snippets.wrap_callback(func)) end -- Create a Formspec object function snippets.Form(player) if minetest.is_player(player) then player = player:get_player_name() end if type(player) ~= 'string' or not get_player_by_name(player) then error('Attempted to create a Form for a non-existent player!', 2) end local form = {context = {}} setmetatable(form, {__index = Form}) forms[form] = { victim = player, prepend = '', formspec = '', append = '', callbacks = {}, formname = get_next_formname(form), pname = player, } return form end -- Callbacks local function run_callbacks(callbacks, ...) if not callbacks then return end for _, func in ipairs(callbacks) do func(...) end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname:sub(1, 14) ~= 'snippets:form_' then return end local pname = player:get_player_name() local form = open_formspecs[pname] local data = forms[form] if not data or data.formname ~= formname then return end -- Nuke the formspec if required if fields.quit then open_formspecs[pname] = nil end -- Run generic callbacks run_callbacks(data.callbacks[''], form, fields) -- Run field-specific callbacks for k, v in pairs(fields) do run_callbacks(data.callbacks[k], form, fields) end end)