This repository has been archived on 2019-06-10. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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local rmod_conveyor_top_animated = {
name = "rmod_conveyor_top_animated.png",
backface_culling = true,
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 1/8, -- it takes 1 second to move 16 pixels, thus 1/16 seconds to move one pixel. but this animation is two pixels per runthrough.
local rmod_conveyor_top_animated_2 = {
name = "rmod_conveyor_top_animated_2.png", -- Higher resolution version with 4 frames as opposed to 2.
backface_culling = true,
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 32,
aspect_h = 32,
length = 1/8, -- it takes 1 second to move 16 pixels, thus 1/16 seconds to move one pixel. but this animation is two pixels per runthrough.
local rmod_conveyor_top_animated_2_reversed = { -- Reversed animation for the Z+ face.
name = "rmod_conveyor_top_animated_2_reversed.png", -- Higher resolution version with 4 frames as opposed to 2.
backface_culling = true,
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 32,
aspect_h = 32,
length = 1/8, -- it takes 1 second to move 16 pixels, thus 1/16 seconds to move one pixel. but this animation is two pixels per runthrough.
local meseconveyor_rules = {
{x=0, y=0, z=-1},
{x=1, y=0, z=0},
{x=-1, y=0, z=0},
{x=0, y=0, z=1},
{x=1, y=1, z=0},
{x=1, y=-1, z=0},
{x=-1, y=1, z=0},
{x=-1, y=-1, z=0},
{x=0, y=1, z=1},
{x=0, y=-1, z=1},
{x=0, y=1, z=-1},
{x=0, y=-1, z=-1},
{x=0, y=-1, z=0},
local overlay_off = "^rmod_meseconveyor_overlay_off.png"
local overlay_on = "^rmod_meseconveyor_overlay_on.png"
local side_overlay_off = "^rmod_meseconveyor_side_overlay_off.png"
local side_overlay_on = "^rmod_meseconveyor_side_overlay_on.png"
local rmod_meseconveyor_top_off = "rmod_conveyor_top_off.png" .. overlay_off -- Un-animated version of the conveyor texture.
local rmod_meseconveyor_top_off_reversed = "rmod_conveyor_top_off_reversed.png" .. overlay_off -- I probably should just [rotate it.
local rmod_meseconveyor_top_animated_2 = rmod_conveyor_top_animated_2 = .. overlay_on
local rmod_meseconveyor_top_animated_2_reversed = rmod_conveyor_top_animated_2_reversed = .. overlay_on
minetest.register_node("rmod:meseconveyor_off", {
description = "Meseconveyor",
tiles = {
rmod_meseconveyor_top_off, rmod_meseconveyor_top_off,
"rmod_conveyor_side.png" .. side_overlay_off, "rmod_conveyor_side.png" .. side_overlay_off,
rmod_meseconveyor_top_off_reversed, rmod_meseconveyor_top_off
groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, mesecon = 2},
use_texture_alpha = true,
paramtype2 = "facedir",
mesecons = {effector = {
rules = meseconveyor_rules,
action_on = function (pos, node)
minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "rmod:meseconveyor_on", param2 = node.param2})
minetest.register_node("rmod:meseconveyor_on", {
description = "Active Meseconveyor (you hacker you!)",
tiles = {
rmod_meseconveyor_top_animated_2, rmod_meseconveyor_top_animated_2,
"rmod_conveyor_side.png" .. side_overlay_on, "rmod_conveyor_side.png" .. side_overlay_on,
rmod_meseconveyor_top_animated_2_reversed, rmod_meseconveyor_top_animated_2
groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, conveyor = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1, mesecon = 2},
drop = "rmod:meseconveyor_off",
use_texture_alpha = true,
paramtype2 = "facedir",
mesecons = {effector = {
rules = meseconveyor_rules,
action_off = function (pos, node)
minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "rmod:meseconveyor_off", param2 = node.param2})