-- -- Minetest lurkcoin mod - ATMs -- -- © 2019 by luk3yx -- local open_atms = {} local function e(text) return minetest.formspec_escape(tostring(text)) end local formspecs = {} -- 0.4 compatibility lurkcoin.formspec_prepend = '' if minetest.get_modpath('default') and rawget(_G, 'default') and default.gui_bg and default.gui_bg_img and default.gui_slots then lurkcoin.formspec_prepend = default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots end -- The formspec code is based on something random I did in 2017(?) for -- lurkcoinV1, formspecs are weird and I somehow got it right™ then. local function get_formspec(name, page, params) -- The formspec template local formspec = 'size[8,9;]' .. lurkcoin.formspec_prepend .. 'label[0.5,1.75;Your balance: ' .. e(lurkcoin.bank.getbal(name)) .. 'cr.]' .. 'image_button[2,0.55;4,0.5;default_dirt.png^\\[colorize:#343434;y;' .. 'Welcome to a ' .. e(lurkcoin.server_name) .. ' ATM!]' .. 'label[0.5,2.25;Exchange rate: \xc2\xa41.00 is equal to ' .. e(lurkcoin.exchange_rate) .. 'cr.]' .. 'image_button[1.75,1.05;4.5,0.5;default_dirt.png^\\[colorize:' .. '#343434;y; Your account: ' .. e(name) .. ']' .. 'image[0.5,0.5;1,1;default_mese_crystal.png]' .. 'image[6.5,0.5;1,1;default_mese_crystal.png]' -- Get the page formspec local page = formspecs[page] or formspecs.main if type(page) == 'string' then formspec = formspec .. page elseif type(page) == 'function' then formspec = formspec .. page(name, params) end -- Return the generated formspec return formspec end -- The formspecs (depending on installed mods) local withdrawls = false -- Payment screen function formspecs.pay(name, fields, guessed_amount) fields = fields or {} local formspec = 'field[0.8,3.5;7,1;user;User to pay;' .. e(fields.user or '') .. ']' .. 'field_close_on_enter[user;false]' .. 'field[0.8,4.8;7,1;server;Server the user is on;' .. e(fields.server or lurkcoin.server_name) .. ']' .. 'field_close_on_enter[server;false]' .. 'field[0.8,6.15;7,1;amount;Amount to pay (in cr);' .. e(fields.amount or '5.00') .. ']' .. 'field_close_on_enter[amount;false]' if fields._err then formspec = formspec .. 'label[0.5,7;' .. e(fields._err) .. ']' .. 'button[0.5,8;3.5,1;payuser;Cancel]' .. 'button[4,8;3.5,1;paysubmit;Try again]' elseif fields.paysubmit then formspec = formspec .. 'label[0.5,7;Please confirm the above values.' if fields.server ~= lurkcoin.server_name then local exc = -1 if type(fields._exchange_rate) == 'number' then exc = fields._exchange_rate end if exc < 0 then lurkcoin.get_exchange_rate(fields.amount, fields.server or lurkcoin.server_name, function(data) print('Exchange rate callback with data ' .. tostring(data)) if not data then fields._err = 'That server does not exist!' end fields._exchange_rate = data return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'pay', fields) end) return formspec .. '\n' .. fields.amount .. 'cr is equal to' .. ' ...\n\n(Calculating...)]' end exc = tostring(math.floor(exc * 100) / 100) formspec = formspec .. '\n' .. fields.amount .. 'cr is ' .. 'equal to \xc2\xa4' .. exc .. '.' end formspec = formspec .. ']' .. 'button[0.5,8;3.5,1;payuser;Cancel]' .. 'button[4,8;3.5,1;payconfirm;Confirm and pay]' else formspec = formspec .. 'button[0.5,7;7,1;paysubmit;Pay the user!]' if withdrawls then formspec = formspec .. 'button[0.5,8;3.5,1;home;Go back]' .. 'button_exit[4,8;3.5,1;quit;Quit]' else formspec = formspec .. 'button_exit[0.5,8;7,1;quit;Quit]' end end return formspec end -- The main formspec if minetest.get_modpath('currency') then formspecs.main = 'button[0.5,3.25;7,1;deposit;Deposit money]' .. 'field[0.8,4.85;6,1;withdraw;Withdraw money (in Mg);5.00]' .. 'field_close_on_enter[withdraw;false]' .. 'button[6.5,4.55;1,1;wd;Next >]' .. 'field[0.8,6.1;6,1;user;Pay someone;]' .. 'field_close_on_enter[user;false]' .. 'button[6.5,5.8;1,1;payuser;Next >]' .. 'button_exit[0.5,8;7,1;quit;Quit]' -- Create a withdrawls list with available currency. withdrawls = { [0.05] = 'currency:minegeld_cent_5', [0.10] = 'currency:minegeld_cent_10', [0.25] = 'currency:minegeld_cent_25', [1] = 'currency:minegeld', [5] = 'currency:minegeld_5', [10] = 'currency:minegeld_10', [20] = 'currency:minegeld_20', -- The original mod now has 20Mg notes. [50] = 'currency:minegeld_50', [100] = 'currency:minegeld_100', } -- Remove non-registered notes for id, note in pairs(withdrawls) do if not minetest.registered_items[note] then withdrawls[id] = nil end end assert(#withdrawls > 0, 'The "currency" mod did not register any notes!') -- Create a detached inventory for depositing local inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory('lurkcoin:atm_deposit', { on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) local name = stack:get_name() if name:sub(1, 17) == 'currency:minegeld' then local m = name:sub(19) if #m > 0 then if m:sub(1, 5) == 'cent_' then m = tonumber(m:sub(6)) if m then m = m / 100 end else m = tonumber(m) end else m = 1 end if type(m) == 'number' and m == m then m = m * stack:get_count() local pname = player:get_player_name() if not lurkcoin.bank.add(pname, m, 'Deposit') then player:get_inventory():add_item('main', stack) end core.log('action', 'Player ' .. pname .. ' deposts ' .. stack:to_string() .. ' into an ATM.') end end inv:set_list(listname, {}) lurkcoin.show_atm(player:get_player_name(), 'deposit') end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) local name = stack:get_name() if name:sub(1, 17) == 'currency:minegeld' then return stack:get_count() else return 0 end end, allow_take = function() return 0 end, }) inv:set_size("lurkcoin", 1) -- Depositing formspecs.deposit = 'list[current_player;main;0,4.85;8,1;]' .. 'list[current_player;main;0,6.08;8,3;8]' .. 'list[detached:lurkcoin:atm_deposit;lurkcoin;3.5,3;1,1;]' .. 'listring[]' .. 'image_button[0,3;3.5,1;default_dirt.png^\\[colorize:#343434;' .. 'ignore;Deposit money here →]' .. 'button[5.25,3;2,1;home;Finish]' else -- When there is no physical currency, the only thing you can do is pay -- others. formspecs.main = formspecs.pay end -- "Transaction accepted" screen function formspecs.success(name, text) return 'image[2.1,3;4.5,4.5;lurkcoin_success.png]' .. 'image_button[1,7;6,1;default_dirt.png^\\[colorize:#343434;' .. 'ignore;' .. e(text or 'Transaction sent!') .. ']' .. 'button[0.5,8;3.5,1;home;Go back]' .. 'button_exit[4,8;3.5,1;quit;Quit]' end -- "Transaction failed" screen function formspecs.error(name, text) return 'image[2.1,3;4.5,4.5;lurkcoin_error.png]' .. 'image_button[1,7;6,1;default_dirt.png^\\[colorize:#343434;' .. 'ignore;' .. e(text or 'An error has occurred!') .. ']' .. 'button[0.5,8;3.5,1;home;Go back]' .. 'button_exit[4,8;3.5,1;quit;Quit]' end -- Processing screen formspecs.processing = 'image[2.1,3;4.5,4.5;lurkcoin_processing.png]' .. 'image_button[1,7;6,1;default_dirt.png^\\[colorize:#343434;' .. 'ignore;Processing your transaction...]' .. 'image_button[1,8;6,1;default_dirt.png^\\[colorize:#343434;' .. 'ignore;This should only take a few seconds.]' -- A wrapper function function lurkcoin.show_atm(name, page, params) minetest.show_formspec(name, 'lurkcoin:atm', get_formspec(name, page, params)) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname == 'lurkcoin:atm' then local name = player:get_player_name() if withdrawls then if fields.deposit then return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'deposit') elseif fields.wd then local amount = tonumber(fields.withdraw) if not amount or amount ~= amount or amount <= 0 then return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'error', 'ERROR: Invalid number!') end local bal = lurkcoin.bank.getbal(name) if amount > bal then return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'error', 'ERROR: You cannot afford to do that!') end local note = false for id, item in pairs(withdrawls) do if (not note or id > note) and math.floor(amount / id) * id == amount then local def = minetest.registered_items[item] if def and amount / id <= (def.stack_max or 99) then note = id end end end if not note then return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'error', 'ERROR: I cannot store that amount of\nmoney in a ' .. 'single stack of notes/coins!') end local stack = ItemStack({ name = withdrawls[note], count = amount / note, }) local inv = player:get_inventory() if not inv:room_for_item('main', stack) then return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'error', 'ERROR: You do not have enough inventory space!') end lurkcoin.bank.subtract(name, amount) inv:add_item('main', stack) return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'success') end end if fields.payconfirm and open_atms[name] and open_atms[name].pay then local data = open_atms[name] for k, v in pairs(data) do if type(v) == 'number' then fields[k] = tonumber(fields[k]) end if k ~= 'pay' and fields[k] ~= v then if k ~= 'amount' then k = 'target ' .. k end fields._err = 'The ' .. k .. ' was modified before pressing confirm!' lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'pay', fields) return end end lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'processing') lurkcoin.pay(name, data.user, data.server, data.amount, function(success, msg) local page = success and 'success' or 'error' return lurkcoin.show_atm(name, page, msg) end ) elseif fields.payuser or fields.paysubmit or fields.payconfirm then if fields.paysubmit then local amount = tonumber(fields.amount) if not amount or amount ~= amount or amount <= 0 then fields._err = 'Invalid number!' lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'pay', fields) return elseif lurkcoin.bank.getbal(name) - amount < 0 then fields._err = 'You cannot afford to do that!' lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'pay', fields) return elseif fields.server then fields.server = fields.server:gsub('^ *(.-) *$', '%1') end if fields.user then fields.user = fields.user:gsub('^ *(.-) *$', '%1') end if not fields.server or fields.server == '' then fields.server = lurkcoin.server_name end open_atms[name] = { pay = true, user = fields.user or '', server = fields.server, amount = amount, } if open_atms[name].user == '' or ( fields.server == lurkcoin.server_name and not lurkcoin.bank.user_exists(open_atms[name].user) ) then fields._err = 'That user does not exist!' lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'pay', fields) return end end fields._err = nil lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'pay', fields) elseif fields.home then lurkcoin.show_atm(name, 'main') elseif fields.quit then open_atms[name] = nil end end end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) -- TODO: I forgot what one register_on_leaveplayer uses and am too lazy to -- check. local name if type(player) == 'string' then name = player else name = player:get_player_name() end open_atms[name] = nil end)