-- -- Minetest lurkcoin mod - Bank -- -- © 2019 by luk3yx -- -- Add a function to automatically change the bank function lurkcoin.change_bank(bank) -- Sanity checks assert(type(bank) == 'table') assert(bank.getbal and bank.setbal) -- Set lurkcoin.bank to the new bank lurkcoin.bank = bank bank = nil -- Get the current mod name if not lurkcoin.bank.mod then lurkcoin.bank.mod = minetest.get_current_modname() or '???' end -- Make sure "getbal" has a consistent return result and add user_exists if -- it doesn't. if type(lurkcoin.bank.getbal('\xc2\xa4 Fake user')) ~= 'number' then local getbal = lurkcoin.bank.getbal if not lurkcoin.bank.user_exists then function lurkcoin.bank.user_exists(name) return getbal(name) and true or false end end function lurkcoin.bank.getbal(name) return getbal(name) or 0 end end assert(lurkcoin.bank.user_exists) -- Make sure "setbal" has a consistent return value. do local setbal = lurkcoin.bank.setbal function lurkcoin.bank.setbal(name, amount, reason) if type(amount) ~= 'number' or amount ~= amount then return false end local success = setbal(name, amount, reason) if success == nil then return true end return success end end -- Make sure "changebal" exists if not lurkcoin.bank.changebal then if lurkcoin.bank.add and lurkcoin.bank.subtract then function lurkcoin.bank.changebal(name, amount, reason) if amount == 0 then return true elseif type(amount) ~= 'number' or amount ~= amount then return false end if amount > 0 then return lurkcoin.bank.add(name, amount, reason) else return lurkcoin.bank.subtract(name, amount, reason) end end else function lurkcoin.bank.changebal(name, amount, reason) if amount == 0 then return true elseif type(amount) ~= 'number' or amount ~= amount then print('Not a number') return false end local resulting_bal = lurkcoin.bank.getbal(name) + amount if resulting_bal < 0 then print('Cannot afford to do that') return false end return lurkcoin.bank.setbal(name, resulting_bal, reason) end end end -- Make sure "add" exists if not lurkcoin.bank.add then function lurkcoin.bank.add(name, amount, reason) if amount < 0 then return false end return lurkcoin.bank.changebal(name, amount, reason) end end -- Make sure "subtract" exists if not lurkcoin.bank.subtract then function lurkcoin.bank.subtract(name, amount, reason) if amount < 0 then return false end return lurkcoin.bank.changebal(name, 0 - amount, reason) end end -- Make sure "pay" exists, and if so, make sure it has consistent return -- values. if lurkcoin.bank.pay then local pay = lurkcoin.bank.pay function lurkcoin.bank.pay(from, to, amount) if type(amount) ~= 'number' or amount ~= amount then return false, 'Invalid number!' end local success, msg = pay(from, to, amount) if success or success == nil then return true, msg or 'Transaction sent!' else return false, msg or 'Error processing transaction!' end end else function lurkcoin.bank.pay(from, to, amount) if type(amount) == 'number' then amount = math.floor(amount * 100) / 100 end if not lurkcoin.bank.user_exists(from) or not lurkcoin.bank.user_exists(to) then return false, 'The specified user does not exist!' elseif type(amount) ~= 'number' or amount ~= amount or amount <= 0 then return false, 'Invalid number!' elseif lurkcoin.bank.getbal(from) - amount < 0 then return false, 'You cannot afford to do that!' end local success = false if lurkcoin.bank.subtract(from, amount, 'Transaction to ' .. to) then success = lurkcoin.bank.add(to, amount, 'Transaction from ' .. from) -- Revert failed transactions if not success and success ~= nil then lurkcoin.bank.add(from, amount, 'Reverting failed transaction.') end end if success or success == nil then minetest.log('action', '[lurkcoin] User ' .. from .. ' paid ' .. to .. ' ' .. tostring(amount) .. 'cr.') return true, 'Transaction sent!' end return false, 'Error processing transaction!' end end end -- Built-in mod integrations -- These should be in alphabetical order (except ones that use the "money" -- global). if minetest.get_modpath('atm') and rawget(_G, 'atm') and atm.balance then -- ATM mod from https://git.gpcf.eu/?p=atm.git;a=tree -- Add (really) basic wrapper functions that should be replaced in -- change_bank(). lurkcoin.change_bank({ mod = 'atm', getbal = function(name) return atm.balance[name] end, setbal = function(name, bal) atm.balance[name] = bal atm.saveaccounts() end }) elseif minetest.get_modpath('bank_accounts') and rawget(_G, 'accounts') and accounts.balance and accounts.pin and accounts.credit then -- https://github.com/Tmanyo/bank_accounts lurkcoin.change_bank({ mod = 'bank_accounts', getbal = function(name) return accounts.balance[name] end, setbal = function(name, bal) accounts.balance[name] = bal end }) elseif minetest.get_modpath('economy') and rawget(_G, 'economy') and economy.balance and economy.accountlog then -- https://github.com/orwell96/economy -- economy.moneyof() automatically adds non-existent entries, therefore it -- is not used by default. lurkcoin.change_bank({ mod = 'economy', getbal = function(name) return economy.balance[name] end, setbal = function(name, amount, reason) local difference = amount - economy.balance[name] economy.balance[name] = amount local symbol if difference >= 0 then symbol = '+' else symbol = '-' difference = 0 - difference end if not economy.accountlog[name] then economy.accountlog[name] = {} end if not reason then reason = 'Transaction on ' .. os.date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end table.insert(economy.accountlog[name], 1, { action = reason, amount = symbol .. ' ' .. tostring(difference) }) end, }) elseif rawget(_G, 'money') then -- Mods that (incorrectly) use the "money" global variable. if minetest.get_modpath('economy') and money.get_money then lurkcoin.change_bank({ mod = 'economy', user_exists = money.exist, getbal = money.get_money, setbal = money.set_money, }) elseif minetest.get_modpath('money2') and money.get then -- money.add and money.dec have a different return value system. lurkcoin.change_bank({ mod = 'money2', user_exists = money.has_credit, getbal = money.get, setbal = function(name, ...) if money.has_credit(name) then money.set(name, ...) return true end return false end, pay = function(from, to, amount) local err = money.transfer(from, to, amount) return not err, err end }) end end