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// lurkcoin
// Copyright © 2020 by luk3yx
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package lurkcoin
import (
// Create a custom Currency type that stores read-only currency values.
type Currency struct {
raw *big.Int
var i0 = big.NewInt(0)
var i10 = big.NewInt(10)
var i100 = big.NewInt(100)
// A method to convert currency to a string.
func (self Currency) RawString() string {
// This should probably be improved.
whole := new(big.Int)
frac := new(big.Int)
var res string
if self.raw.Cmp(i0) >= 0 {
whole.DivMod(self.raw, i100, frac)
res = whole.String()
} else {
whole.DivMod(new(big.Int).Abs(self.raw), i100, frac)
res = "-" + whole.String()
res += "."
if frac.Cmp(i10) < 0 {
res += "0"
} else if frac.Cmp(i100) >= 0 {
panic("Unreachable code (big.Int DivMod did something it shouldn't).")
return res + frac.String()
// Returns the currency as a human-readable string.
func (self Currency) String() string {
raw := self.RawString()
var builder strings.Builder
// Add the leading ¤.
s := 0
if raw[0] == '-' {
s = 1
// Insert a comma when required
// 123456.78 → 123,456.78
l := len(raw) - 3
for i := s; i < len(raw); i++ {
if l > i && i > s && (l-i)%3 == 0 {
// Return the result
return builder.String()
// Returns the currency as a human-readable string. Positive numbers are
// prefixed with +.
func (self Currency) DeltaString() string {
s := self.String()
if self.GtZero() {
return "+" + s
return s
// Addition/division
func (self Currency) Add(num Currency) Currency {
raw := new(big.Int)
raw.Add(self.raw, num.raw)
return Currency{raw}
func (self Currency) Sub(num Currency) Currency {
raw := new(big.Int)
raw.Sub(self.raw, num.raw)
return Currency{raw}
func (self Currency) Div(num Currency) *big.Float {
return new(big.Float).Quo(self.Float(), num.Float())
func (self Currency) Neg() Currency {
return Currency{new(big.Int).Sub(i0, self.raw)}
// Comparisons
func (self Currency) Cmp(num Currency) int {
return self.raw.Cmp(num.raw)
func (self Currency) Eq(num Currency) bool {
return self.Cmp(num) == 0
func (self Currency) Gt(num Currency) bool {
return self.Cmp(num) == 1
func (self Currency) Lt(num Currency) bool {
return self.Cmp(num) == -1
func (self Currency) LtZero() bool {
return self.raw.Cmp(i0) == -1
func (self Currency) IsZero() bool {
return self.raw.Cmp(i0) == 0
func (self Currency) GtZero() bool {
return self.raw.Cmp(i0) == 1
func (self Currency) IsNil() bool {
return self.raw == nil
// Conversions
var f100 *big.Float = big.NewFloat(100)
func (self Currency) Float() *big.Float {
raw := new(big.Float).SetInt(self.raw)
return new(big.Float).Quo(raw, f100)
func (self Currency) Int() *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).Set(self.raw)
func (self Currency) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
res := []byte(self.RawString())
// Remove a single trailing zero (if any). If all trailing zeroes were
// removed, Python would interpret the value as an integer instead.
if res[len(res)-1] == '0' {
res = res[:len(res)-1]
return res, nil
func (self *Currency) setString(data string) bool {
if self.raw != nil {
return false
if strings.HasPrefix(data, SYMBOL) {
data = data[2:]
f, success := new(big.Float).SetString(data)
if success {
res := new(big.Int)
new(big.Float).Mul(f, f100).Int(res)
self.raw = res
return success
func (self *Currency) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// Accept quoted values
var s string
if data[0] == '"' && data[len(data)-1] == '"' {
s = string(data[1 : len(data)-1])
} else {
s = string(data)
if self.setString(s) {
return nil
} else {
return errors.New("Invalid currency value.")
func (self *Currency) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
return self.raw.GobEncode()
func (self *Currency) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
if self.raw != nil {
return errors.New("GobDecode() on already initialised Currency.")
self.raw = new(big.Int)
return self.raw.GobDecode(data)
// Create new currency values
func CurrencyFromFloat(num *big.Float) Currency {
f := new(big.Float)
f.Mul(num, f100)
raw := new(big.Int)
return Currency{raw}
func CurrencyFromInt(num *big.Int) Currency {
return Currency{new(big.Int).Set(num)}
func CurrencyFromInt64(num int64) Currency {
return Currency{new(big.Int).SetInt64(num * 100)}
func CurrencyFromFloat64(num float64) Currency {
return CurrencyFromFloat(new(big.Float).SetFloat64(num))
func CurrencyFromString(num string) Currency {
var res Currency
if res.setString(strings.ReplaceAll(num, "_", "")) {
return res
} else {
return Currency{i0}
func ParseCurrency(num string) (Currency, error) {
var res Currency
if res.setString(strings.ReplaceAll(num, "_", "")) {
return res, nil
} else {
return Currency{i0}, errors.New("ERR_INVALIDAMOUNT")