# hud_fs A Minetest mod library to make handling formspec-like HUDs easier. Depends on [formspec_ast](https://content.minetest.net/packages/luk3yx/formspec_ast/). ## API - `hud_fs.show_hud(player, formname, formspec)`: Displays or updates a HUD with the specified formname and formspec. - `formspec` can also be a formspec_ast tree for more advanced usage. - `hud_fs.close_hud(player, formname)`: Closes `formname`. Equivalent to `hud_fs.show_hud(player, formname, "")`. The player parameter in the above function can either be a player object or a player name. *If you just want to manage HUDs, that's all you need to know!* Don't worry about trying to get incremental updates or tracking HUD IDs, `hud_fs` does that for you behind-the-scenes. ### Supported formspec features All formspecs are assumed to be version 3 and the `formspec_version` element (if any) is ignored. The following elements are supported: - `size` - While there is no background for the HUD, this does change where the co-ordinates start from. - `position`, `anchor` - **You need to use these to set the position of the HUD!** - See [the Minetest API documentation](https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/formspec/#positionxy) for more info. - You probably want `anchor` to have the same value as `position`. - `container` - `label` - Because of HUD limitations, `minetest.colorize()` only works at the start of the label. - `image` - `box` - `textarea` - If the name is non-empty a background is drawn behind the text. - Text will overflow vertically outside the specified height. - `item_image` - Only works with some nodes, should work with all craftitems. - `button`, `button_exit`, `image_button`, `image_button_exit`, `item_image_button` - Buttons become a grey box with a label in the middle. - The label has the same limitations as the `label` element. - The `noclip` option is ignored. - Item image buttons have the same limitations as `item_image`. All valid formspec elements not listed above are ignored. ### Using normal HUD element definitions If you want features can't be implemented using formspecs, you can use a list of HUD elements (the tables sent to `hud_add`) instead. Example: ```lua hud_fs.show_hud(player, "waypoints", { { hud_elem_type = "waypoint", world_pos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, name = "Waypoint 1" }, { hud_elem_type = "waypoint", world_pos = {x = 1, y = 2, z = 3}, name = "Waypoint 2" } }) ``` ### Advanced API - `hud_fs.set_scale(formname, scale)`: Sets the scale of the HUD. - All future HUDs shown with `formname` will use this scale instead of the default (64, subject to change). - The scale is the amount of pixels per co-ordinate. For example, a 1x1 image will have a size of 10x10 pixels if the scale is set to 10. - `hud_fs.set_z_index(formname, z_index)`: Sets the base Z-Index of the HUD. - All future HUDs shown with `formname` will use this z-index instead of the default (0). - The HUD will use z-index values from `z_index` to `z_index + amount_of_hud_elements`. - This won't work properly with Minetest clients older than 5.2.0. ## FAQ(?) #### Why not implement this mod in the Minetest engine? This mod (or anything similar) won't be implemented, a proposal to do so was rejected in https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10135. #### Why formspecs? - There isn't a complicated new API to learn, if you write MT mods you probably know how to use formspecs already. - I have a [web-based formspec editor] which can now be used to design HUDs for use with this mod. - You don't need any knowledge of Minetest's HUD API to use this mod. - As this mod parses formspecs server-side, the lack of differential updates is for the most part a non-issue. [web-based formspec editor]: https://git.minetest.land/luk3yx/formspec-editor #### But I hate formspecs and don't want to touch them Then don't use this mod. There are plenty of other HUD library mods around such as [hudlib](https://github.com/octacian/hudlib) and [panel_lib](https://gitlab.com/zughy-friends-minetest/panel_lib). Alternatively, the API provided by this mod accepts a list of HUD elements in place of a formspec. ## Performance If this mod becomes a performance bottleneck you can try the following things: - Move any formspec elements that are added or removed frequently to the end of the formspec. This will allow them to be removed without touching other elements internally. - This mod is currently inefficient at updating HUDs when elements are added or removed when they aren't at the end of the formspec. - Using a formspec_ast tree instead of a formspec in show_hud. `formspec_ast` is relatively slow at parsing formspecs at the time of writing. - Don't call show_hud when you already know that nothing has changed. Doing so will waste time parsing the formspec, converting it to HUD elements, then figuring out what has changed.