-- -- hud_fs: Render formspecs into HUDs -- -- Copyright © 2021 by luk3yx -- local hud_fs = {} local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() _G[modname] = hud_fs local DEBUG = false local DEFAULT_SCALE = 64 local DEFAULT_Z_INDEX = 0 local floor, type, pairs = math.floor, type, pairs local max, min = math.max, math.min -- Attempt to use modlib's parser local colorstring_to_number if minetest.global_exists("modlib") and (modlib.version or 0) >= 54 then local pcall, from_string = pcall, modlib.minetest.colorspec.from_string function colorstring_to_number(col) local ok, spec = pcall(from_string, col) if not ok or not spec then return end return spec:to_number_rgb() end else colorstring_to_number = dofile(minetest.get_modpath(modname) .. "/colorstring_to_number.lua") end hud_fs.colorstring_to_number = colorstring_to_number -- Hacks to allow colorize() to work to some extent on labels local function get_label_number(label) local number, text = label:match("^\027%(c@([^%)]+)%)(.*)$") -- Remove trailing escape sequence added by minetest.colorize(). if text then text = text:gsub("\027%(c@[^%)]+%)$", "") end return text or label, number and colorstring_to_number(number) or 0xFFFFFF end -- Disable the race condition workaround in 5.4.1 singleplayer -- The bug was fixed in 5.4.1 but there's no (easy) way to detect 5.4.1 clients -- The workaround is disabled for 5.5.0+ clients (if the server is 5.5.0+) -- regardless of this setting. local enable_race_condition_workaround = true if minetest.is_singleplayer() then local version = minetest.get_version() if version.project == "Minetest" and version.string == "5.4.1" then enable_race_condition_workaround = false end end local nodes = {} function nodes.label(node, scale) local text, number = get_label_number(node.label) local elem = { hud_elem_type = "text", text = text, alignment = {x = 1, y = 0}, number = number } -- Hack for newlines. This will unfortunately break if the font size is -- changed from the default. if elem.text:find('[\r\n]') then elem.alignment.y = 1 node.y = node.y - 10 / scale end return elem end local log2_div = math.log(2) function nodes.image(node, scale, _, possibly_using_gles, client_hud_scale) -- The provided texture could be any size so this has to scale it first local w = floor(node.w * scale * client_hud_scale) local h = floor(node.h * scale * client_hud_scale) local texture = node.texture_name if w > 0 and h > 0 and texture ~= "" then texture = "(" .. texture .. ")^[resize:" .. w .. "x" .. h else -- Minetest throws an error with zero-width HUD images, use blank.png -- to keep the image around (for future HUD update calls) while -- silencing the error. texture = "blank.png" end -- Hacks to work around textures being aligned to a power of 2 on some -- video drivers if possibly_using_gles then local true_w = 2 ^ math.ceil(math.log(w) / log2_div) local true_h = 2 ^ math.ceil(math.log(h) / log2_div) if true_w ~= w or true_h ~= h then texture = ("[combine:%sx%s:0,0=%s"):format( true_w, true_h, texture:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("%^", "\\^"):gsub(":", "\\:") ) end end return { hud_elem_type = "image", text = texture, alignment = {x = 1, y = 1}, scale = {x = 1 / client_hud_scale, y = 1 / client_hud_scale}, } end -- Hack box[] into image[] function nodes.box(node, scale) local col = node.color -- Add default transparency if col:byte(1) == 35 then if #col == 4 then col = col:gsub("[^#]", "%1%1") .. "8C" elseif #col == 7 then col = col .. "8C" end end -- Since hud_fs_box.png is guaranteed to be 1x1, scale can be used directly return { hud_elem_type = "image", text = 'hud_fs_box.png^[colorize:' .. col, alignment = {x = 1, y = 1}, scale = {x = node.w * scale, y = node.h * scale}, } end function nodes.textarea(node, scale, add_node) -- Add in separate nodes for the label and background if node.label and node.label ~= "" then add_node("label", { x = node.x, y = node.y - 10 / scale, label = node.label }) end if node.name and node.name ~= "" then add_node("box", { x = node.x, y = node.y, w = node.w, h = node.h, color = "#757575FF" }) end node.x = node.x + 5 / scale node.y = node.y + 3 / scale local lines = (node.default or ""):split("\n", true) local max_line_length = node.w * scale / 8 for i, line in ipairs(lines) do lines[i] = minetest.wrap_text(line, max_line_length) end return { hud_elem_type = "text", text = table.concat(lines, "\n"), alignment = {x = 1, y = 1}, number = 0xFFFFFF, scale = {x = node.w * scale, y = node.h * scale} } end local function get_tile_image(tiles, preferred_texture) local tile for i = preferred_texture, 1, -1 do tile = tiles[i] if tile then break end end if type(tile) == "table" then tile = tile.name end if type(tile) ~= "string" then tile = "unknown_item.png" end return tile end function nodes.item_image(node, ...) local def = minetest.registered_items[node.item_name] if not def then node.texture_name = "unknown_item.png" elseif def.inventory_image and def.inventory_image ~= "" then node.texture_name = def.inventory_image elseif def.wield_image and def.wield_image ~= "" then node.texture_name = def.wield_image elseif def.tiles then node.texture_name = minetest.inventorycube( get_tile_image(def.tiles, 1), get_tile_image(def.tiles, 6), get_tile_image(def.tiles, 3) ) else node.texture_name = "unknown_node.png" end return nodes.image(node, ...) end function nodes.button(node, _, add_node) -- This function is used by image_button and item_image_button as well if node.drawborder == nil or node.drawborder then add_node("box", { x = node.x, y = node.y, w = node.w, h = node.h, color = "#515151FF" }) end if node.texture_name and node.texture_name ~= "" then add_node("image", node) elseif node.item_name and node.item_name ~= "" then add_node("item_image", node) end node.x = node.x + node.w / 2 node.y = node.y + node.h / 2 local text, number = get_label_number(node.label) return { hud_elem_type = "text", text = text, alignment = {x = 0, y = 0}, number = number } end nodes.button_exit = nodes.button nodes.image_button = nodes.button nodes.image_button_exit = nodes.button nodes.item_image_button = nodes.button local function render_error(err) minetest.log("error", "[hud_fs] Error rendering HUD: " .. tostring(err)) return {} end local function render(tree, possibly_using_gles, scale, z_index, window) if type(tree) == "string" then local err tree, err = formspec_ast.parse(tree) if not tree then return render_error(err) end end tree = formspec_ast.flatten(tree) -- if (tree.formspec_version or 1) < 2 then -- return render_error("Formspec version 1 is not supported!") -- end local hud_elems = {} local size_w, size_h = 0, 0 local pos = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5} local offset_x, offset_y = 0, 0 scale = scale or DEFAULT_SCALE z_index = z_index or DEFAULT_Z_INDEX local client_hud_scale = window and window.real_hud_scaling or 1 local function add_node(node_type, node) local elem = nodes[node_type](node, scale, add_node, possibly_using_gles, client_hud_scale) elem.position = pos elem.z_index = z_index elem.offset = { x = (node.x + offset_x) * scale, y = (node.y + offset_y) * scale } hud_elems[#hud_elems + 1] = elem z_index = z_index + 1 end for _, node in ipairs(tree) do local node_type = node.type if node_type == "size" then size_w, size_h = node.w, node.h offset_x, offset_y = -size_w / 2, -size_h / 2 elseif node_type == "position" then pos = {x = node.x, y = node.y} elseif node_type == "anchor" then if size_w == 0 or size_h == 0 then return render_error("anchor[] without size[]") end offset_x = -node.x * size_w offset_y = -node.y * size_h elseif node_type == "padding" and window then if size_w == 0 or size_h == 0 then return render_error("padding[] without size[]") elseif #hud_elems > 0 then return render_error("padding[] after other elements") end -- If padding[] is present, override the specified scale on new -- clients scale = min( -- The client's size window.size.x / (window.max_formspec_size.x * 1.1), window.size.y / (window.max_formspec_size.y * 1.1), -- Maximum size based on the padding window.size.x * (1 - node.x * 2) / size_w, window.size.y * (1 - node.y * 2) / size_h ) / client_hud_scale elseif nodes[node_type] then add_node(node_type, node) elseif node_type == nil and node.hud_elem_type then -- Pass through plain HUD elements hud_elems[#hud_elems + 1] = node end end return hud_elems end local hud_elems = {} --[[ hud_elems[player_name][formname] = { {List of HUD IDs}, {List of HUD definitions} } ]] -- Returns needs_replacing, differences local function compare_elems(old_elem, new_elem) local differences = {} for k, v in pairs(old_elem) do local v2 = new_elem[k] if type(v) == "table" and type(v2) == "table" then -- Tables are guaranteed to be vectors at the moment, don't bother -- checking anything else to improve performance. if v.x ~= v2.x or v.y ~= v2.y or v.z ~= v2.z then differences[#differences + 1] = k end elseif v ~= v2 then -- Sometimes the HUD element will need to be deleted/re-added. if k == "hud_elem_type" or v2 == nil then return true, nil end differences[#differences + 1] = k end end -- Check for missing keys in old_elem for k in pairs(new_elem) do if old_elem[k] == nil then differences[#differences + 1] = k end end return false, differences end local function reshow_hud(name, formname, data) if not hud_elems[name] or hud_elems[name][formname] ~= data then return end data[3] = nil local fs = data[4] if fs then data[4] = nil hud_fs.show_hud(name, formname, fs) end end local scales = {} local z_indexes = {} function hud_fs.show_hud(player, formname, formspec) if type(player) == "string" then player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player) if not player then return end end local name = player:get_player_name() if not hud_elems[name] then hud_elems[name] = {} end -- Work around Minetest bug (should be fixed in 5.4) local info = minetest.get_player_information(name) if not info then return end local data = hud_elems[name][formname] if not data then data = {{}, {}} hud_elems[name][formname] = data end local proto_ver = info.protocol_version -- Work around client-side race conditions in MT <= 5.4.0 if proto_ver < 40 and data[3] then data[4] = formspec return end -- MultiCraft-specific detection of clients which may be using OpenGL ES 1 local possibly_using_gles = (info.platform == "Android" or info.platform == "iOS") local ids, elems = data[1], data[2] local window = minetest.get_player_window_information and minetest.get_player_window_information(name) local new_elems = render(formspec, possibly_using_gles, scales[formname], z_indexes[formname], window) -- Z-index was added to MT 5.2.0 (protocol version 39) and is ignored by -- older clients. Because of the way HUDs work, sometimes it's safest to -- just delete and re-add every single element for these older clients. if proto_ver < 39 then -- Maybe we can get away with just doing hud_change() and not resending local diff_cache = {} local can_update = true local update_packets = max(#elems - #new_elems, 0) for i, new_elem in ipairs(new_elems) do local old_elem = elems[i] if old_elem then local needs_replacing, diff = compare_elems(old_elem, new_elem) if needs_replacing then can_update = false break end if #diff > 0 then diff_cache[i] = diff update_packets = update_packets + 1 end else -- If elements are added the whole HUD needs to be resent. can_update = false break end end local resend_packets = #elems + #new_elems if can_update and resend_packets >= update_packets then -- Send lots of hud_change packets for i, new_elem in ipairs(new_elems) do local diff = diff_cache[i] if diff then for _, stat in ipairs(diff) do player:hud_change(ids[i], stat, new_elem[stat]) end elems[i] = new_elem end end -- Remove any extra elements for i = #new_elems + 1, #ids do player:hud_remove(ids[i]) ids[i] = nil elems[i] = nil end if DEBUG then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "[DEBUG] Sent " .. update_packets .. " packet(s) using hud_change() and " .. "hud_remove() to update HUD") end else -- Or resend every single HUD element for i = 1, #ids do player:hud_remove(ids[i]) ids[i] = nil elems[i] = nil end for i, elem in ipairs(new_elems) do ids[i] = player:hud_add(elem) elems[i] = elem end -- Block future HUD modifications if the new HUD isn't empty if new_elems[1] and enable_race_condition_workaround then data[3] = true minetest.after(0.05, reshow_hud, name, formname, data) end if DEBUG then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "[DEBUG] Sent " .. resend_packets .. " packet(s) resending entire HUD") end end return end -- As MT 5.2.0+ clients support z_index, the HUD IDs don't need to be -- sequential and the update packets can therefore be more efficient. local replaced, modified, modify_packets, added = 0, 0, 0, 0 for i, new_elem in ipairs(new_elems) do local old_elem = elems[i] if old_elem then local needs_replacing, diff = compare_elems(old_elem, new_elem) if needs_replacing or #diff > 2 then -- Resend the entire element if there are more than two -- differences as this only sends two packets to the client. player:hud_remove(ids[i]) ids[i] = player:hud_add(new_elem) replaced = replaced + 1 else -- Otherwise it's more efficient to use multiple hud_change() -- calls (this is a no-op if #diff == 0). for _, stat in ipairs(diff) do player:hud_change(ids[i], stat, new_elem[stat]) modify_packets = modify_packets + 1 end if #diff > 0 then modified = modified + 1 end end else ids[i] = player:hud_add(new_elem) added = added + 1 end elems[i] = new_elem end -- Remove any extra elements local removed = 0 for i = #new_elems + 1, #ids do player:hud_remove(ids[i]) ids[i] = nil elems[i] = nil removed = removed + 1 end -- Only block future HUD modifications if any elements have been added if proto_ver < 40 and added > 0 and enable_race_condition_workaround then data[3] = true minetest.after(0.05, reshow_hud, name, formname, data) end if DEBUG then local packets = modify_packets + replaced * 2 + added + removed minetest.chat_send_player(name, "[DEBUG] Sent " .. packets .. " network packet(s): Modified " .. modified .. " elements in-place (for " .. modify_packets .. " packet(s)), replaced " .. replaced .. ", added " .. added .. " and removed " .. removed .. " element(s).") end end function hud_fs.close_hud(player, formname) hud_fs.show_hud(player, formname, {}) end minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) hud_elems[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) -- Sets the base z-index for formname. Should not be done when the formspec is -- open. Note that this is not used for all elements, if the formspec contains -- 10 HUD elements it will use a z-index ranging from z_index to z_index + 9. -- This has no effect for clients older than 5.2.0. function hud_fs.set_z_index(formname, z_index) if z_index == DEFAULT_Z_INDEX then z_index = nil end z_indexes[formname] = z_index end -- Sets the scale for formname. This can be done when the HUD is open, however -- the scale won't be changed for existing formspecs. function hud_fs.set_scale(formname, scale) if scale == DEFAULT_SCALE then scale = nil end scales[formname] = scale end -- Testing --[=[ if not DEBUG then return end local using_fs = {} local function poll() for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local name = player:get_player_name() local fs = "formspec_version[3]" .. "size[4,4.5] position[1,0] anchor[1,0] no_prepend[]" .. "bgcolor[#00000022;true]" .. "box[0,0;5,2;#380C2AFF]" .. "label[0.25,0.5;This is a test HUD]" .. "label[0.25,1;" .. minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "Server uptime: " .. floor(minetest.get_server_uptime()) .. " seconds") .. "]" .. "label[0.25,1.5;Run /hud to interact!]" if math.random(0, 1) == 0 then fs = fs .. "image[3,1.5;1,1;default_dirt.png]" end -- if math.random(1, 5) > 1 then -- fs = fs .. "label[0,1.5;Second label (test)\nNewline test\rabc]" -- end fs = fs .. "box[0,2;5,2;#380C2ABF]" .. "container[0,2.5]" .. "item_image[0,0;1,1;carts:rail]" .. "item_image[1,0;1,1;default:dirt_with_grass]" .. "container[2,-0.5]" .. "item_image[0,0.5;1,1;default:cactus]" .. "item_image[1,0.5;1,1;default:tree]" .. "container_end[]" .. "container_end[]" .. "button[0,4;2,0.5;mrkr;Waypoints]" .. "button[2,4;2,0.5;close;Close]" if using_fs[name] then minetest.show_formspec(name, "hud_fs:uptime", fs) hud_fs.close_hud(name, "hud_fs:uptime") else hud_fs.show_hud(name, "hud_fs:uptime", fs) end end end local function poll_outer() poll() minetest.after(1, poll_outer) end minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(poll_outer) minetest.register_chatcommand("hud", { func = function(name, _) using_fs[name] = true poll() end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("hud2", { func = function(name, _) minetest.show_formspec(name, "hud_fs:uptime", "formspec_version[3]" .. "size[4,4.5] position[1,0] anchor[1,0] no_prepend[]" .. "bgcolor[#ff000000;neither;#00ff0000]" .. "button[0,4;2,0.5;mrkr;Waypoints]" .. "button[2,4;2,0.5;close;Close]") end, }) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "hud_fs:uptime" then return end local name = player:get_player_name() if fields.mrkr then minetest.registered_chatcommands["mrkr"].func(name, "") elseif fields.close then minetest.close_formspec(name, "hud_fs:uptime") elseif not fields.quit then return end using_fs[name] = nil poll() end) ]=]