-- -- fs51 - Compatibility layer for Minetest formspecs -- -- Copyright © 2019-2021 by luk3yx. -- fs51 = {} local fs51 = fs51 local padding, spacing_x, spacing_y = 3/8, 5/4, 15/13 -- Random offsets local random_offsets = { -- box = {{0, 0}, {0.2, 0.125}}, label = {{0, 0.3}}, field = {{-padding, -0.33}, {-0.25, -0.2}}, pwdfield = {{-padding, -0.33}, {-0.25, 0}}, -- textarea = {{-0.3, -0.33}, {-0.2, 0}}, textarea = {{-padding, 0}, {-0.25, -padding}}, dropdown = {{0, 0}, {-0.25, 0}}, checkbox = {{0, 0.5}}, background = {{(1 - spacing_x) / 2, (1 - spacing_y) / 2}}, tabheader = {{-padding, -padding}}, } local fixers = {} local function fix_pos(elem, random_offset) if type(elem.x) == 'number' and type(elem.y) == 'number' then if random_offset then elem.x = elem.x - random_offset[1][1] elem.y = elem.y - random_offset[1][2] end elem.x = (elem.x - padding) / spacing_x elem.y = (elem.y - padding) / spacing_y end end local function default_fixer(elem) local random_offset = random_offsets[elem.type] fix_pos(elem, random_offset) if type(elem.w) == 'number' then if random_offset and random_offset[2] then elem.w = elem.w - random_offset[2][1] end elem.w = elem.w / spacing_x end if type(elem.h) == 'number' then if random_offset and random_offset[2] then elem.h = elem.h - random_offset[2][2] end elem.h = elem.h / spacing_y end end -- Other fixers function fixers.image_button(elem) fix_pos(elem, random_offsets[elem.type]) elem.w = elem.w * 0.8 + 0.205 elem.h = elem.h * 0.866 + 0.134 end fixers.item_image_button = fixers.image_button fixers.image_button_exit = fixers.image_button function fixers.textarea(elem) local h = elem.h default_fixer(elem) elem.h = h + 0.15 end fixers.image = fix_pos fixers.item_image = fixers.image function fixers.button(elem) elem.type = 'image_' .. elem.type elem.texture_name = 'blank.png' return fixers.image_button(elem) end fixers.button_exit = fixers.button function fixers.size(elem) elem.w = elem.w / spacing_x - padding * 2 + 0.36 elem.h = elem.h / spacing_y - padding * 2 end -- Lists are a special case because they return a container which needs to be -- processed and flattened. local function fix_list(elem) fix_pos(elem) if elem.h < 2 then return end -- Split the list[] into multiple list[]s. local start = math.max(elem.starting_item_index or 0, 0) for row = 1, elem.h do local r = row - 1 elem[row] = { type = 'list', inventory_location = elem.inventory_location, list_name = elem.list_name, x = 0, y = (r * 1.25) / spacing_y, w = elem.w, h = 1, starting_item_index = start + (elem.w * r), } end end -- Remove the "height" attribute on dropdowns. function fixers.dropdown(elem) fix_pos(elem) elem.w = elem.w / spacing_y elem.h = nil -- Make index_event nil if it's set to false elem.index_event = elem.index_event or nil end -- Use a hack to make "neither" work properly. Not much can be done about -- "both" unfortunately. function fixers.bgcolor(elem) if elem.fullscreen == 'neither' then elem.bgcolor = '#0000' elem.fullscreen = false end elem.fbgcolor = nil end -- local pre_types = {size = true, position = true, anchor = true, no_prepend = true} local xywh = {'x', 'y', 'w', 'h'} function fs51.backport(tree) -- Flatten the tree (this will also copy it). tree = formspec_ast.flatten(tree) local real_coordinates = type(tree.formspec_version) == 'number' and tree.formspec_version >= 2 tree.formspec_version = 1 -- Check for an initial real_coordinates[]. if not real_coordinates then for _, elem in ipairs(tree) do if elem.type == 'real_coordinates' then real_coordinates = elem.bool break elseif not pre_types[elem.type] then break end end end -- Allow deletion of real_coordinates[] local list1, list2 local i = 1 while tree[i] ~= nil do local elem = tree[i] if elem.type == 'real_coordinates' then real_coordinates = elem.bool table.remove(tree, i) i = i - 1 elseif elem.type == 'list' then -- There's no need to store every singe list list1, list2 = list2, elem if real_coordinates then fix_list(elem) formspec_ast.apply_offset(elem, elem.x, elem.y) -- Remove the container from the tree and append its contents. tree[i] = elem[1] for j = 2, #elem do i = i + 1 table.insert(tree, i, elem[j]) end end elseif elem.type == 'listring' and not elem.inventory_location and list1 then -- This is required because lists are split into multiple elements elem.inventory_location = list1.inventory_location elem.list_name = list1.list_name i = i + 1 table.insert(tree, i, { type = 'listring', inventory_location = list2.inventory_location, list_name = list2.list_name, }) elseif real_coordinates then (fixers[elem.type] or default_fixer)(elem) for _, n in ipairs(xywh) do if elem[n] then elem[n] = math.floor(elem[n] * 1000) / 1000 end end end i = i + 1 end return tree end local minetest_log = rawget(_G, 'minetest') and minetest.log or print function fs51.backport_string(formspec) local fs, err = formspec_ast.parse(formspec) if not fs then minetest_log('warning', '[fs51] Error parsing formspec: ' .. tostring(err)) return nil, err end return formspec_ast.unparse(fs51.backport(fs)) end -- Monkey patch Minetest's code if rawget(_G, 'minetest') and minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields and not minetest.settings:get_bool('fs51.disable_monkey_patching') then local fn = minetest.get_modpath('fs51') .. '/monkey_patching.lua' assert(loadfile(fn))(fixers) end