-- -- formspeclib core - Better and easier formspecs for Minetest -- -- © 2017 by luk3yx -- -- This is only the core rendering process. formspeclib = {} local objects = {} -- formspeclib.version: The version of formspeclib. formspeclib.version = 0.1 -- -- formspeclib.render(): Renders a formspeclib object into a formspec. -- -- Syntax: formspeclib.render(formspeclib_object, safe_mode, no_iterations) -- -- formspeclib_object: The formspeclib object to render. -- safe_mode: Optional. If it is enabled, the renderer does safety -- checks so the server does not crash. -- no_iterations: Optional, not recommended. Only allows formspeclib -- objects that produce a direct formspec string. -- formspeclib.render = function(formspec, safe_mode, no_iterations) if safe_mode and type(formspec) ~= 'table' then -- Don't throw an error, just don't render the formspec. return false end local compiled = '' local i local width local height if type(formspec.width) == 'number' then width = formspec.width else width = 0 end if type(formspec.height) == 'number' then height = formspec.height else height = 0 end if type(no_iterations) ~= 'number' and no_iterations then no_iterations = 1 end for i = 1, #formspec do if safe_mode and type(formspec[i]) ~= 'table' then return false elseif not formspec[i].type then -- The formspec is defining the global width/height. if type(formspec[i].width) == 'number' then width = obj.width end if type(formspec[i].height) == 'number' then height = obj.height end elseif objects[formspec[i].type] then local a local o if safe_mode then a, o = pcall(objects[formspec[i].type], formspec[i], safe_mode) if not a then o = false end else o = objects[formspec[i].type](formspec[i], safe_mode) end if type(o) == 'string' then compiled = compiled .. o elseif type(o) == 'table' then if no_iterations and no_iterations < 1 then return false end local iter if no_iterations then iter = no_iterations - 1 elseif safe_mode then iter = 3 end o = formspeclib.render(o, safe_mode, iter) if not o then return false end compiled = compiled .. o else return false end else -- On unknown element return false end end if width > 0 and height > 0 then if default and default.gui_bg and default.gui_bg_img and default.gui_slots then compiled = default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots .. compiled end compiled = 'size[' .. tostring(width) .. ',' .. tostring(height) .. ']' .. compiled end return compiled end -- -- formspeclib.register_object(): Create a formspeclib object -- -- Syntax: formspeclib.register_object(name, function) -- -- name: The name of the object (set in 'type'). It is recommended to make this -- 'mod:object' unless you are overriding an object. -- func: The function to generate the object. This function gets sent the -- formspec chunk to generate, and will return a string or formspeclib -- formspec, otherwise false to indicate an error. -- formspeclib.register_object = function(name, func) if type(func) ~= 'function' then return false end objects[name] = func return true end -- -- formspeclib.escape(): Escape and stringify text. -- -- This may seem useless, but it is actually quite useful. -- formspeclib.escape = function(text) return minetest.formspec_escape(tostring(text)) end