-- -- Minetest chat channels -- -- Allows you to send all messages as PMs. -- local main_channel = '#main' local channel = main_channel local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local channels = {} local messages_sent = 0 local buffer = {} local msgprefix local localplayer = '[you]' local show_main_channel = true if storage:get_string('channels') then channels = loadstring(storage:get_string('channels'))() end if not channels then channels = {} end minetest.register_on_connect(function() localplayer = minetest.localplayer:get_name() end) local player_in_channel = function(v, c) local in_channel = false if not c then c = channel end if channels[c] then for p = 1, #channels[c] do if channels[c][p] == v then in_channel = p break end end end return in_channel end local save = function() storage:set_string('channels', minetest.serialize(channels)) end local get_channel_users = function(c) if not c then c = channel end if c == main_channel then return false end local prefix = c:sub(1, 1) local name = c:sub(2) if prefix == '#' then local u = channels[name] if u and #u > 0 then local i = player_in_channel(localplayer, name) if i then table.remove(channels[name], i) save() end return channels[name] else if u then channels[name] = false end show_main_channel = true channel = main_channel return false end elseif prefix == '@' then return {name} else show_main_channel = true channel = main_channel return false end end minetest.register_on_sending_chat_messages(function(msg) local cmdprefix = msg:sub(1, 1) local c = channel if cmdprefix == '/' or cmdprefix == '.' then return elseif cmdprefix == '#' or cmdprefix == '@' then local s, e = msg:find(' ') if s then c = msg:sub(1, s - 1) msg = msg:sub(s + 1) else if cmdprefix == '@' or channels[msg:sub(2)] or msg == main_channel then channel = msg if channel == main_channel then show_main_channel = true end minetest.display_chat_message('You have changed chat channels to ' .. channel) return true end c = msg msg = '' end if c == main_channel then show_main_channel = true minetest.send_chat_message(msg) return true elseif cmdprefix == '#' and not channels[c:sub(2)] then minetest.display_chat_message('The channel ' .. c .. ' was not found.') return true end end local players = get_channel_users(c) if not players then return end table.insert(buffer, '-' .. c .. '- <' .. localplayer .. '> ' .. msg) messages_sent = messages_sent + #players for p = 1, #players do minetest.run_server_chatcommand('msg', players[p] .. ' -' .. c .. '- ' .. msg) end return true end) minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_messages(function(msg) local m = minetest.strip_colors(msg) if m == 'Message sent.' or m:match('^The player .* is not online.$') then if messages_sent > 0 then messages_sent = messages_sent - 1 if messages_sent == 0 and #buffer > 0 then minetest.display_chat_message(buffer[1]) table.remove(buffer, 1) end return true end elseif m:sub(1, 1) == '<' then if not show_main_channel then return true end local hijack = false if channel == main_channel then for _ in pairs(channels) do hijack = true break end else hijack = true end if hijack then minetest.display_chat_message('-' .. main_channel .. '- ' .. msg) return true end elseif m:match('^PM from [^\\- ]*: -[^ ]*- ') then local s, e = msg:find('-[^ ]*- ') if not s then return end local prefix = msg:sub(s + 1, s + 1) if prefix ~= '#' then return end local chan = msg:sub(s + 2, e - 2) local text = msg:sub(e + 1) local user = m:sub(9) local s, e = user:find(': ') local user = user:sub(1, s - 1) if player_in_channel(user, chan) then minetest.display_chat_message('-#' .. chan .. '- <' .. user .. '> ' .. text) return true end end end) minetest.register_chatcommand('add_to_channel', { params = " [channel]", description = "Add a player to a local chat channel.", func = function(param) local s, e = param:find(' ') local v local c if s then v = param:sub(1, s - 1) c = param:sub(s + 1) else v = param c = channel if v:find(' ') then v = '' end end if v == '' or c == '' or c:find(' ') or c:sub(1, 1) ~= '#' then return false, "Invalid syntax! Usage: .add_to_channel [channel]" elseif c == main_channel then return false, "You cannot add users to the main channel!" elseif v == localplayer then return false, "You cannot add yourself to a channel!" end c = c:sub(2) if channels[c] then if player_in_channel(v, c) then return true, "That player is already in the channel!" end else channels[c] = {} end table.insert(channels[c], v) save() return true, "Done!" end }) minetest.register_chatcommand('remove_from_channel', { params = " [channel]", description = "Remove a player from a local chat channel.", func = function(param) local s, e = param:find(' ') local v local c if s then v = param:sub(1, s - 1) c = param:sub(s + 1) else v = param c = channel if v:find(' ') then v = '' end end if v == '' or c == '' or c:find(' ') or c:sub(1, 1) ~= '#' then return false, "Invalid syntax! Usage: .remove_from_channel [channel]" elseif c == main_channel then return false, "You cannot remove users to the main channel!" elseif v == localplayer then return false, "You cannot remove yourself from a channel!" end c = c:sub(2) local in_channel = player_in_channel(v, c) if in_channel then table.remove(channels[c], in_channel) if #channels[c] < 1 then channels[c] = nil end save() return true, "Done!" else return true, "The player is not in the channel!" end end }) minetest.register_chatcommand('list_channels', { params = "", description = "Lists the channels.", func = function() local c = {} for i, _ in pairs(channels) do table.insert(c, i) end return true, "List of channels: " .. table.concat(c, ', ') end }) minetest.register_chatcommand('delete_channel', { params = "", description = "Removes a channel.", func = function(c) if c:sub(1, 1) ~= '#' then return false, "The channel must start with a #." end c = c:sub(2) if not channels[c] then return false, "The channel does not exist!" end channels[c] = nil save() return true, "Channel #" .. c .. " is no longer." end }) minetest.register_chatcommand('toggle_' .. main_channel:sub(2), { params = "", description = "Toggle between showing and hiding messages from " .. main_channel .. ".", func = function(c) if not show_main_channel then show_main_channel = true return true, "You will now start to receive messages from " .. main_channel .. "." elseif channel == main_channel then return false, "You are currently in " .. main_channel .. "! Please change channels first." else show_main_channel = false return true, "You will no longer receive messages from " .. main_channel .. "." end end }) minetest.register_chatcommand('who', { params = "[channel]", description = "List players in the current chat channel.", func = function(c) if c == '' then c = channel end if c:sub(1, 1) ~= '#' then return false, "The channel must start with a #." end c = c:sub(2) local players if c == main_channel:sub(2) then players = minetest.get_player_names() elseif channels[c] then local u = table.unpack or unpack players = {localplayer, u(channels[c])} else players = {} end table.sort(players) players = table.concat(players, ', ') return true, "List of players in #" .. c .. ": " .. players end })