Blueprints API

## Blueprint rules Blueprint rules define how nodes can be blueprinted. They are just a table with the following parameters: - `allowed`: Specifies whether the item is allowed to be blueprinted (`true`, `false` or `'default'`). If this is `'default'`, the item will be blueprinted if it is visible in the creative inventory (does not have the `not_in_creative_inventory` group). - `param2`: Allows the node's param2 to be saved in the blueprint. Defaults to `true`. - `meta`: Allows the node's metadata to be copied. Can either be `true` to allow everything to be copied, or a table with a list of metadata strings to copy. - `pvmeta`: A table containing a list of metadata strings to mark as private when restoring from the blueprint. - `inv_lists`: A table containing the inventory lists to be copied. - `item`: A custom blueprint item to give the player when blueprinting the object. Made with `blueprints.register_blueprint()`. *All parameters are optional, and will default to the ones specified in `core.lua`.* To modify these rules for your node, you can add a `_blueprints` field to your node's definition with a table containing any of the above parameters. Unknown rules will be silently ignored. ## Functions The following API functions exist, where the `node` parameter is normally a `string`: ### Node rules and aliases - `blueprints.get_rules(node)`: Gets a rules table for the node specified. You should not modify this table, as you may inadvertently modify the default rules. The `allowed` parameter will always be returned with either `true` or `false`, the value for `'default'` will be calculated when this is called. - `blueprints.register_alias(old_node, new_node)`: This will make blueprints treat `old_node` as the same as `new_node` internally. Blueprints made with `new_node` can be applied to `old_node`s, and the blueprint rules of `new_node` will be used for `old_node` as well. - `blueprints.check_alias(node)`: Checks for node aliases, will return `node` if no alias exists. Nodes registered with `mesecon.register_node` will be auto-aliased (`_on` to `_off`), however this can be overridden by adding a new alias. Aliases are not recursive. ### Creating/applying blueprint strings/tables. - `blueprints.get_blueprint(pos, raw = false)`: Returns a blueprint string (or table if raw is true) for the object. If the node cannot be blueprinted, this will return `nil`. - `blueprints.apply_blueprint(pos, blueprint, only_if_exists = false)`: Applies the blueprint `blueprint` at `pos`, the blueprint specified may be a string or table. Returns `true` on success or `nil` on faliure. ### Other possibly useful function(s). - `blueprints.check_protection(pos, name)`: Checks the protection at `pos` for `name`, automatically recording a violation if one exists. Returns `true` and records a violation if `name` has no access to `pos`, otherwise returns `false`. ### Registering blueprints. - `blueprints.register_blueprint(name, def)`: Registers a non-blank blueprint. `def` is optional, and if left out, sensible defaults will be used. Any parameters valid with craftitems should work here, however `on_use`, `on_place`, `stack_max` and a few others may be overridden. If `inventory_image` is not specified, one will be generated based on the node name (for example `blueprints:test_blueprint` would become `blueprints_test_blueprint.png`) and are overlayed on top of the empty blueprint texture. If you want to use a custom blank blueprint, you can specify the `blank` parameter in the table. - `bluepritns.register_blank_blueprint(name, def)`: The same as `reigster_blueprint`, except for blank blueprints. `blank` should not be specified here, and a `def` containing `description` is mandatory.