local math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs = math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs local mob_class = mcl_mobs.mob_class local DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED = -9.81*1.5 local FLOP_HEIGHT = 6 local FLOP_HOR_SPEED = 1.5 local PATHFINDING = "gowp" local node_ice = "mcl_core:ice" local node_snowblock = "mcl_core:snowblock" local node_snow = "mcl_core:snow" local mobs_griefing = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_griefing") ~= false local atann = math.atan local function atan(x) if not x or x ~= x then return 0 else return atann(x) end end -- get node but use fallback for nil or unknown local node_ok = function(pos, fallback) fallback = fallback or mcl_mobs.fallback_node local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] then return node end return minetest.registered_nodes[fallback] end -- Returns true is node can deal damage to self function mob_class:is_node_dangerous(nodename) local nn = nodename if self.lava_damage > 0 then if minetest.get_item_group(nn, "lava") ~= 0 then return true end end if self.fire_damage > 0 then if minetest.get_item_group(nn, "fire") ~= 0 then return true end end if minetest.registered_nodes[nn] and minetest.registered_nodes[nn].damage_per_second and minetest.registered_nodes[nn].damage_per_second > 0 then return true end return false end -- Returns true if node is a water hazard function mob_class:is_node_waterhazard(nodename) local nn = nodename if self.water_damage > 0 then if minetest.get_item_group(nn, "water") ~= 0 then return true end end if minetest.registered_nodes[nn] and minetest.registered_nodes[nn].drowning and minetest.registered_nodes[nn].drowning > 0 then if self.breath_max ~= -1 then -- check if the mob is water-breathing _and_ the block is water; only return true if neither is the case -- this will prevent water-breathing mobs to classify water or e.g. sand below them as dangerous if not self.breathes_in_water and minetest.get_item_group(nn, "water") ~= 0 then return true end end end return false end -- check line of sight (BrunoMine) function mob_class:line_of_sight(pos1, pos2, stepsize) stepsize = stepsize or 1 local s, pos = minetest.line_of_sight(pos1, pos2, stepsize) -- normal walking and flying mobs can see you through air if s == true then return true end -- New pos1 to be analyzed local npos1 = {x = pos1.x, y = pos1.y, z = pos1.z} local r, pos = minetest.line_of_sight(npos1, pos2, stepsize) -- Checks the return if r == true then return true end -- Nodename found local nn = minetest.get_node(pos).name -- Target Distance (td) to travel local td = vector.distance(pos1, pos2) -- Actual Distance (ad) traveled local ad = 0 -- It continues to advance in the line of sight in search of a real -- obstruction which counts as 'normal' nodebox. while minetest.registered_nodes[nn] and minetest.registered_nodes[nn].walkable == false do -- Check if you can still move forward if td < ad + stepsize then return true -- Reached the target end -- Moves the analyzed pos local d = vector.distance(pos1, pos2) npos1.x = ((pos2.x - pos1.x) / d * stepsize) + pos1.x npos1.y = ((pos2.y - pos1.y) / d * stepsize) + pos1.y npos1.z = ((pos2.z - pos1.z) / d * stepsize) + pos1.z -- NaN checks if d == 0 or npos1.x ~= npos1.x or npos1.y ~= npos1.y or npos1.z ~= npos1.z then return false end ad = ad + stepsize -- scan again r, pos = minetest.line_of_sight(npos1, pos2, stepsize) if r == true then return true end -- New Nodename found nn = minetest.get_node(pos).name end return false end function mob_class:can_jump_cliff() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local pos = self.object:get_pos() local v = self.object:get_velocity() local v2 = math.abs(v.x)+math.abs(v.z)*.833 local jump_c_multiplier = 1 if v2/self.walk_velocity/2>1 then jump_c_multiplier = v2/self.walk_velocity/2 end -- where is front local dir_x = -math.sin(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5)*jump_c_multiplier+0.6 local dir_z = math.cos(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5)*jump_c_multiplier+0.6 --is there nothing under the block in front? if so jump the gap. local nodLow = node_ok({ x = pos.x + dir_x-0.6, y = pos.y - 0.5, z = pos.z + dir_z-0.6 }, "air") local nodFar = node_ok({ x = pos.x + dir_x*2, y = pos.y - 0.5, z = pos.z + dir_z*2 }, "air") local nodFar2 = node_ok({ x = pos.x + dir_x*2.5, y = pos.y - 0.5, z = pos.z + dir_z*2.5 }, "air") if minetest.registered_nodes[nodLow.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[nodLow.name].walkable ~= true and (minetest.registered_nodes[nodFar.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[nodFar.name].walkable == true or minetest.registered_nodes[nodFar2.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[nodFar2.name].walkable == true) then --disable fear heigh while we make our jump self._jumping_cliff = true minetest.after(1, function() if self and self.object then self._jumping_cliff = false end end) return true else return false end end -- is mob facing a cliff or danger function mob_class:is_at_cliff_or_danger() if self.fear_height == 0 or self:can_jump_cliff() or self._jumping_cliff or not self.object:get_luaentity() then -- 0 for no falling protection! return false end local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local dir_x = -math.sin(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local dir_z = math.cos(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local pos = self.object:get_pos() local ypos = pos.y + self.collisionbox[2] -- just above floor local free_fall, blocker = minetest.line_of_sight( {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos, z = pos.z + dir_z}, {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos - self.fear_height, z = pos.z + dir_z}) if free_fall then return true else local bnode = minetest.get_node(blocker) local danger = self:is_node_dangerous(bnode.name) if danger then return true else local def = minetest.registered_nodes[bnode.name] if def and def.walkable then return false end end end return false end -- copy the 'mob facing cliff_or_danger check' from above, and rework to avoid water function mob_class:is_at_water_danger() if not self.object:get_luaentity() or self:can_jump_cliff() or self._jumping_cliff then return false end local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local dir_x = -math.sin(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local dir_z = math.cos(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5) local pos = self.object:get_pos() local ypos = pos.y + self.collisionbox[2] -- just above floor local free_fall, blocker = minetest.line_of_sight( {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos, z = pos.z + dir_z}, {x = pos.x + dir_x, y = ypos - 3, z = pos.z + dir_z}) if free_fall then return true else local bnode = minetest.get_node(blocker) local waterdanger = self:is_node_waterhazard(bnode.name) if waterdanger and (self:is_node_waterhazard(self.standing_in) or self:is_node_waterhazard( self.standing_on)) then return false elseif waterdanger and (self:is_node_waterhazard(self.standing_in) or self:is_node_waterhazard(self.standing_on)) == false then return true else local def = minetest.registered_nodes[bnode.name] if def and def.walkable then return false end end end return false end function mob_class:env_danger_movement_checks(dtime) local yaw = 0 if self:is_at_water_danger() and self.state ~= "attack" then if math.random(1, 10) <= 6 then self:set_velocity(0) self.state = "stand" self:set_animation( "stand") yaw = yaw + math.random(-0.5, 0.5) yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw, 8) end else if self.move_in_group ~= false then self:check_herd(dtime) end end if self:is_at_cliff_or_danger() then self:set_velocity(0) self.state = "stand" self:set_animation( "stand") local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw + 0.78, 8) end end -- jump if facing a solid node (not fences or gates) function mob_class:do_jump() if not self.jump or self.jump_height == 0 or self.fly or self.order == "stand" then return false end self.facing_fence = false -- something stopping us while moving? if self.state ~= "stand" and self:get_velocity() > 0.5 and self.object:get_velocity().y ~= 0 then return false end local pos = self.object:get_pos() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() -- what is mob standing on? pos.y = pos.y + self.collisionbox[2] - 0.2 local nod = node_ok(pos) if minetest.registered_nodes[nod.name].walkable == false then return false end local v = self.object:get_velocity() local v2 = math.abs(v.x)+math.abs(v.z)*.833 local jump_c_multiplier = 1 if v2/self.walk_velocity/2>1 then jump_c_multiplier = v2/self.walk_velocity/2 end -- where is front local dir_x = -math.sin(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5)*jump_c_multiplier+0.6 local dir_z = math.cos(yaw) * (self.collisionbox[4] + 0.5)*jump_c_multiplier+0.6 -- what is in front of mob? nod = node_ok({ x = pos.x + dir_x, y = pos.y + 0.5, z = pos.z + dir_z }) -- this is used to detect if there's a block on top of the block in front of the mob. -- If there is, there is no point in jumping as we won't manage. local nodTop = node_ok({ x = pos.x + dir_x, y = pos.y + 1.5, z = pos.z + dir_z }, "air") -- we don't attempt to jump if there's a stack of blocks blocking if minetest.registered_nodes[nodTop.name].walkable == true and not (self.attack and self.state == "attack") then return false end -- thin blocks that do not need to be jumped if nod.name == node_snow then return false end local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[nod.name] if self.walk_chance == 0 or ndef and ndef.walkable or self:can_jump_cliff() then if minetest.get_item_group(nod.name, "fence") == 0 and minetest.get_item_group(nod.name, "fence_gate") == 0 and minetest.get_item_group(nod.name, "wall") == 0 then local v = self.object:get_velocity() v.y = self.jump_height + 0.1 * 3 if self:can_jump_cliff() then v=vector.multiply(v, vector.new(2.8,1,2.8)) end self:set_animation( "jump") -- only when defined self.object:set_velocity(v) -- when in air move forward minetest.after(0.3, function(self, v) if (not self.object) or (not self.object:get_luaentity()) or (self.state == "die") then return end self.object:set_acceleration({ x = v.x * 2, y = DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED, z = v.z * 2, }) end, self, v) if self.jump_sound_cooloff <= 0 then self:mob_sound("jump") self.jump_sound_cooloff = 0.5 end else self.facing_fence = true end -- if we jumped against a block/wall 4 times then turn if self.object:get_velocity().x ~= 0 and self.object:get_velocity().z ~= 0 then self.jump_count = (self.jump_count or 0) + 1 if self.jump_count == 4 then local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw + 1.35, 8) self.jump_count = 0 end end return true end return false end -- should mob follow what I'm holding ? function mob_class:follow_holding(clicker) if self.nofollow then return false end if mcl_mobs.invis[clicker:get_player_name()] then return false end local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() local t = type(self.follow) -- single item if t == "string" and item:get_name() == self.follow then return true -- multiple items elseif t == "table" then for no = 1, #self.follow do if self.follow[no] == item:get_name() then return true end end end return false end -- find and replace what mob is looking for (grass, wheat etc.) function mob_class:replace(pos) if not self.replace_rate or not self.replace_what or self.child == true or self.object:get_velocity().y ~= 0 or math.random(1, self.replace_rate) > 1 then return end local what, with, y_offset if type(self.replace_what[1]) == "table" then local num = math.random(#self.replace_what) what = self.replace_what[num][1] or "" with = self.replace_what[num][2] or "" y_offset = self.replace_what[num][3] or 0 else what = self.replace_what with = self.replace_with or "" y_offset = self.replace_offset or 0 end pos.y = pos.y + y_offset local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if node.name == what then local oldnode = {name = what, param2 = node.param2} local newnode = {name = with, param2 = node.param2} local on_replace_return if self.on_replace then on_replace_return = self.on_replace(self, pos, oldnode, newnode) end if on_replace_return ~= false then if mobs_griefing then minetest.set_node(pos, newnode) end end end end -- specific runaway local specific_runaway = function(list, what) if type(list) ~= "table" then list = {} end -- no list so do not run if list == nil then return false end -- found entity on list to attack? for no = 1, #list do if list[no] == what then return true end end return false end -- find someone to runaway from function mob_class:check_runaway_from() if not self.runaway_from and self.state ~= "flop" then return end local s = self.object:get_pos() local p, sp, dist local player, obj, min_player local type, name = "", "" local min_dist = self.view_range + 1 local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range) for n = 1, #objs do if objs[n]:is_player() then if mcl_mobs.invis[ objs[n]:get_player_name() ] or self.owner == objs[n]:get_player_name() or (not self:object_in_range(objs[n])) then type = "" else player = objs[n] type = "player" name = "player" end else obj = objs[n]:get_luaentity() if obj then player = obj.object type = obj.type name = obj.name or "" end end -- find specific mob to runaway from if name ~= "" and name ~= self.name and specific_runaway(self.runaway_from, name) then p = player:get_pos() sp = s -- aim higher to make looking up hills more realistic p.y = p.y + 1 sp.y = sp.y + 1 dist = vector.distance(p, s) -- choose closest player/mpb to runaway from if dist < min_dist and self:line_of_sight(sp, p, 2) == true then min_dist = dist min_player = player end end end if min_player then local lp = player:get_pos() local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, y = lp.y - s.y, z = lp.z - s.z } local yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 *math.pi/ 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math.pi end yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw, 4) self.state = "runaway" self.runaway_timer = 3 self.following = nil end end -- follow player if owner or holding item, if fish outta water then flop function mob_class:follow_flop() -- find player to follow if (self.follow ~= "" or self.order == "follow") and not self.following and self.state ~= "attack" and self.order ~= "sit" and self.state ~= "runaway" then local s = self.object:get_pos() local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for n = 1, #players do if (self:object_in_range(players[n])) and not mcl_mobs.invis[ players[n]:get_player_name() ] then self.following = players[n] break end end end if self.type == "npc" and self.order == "follow" and self.state ~= "attack" and self.order ~= "sit" and self.owner ~= "" then -- npc stop following player if not owner if self.following and self.owner and self.owner ~= self.following:get_player_name() then self.following = nil end else -- stop following player if not holding specific item, -- mob is horny, fleeing or attacking if self.following and self.following:is_player() and (self:follow_holding(self.following) == false or self.horny or self.state == "runaway") then self.following = nil end end -- follow that thing if self.following then local s = self.object:get_pos() local p if self.following:is_player() then p = self.following:get_pos() elseif self.following.object then p = self.following.object:get_pos() end if p then local dist = vector.distance(p, s) -- dont follow if out of range if (not self:object_in_range(self.following)) then self.following = nil else local vec = { x = p.x - s.x, z = p.z - s.z } local yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) +math.pi/ 2) - self.rotate if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw +math.pi end self:set_yaw( yaw, 2.35) -- anyone but standing npc's can move along if dist > 3 and self.order ~= "stand" then self:set_velocity(self.follow_velocity) if self.walk_chance ~= 0 then self:set_animation( "run") end else self:set_velocity(0) self:set_animation( "stand") end return end end end -- swimmers flop when out of their element, and swim again when back in if self.fly then local s = self.object:get_pos() if self:flight_check( s) == false then self.state = "flop" self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED, z = 0}) local p = self.object:get_pos() local sdef = minetest.registered_nodes[node_ok(vector.add(p, vector.new(0,self.collisionbox[2]-0.2,0))).name] -- Flop on ground if sdef and sdef.walkable then if self.object:get_velocity().y < 0.1 then self:mob_sound("flop") self.object:set_velocity({ x = math.random(-FLOP_HOR_SPEED, FLOP_HOR_SPEED), y = FLOP_HEIGHT, z = math.random(-FLOP_HOR_SPEED, FLOP_HOR_SPEED), }) end end self:set_animation( "stand", true) return elseif self.state == "flop" then self.state = "stand" self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) self:set_velocity(0) end end end function mob_class:go_to_pos(b) if not self then return end local s=self.object:get_pos() if not b then --self.state = "stand" return end if vector.distance(b,s) < 1 then --self:set_velocity(0) return true end local v = { x = b.x - s.x, z = b.z - s.z } local yaw = (atann(v.z / v.x) +math.pi/ 2) - self.rotate if b.x > s.x then yaw = yaw +math.pi end self.object:set_yaw(yaw) self:set_velocity(self.follow_velocity) self:set_animation("walk") end local check_herd_timer = 0 function mob_class:check_herd(dtime) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end check_herd_timer = check_herd_timer + dtime if check_herd_timer < 4 then return end check_herd_timer = 0 for _,o in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos,self.view_range)) do local l = o:get_luaentity() local p,y if l and l.is_mob and l.name == self.name then if self.horny and l.horny then p = l.object:get_pos() else y = o:get_yaw() end if p then self:go_to_pos(p) elseif y then self:set_yaw(y) end end end end function mob_class:teleport(target) if self.do_teleport then if self.do_teleport(self, target) == false then return end end end function mob_class:do_state_walk() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 local s = self.object:get_pos() local lp = nil -- is there something I need to avoid? if (self.water_damage > 0 and self.lava_damage > 0) or self.breath_max ~= -1 then lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:water", "group:lava"}) elseif self.water_damage > 0 then lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:water"}) elseif self.lava_damage > 0 then lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:lava"}) elseif self.fire_damage > 0 then lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:fire"}) end local is_in_danger = false if lp then -- If mob in or on dangerous block, look for land if (self:is_node_dangerous(self.standing_in) or self:is_node_dangerous(self.standing_on)) or (self:is_node_waterhazard(self.standing_in) or self:is_node_waterhazard(self.standing_on)) and (not self.fly) then is_in_danger = true -- If mob in or on dangerous block, look for land if is_in_danger then -- Better way to find shore - copied from upstream lp = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air( {x = s.x - 5, y = s.y - 0.5, z = s.z - 5}, {x = s.x + 5, y = s.y + 1, z = s.z + 5}, {"group:solid"}) lp = #lp > 0 and lp[math.random(#lp)] -- did we find land? if lp then local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, z = lp.z - s.z } yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) +math.pi/ 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw +math.pi end -- look towards land and move in that direction yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw, 6) self:set_velocity(self.walk_velocity) end end -- A danger is near but mob is not inside else -- Randomly turn if math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then yaw = yaw + math.random(-0.5, 0.5) yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw, 8) end end yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw, 8) -- otherwise randomly turn elseif math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then yaw = yaw + math.random(-0.5, 0.5) yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw, 8) end -- stand for great fall or danger or fence in front local cliff_or_danger = false if is_in_danger then cliff_or_danger = self:is_at_cliff_or_danger() end if self.facing_fence == true or cliff_or_danger or math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then self:set_velocity(0) self.state = "stand" self:set_animation( "stand") local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw + 0.78, 8) else self:set_velocity(self.walk_velocity) if self:flight_check() and self.animation and self.animation.fly_start and self.animation.fly_end then self:set_animation( "fly") else self:set_animation( "walk") end end end function mob_class:do_states_stand() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 if math.random(1, 4) == 1 then local s = self.object:get_pos() local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, 3) local lp for n = 1, #objs do if objs[n]:is_player() then lp = objs[n]:get_pos() break end end -- look at any players nearby, otherwise turn randomly if lp and self.look_at_players then local vec = { x = lp.x - s.x, z = lp.z - s.z } yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) +math.pi/ 2) - self.rotate if lp.x > s.x then yaw = yaw +math.pi end else yaw = yaw + math.random(-0.5, 0.5) end yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw, 8) end if self.order == "sit" then self:set_animation( "sit") self:set_velocity(0) else self:set_animation( "stand") self:set_velocity(0) end -- npc's ordered to stand stay standing if self.order == "stand" or self.order == "sleep" or self.order == "work" then else if self.walk_chance ~= 0 and self.facing_fence ~= true and math.random(1, 100) <= self.walk_chance and self:is_at_cliff_or_danger() == false then self:set_velocity(self.walk_velocity) self.state = "walk" self:set_animation( "walk") end end end function mob_class:do_states_runaway() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 self.runaway_timer = self.runaway_timer + 1 -- stop after 5 seconds or when at cliff if self.runaway_timer > 5 or self:is_at_cliff_or_danger() then self.runaway_timer = 0 self:set_velocity(0) self.state = "stand" self:set_animation( "stand") local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 yaw = self:set_yaw( yaw + 0.78, 8) else self:set_velocity( self.run_velocity) self:set_animation( "run") end end function mob_class:check_smooth_rotation(dtime) -- smooth rotation by ThomasMonroe314 if self._turn_to then self:set_yaw( self._turn_to, .1) end if self.delay and self.delay > 0 then local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 if self.delay == 1 then yaw = self.target_yaw else local dif = math.abs(yaw - self.target_yaw) if yaw > self.target_yaw then if dif > math.pi then dif = 2 * math.pi - dif -- need to add yaw = yaw + dif / self.delay else yaw = yaw - dif / self.delay -- need to subtract end elseif yaw < self.target_yaw then if dif >math.pi then dif = 2 * math.pi - dif yaw = yaw - dif / self.delay -- need to subtract else yaw = yaw + dif / self.delay -- need to add end end if yaw > (math.pi * 2) then yaw = yaw - (math.pi * 2) end if yaw < 0 then yaw = yaw + (math.pi * 2) end end self.delay = self.delay - 1 if self.shaking then yaw = yaw + (math.random() * 2 - 1) * 5 * dtime end self.object:set_yaw(yaw) --self:update_roll() end -- end rotation end