local materials = { "wood", "gold", "stone", "iron", "diamond" } local material_divisors = { 2, 12, 4, 6, 8 } local basegroups = { "pickaxey", "axey", "shovely" } local minigroups = { "handy", "shearsy", "swordy" } mcl_autogroup = {} mcl_autogroup.digtimes = {} for m=1, #materials do for g=1, #basegroups do mcl_autogroup.digtimes[basegroups[g].."_dig_"..materials[m]] = {} end end for g=1, #minigroups do mcl_autogroup.digtimes[minigroups[g].."_dig"] = {} end local overwrite = function() for nname, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do local groups_changed = false local newgroups = table.copy(ndef.groups) if (nname ~= "ignore") then -- Automatically assign the “solid” group for solid nodes if (ndef.walkable == nil or ndef.walkable == true) and (ndef.collision_box == nil or ndef.collision_box.type == "regular") and (ndef.node_box == nil or ndef.node_box.type == "regular") and (ndef.groups.falling_node == 0 or ndef.groups.falling_node == nil) and (ndef.groups.not_solid == 0 or ndef.groups.not_solid == nil) then newgroups.solid = 1 groups_changed = true end -- Hack in digging times local hardness = ndef._mcl_hardness if not hardness then hardness = 0 end -- Handle pickaxey, axey and shovely, and also handy indirectly for _, basegroup in pairs(basegroups) do if (hardness ~= -1 and ndef.groups[basegroup]) then for g=1,#materials do local diggroup = basegroup.."_dig_"..materials[g] local time, validity_factor if g >= ndef.groups[basegroup] then -- Valid tool validity_factor = 1.5 else -- Wrong tool (higher digging time) validity_factor = 5 end time = (hardness * validity_factor) / material_divisors[g] if time <= 0.05 then time = 1 else time = math.ceil(time * 20) / 20 end table.insert(mcl_autogroup.digtimes[diggroup], time) newgroups[diggroup] = #mcl_autogroup.digtimes[diggroup] groups_changed = true end if not ndef.groups.handy then local time = hardness * 5 if time <= 0.05 then time = 0 else time = math.ceil(time * 20) / 20 end table.insert(mcl_autogroup.digtimes.handy_dig, time) newgroups.handy_dig = #mcl_autogroup.digtimes.handy_dig groups_changed = true end end end if groups_changed then minetest.override_item(nname, { groups = newgroups }) end end end end overwrite()