mcl_spawn = {} local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_spawn") local mg_name = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name") local cached_world_spawn mcl_spawn.get_world_spawn_pos = function() local spawn spawn = minetest.setting_get_pos("static_spawnpoint") if spawn then return spawn end if cached_world_spawn then return cached_world_spawn end -- 32 attempts to find a suitable spawn point spawn = { x=math.random(-16, 16), y=8, z=math.random(-16, 16) } for i=1, 32 do local y = minetest.get_spawn_level(spawn.x, spawn.z) if y then spawn.y = y cached_world_spawn = spawn minetest.log("action", "[mcl_spawn] Dynamic world spawn determined to be "..minetest.pos_to_string(spawn)) return spawn end -- Random walk spawn.x = spawn.x + math.random(-64, 64) spawn.z = spawn.z + math.random(-64, 64) end minetest.log("action", "[mcl_spawn] Failed to determine dynamic world spawn!") -- Use dummy position if nothing found return { x=math.random(-16, 16), y=8, z=math.random(-16, 16) } end -- Returns a spawn position of player. -- If player is nil or not a player, a world spawn point is returned. -- The second return value is true if returned spawn point is player-chosen, -- false otherwise. mcl_spawn.get_spawn_pos = function(player) local spawn, custom_spawn = nil, false if player ~= nil and player:is_player() then local attr = player:get_meta():get_string("mcl_beds:spawn") if attr ~= nil and attr ~= "" then spawn = minetest.string_to_pos(attr) custom_spawn = true end end if not spawn or spawn == "" then spawn = mcl_spawn.get_world_spawn_pos() custom_spawn = false end return spawn, custom_spawn end -- Sets the player's spawn position to pos. -- Set pos to nil to clear the spawn position. -- If message is set, informs the player with a chat message when the spawn position -- changed. mcl_spawn.set_spawn_pos = function(player, pos, message) local spawn_changed = false local meta = player:get_meta() if pos == nil then if meta:get_string("mcl_beds:spawn") ~= "" then spawn_changed = true if message then minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), S("Respawn position cleared!")) end end meta:set_string("mcl_beds:spawn", "") else local oldpos = minetest.string_to_pos(meta:get_string("mcl_beds:spawn")) meta:set_string("mcl_beds:spawn", minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) if oldpos then -- We don't bother sending a message if the new spawn pos is basically the same spawn_changed = vector.distance(pos, oldpos) > 0.1 else -- If it wasn't set and now it will be set, it means it is changed spawn_changed = true end if spawn_changed and message then minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), S("New respawn position set!")) end end return spawn_changed end local function get_far_node(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if ~= "ignore" then return node end minetest.get_voxel_manip():read_from_map(pos, pos) return minetest.get_node(pos) end local function good_for_respawn(pos) local node0 = get_far_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}) local node1 = get_far_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}) local node2 = get_far_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}) local def0 = minetest.registered_nodes[] local def1 = minetest.registered_nodes[] local def2 = minetest.registered_nodes[] return def0.walkable and (not def1.walkable) and (not def2.walkable) and (def1.damage_per_second == nil or def2.damage_per_second <= 0) and (def1.damage_per_second == nil or def2.damage_per_second <= 0) end -- Respawn player at specified respawn position minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) local pos, custom_spawn = mcl_spawn.get_spawn_pos(player) if pos and custom_spawn then -- Check if bed is still there local node_bed = get_far_node(pos) local bgroup = minetest.get_item_group(, "bed") if bgroup ~= 1 and bgroup ~= 2 then -- Bed is destroyed: if player ~= nil and player:is_player() then player:get_meta():set_string("mcl_beds:spawn", "") end minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), S("Your spawn bed was missing or blocked.")) return false end -- Find spawning position on/near the bed free of solid or damaging blocks iterating a square spiral 15x15: local x, z, dx, dz = 0, 0, 0, -1 for i = 1, 225 do if x > -8 and x < 8 and z > -8 and z < 8 then for _,y in ipairs({0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4}) do local spawn_pos = {x = pos.x - z, y=pos.y + y, z = pos.z - x} if good_for_respawn(spawn_pos) then player:set_pos(spawn_pos) return true end end end if x == z or (x < 0 and x == -z) or (x > 0 and x == 1 - z) then dx, dz = -dz, dx end x, z = x + dx, z + dz end -- We here if we didn't find suitable place for respawn: return false end end)