master #5

epCode merged 255 commits from VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre:master into master 2021-02-02 23:20:01 +01:00
1 changed files with 1 additions and 2 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 8f62a3fe0c - Show all commits

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@ -402,8 +402,7 @@ mcl_structures.generate_desert_temple = function(pos)
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:bone", weight = 25, amount_min = 4, amount_max=6 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", weight = 25, amount_min = 3, amount_max=7 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:spider_eye", weight = 25, amount_min = 1, amount_max=3 },
-- TODO: Enchanted Book
{ itemstring = "mcl_books:book", weight = 20, },
{ itemstack = mcl_enchanting.get_uniform_randomly_enchanted_book({"soul_speed"}), weight = 20, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:saddle", weight = 20, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold", weight = 20, },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_ingot", weight = 15, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 7 },