@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local S = minetest.get_translator(modname)
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname)
local name_prefix = "mcl_structures:"
mcl_structures = {}
local rotations = {
@ -12,13 +14,13 @@ local rotations = {
local registered_structures = {}
local use_process_mapgen_block_lvm = false
local use_process_mapgen_chunk = false
local lvm_callbacks = {}
local chunk_callbacks = {}
local on_finished_block_callbacks = {}
local on_finished_chunk_callbacks = {}
function process_mapgen_block_lvm(vm_context)
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vm_context.minp, vm_context.maxp, {"group:struct"}, true)
for node_name, pos_list in pairs(nodes) do
local lvm_callback = lvm_callbacks[node_name]
local lvm_callback = on_finished_block_callbacks[node_name]
if lvm_callback then
lvm_callback(vm_context, pos_list)
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ function process_mapgen_chunk(minp, maxp, seed, vm_context)
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, {"group:struct"}, true)
minetest.log("warning", "found " .. tostring(#nodes))
for node_name, pos_list in pairs(nodes) do
local chunk_callback = chunk_callbacks[node_name]
local chunk_callback = on_finished_chunk_callbacks[node_name]
if chunk_callback then
chunk_callback(minp, maxp, seed, vm_context, pos_list)
@ -47,17 +49,18 @@ end
-- mcl_structures.register_structure(struct_def)
-- struct_def:
-- name - name like 'desert_temple'
-- decoration - decoration definition if needed
-- on_mapgen_prep - callback if needed
-- on_generated - next callback if needed
-- on_place - placer function(pos, rotation, pr)
-- order_number - (optional)
-- name - name like 'desert_temple'
-- decoration - decoration definition if needed
-- on_finished_block - callback if needed
-- on_finished_chunk - next callback if needed
-- place_function - placer function(pos, rotation, pr)
-- order_number - (optional)
function mcl_structures.register_structure(def)
local name = "mcl_structures:" .. def.name
local decoration = def.decoration
local on_mapgen_prep = def.on_mapgen_prep
local on_generated = def.on_generated
local short_name = def.name
local name = "mcl_structures:" .. short_name
local decoration = def.decoration
local on_finished_block = def.on_finished_block
local on_finished_chunk = def.on_finished_chunk
if not name then
minetest.log('warning', 'Structure name is not passed for registration - ignoring')
@ -99,20 +102,21 @@ function mcl_structures.register_structure(def)
registered_structures[name] = {
on_place = def.on_place,
on_mapgen_prep = on_mapgen_prep,
on_generated = on_generated,
decoration_id = decoration_id,
place_function = def.place_function,
on_finished_block = on_finished_block,
on_finished_chunk = on_finished_chunk,
decoration_id = decoration_id,
short_name = short_name,
if on_mapgen_prep then
lvm_callbacks[name] = on_mapgen_prep
if on_finished_block then
on_finished_block_callbacks[name] = on_finished_block
if not use_process_mapgen_block_lvm then
use_process_mapgen_block_lvm = true
mcl_mapgen.register_mapgen_block_lvm(process_mapgen_block_lvm, mcl_mapgen.order.BUILDINGS)
if on_generated then
chunk_callbacks[name] = on_generated
if on_finished_chunk then
on_finished_chunk_callbacks[name] = on_finished_chunk
if not use_process_mapgen_chunk then
use_process_mapgen_chunk = true
mcl_mapgen.register_mapgen(process_mapgen_chunk, mcl_mapgen.order.BUILDINGS)
@ -535,93 +539,6 @@ function mcl_structures.generate_end_gateway_portal(pos, rot)
return mcl_structures.place_schematic(pos, path, rot or "0", nil, true)
local function shrine_placement_callback(p1, p2, size, rotation, pr)
-- Find and setup spawner with silverfish
local spawners = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_mobspawners:spawner")
for s=1, #spawners do
--local meta = minetest.get_meta(spawners[s])
mcl_mobspawners.setup_spawner(spawners[s], "mobs_mc:silverfish")
-- Shuffle stone brick types
local bricks = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_core:stonebrick")
for b=1, #bricks do
local r_bricktype = pr:next(1, 100)
local r_infested = pr:next(1, 100)
local bricktype
if r_infested <= 5 then
if r_bricktype <= 30 then -- 30%
bricktype = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrickmossy"
elseif r_bricktype <= 50 then -- 20%
bricktype = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrickcracked"
else -- 50%
bricktype = "mcl_monster_eggs:monster_egg_stonebrick"
if r_bricktype <= 30 then -- 30%
bricktype = "mcl_core:stonebrickmossy"
elseif r_bricktype <= 50 then -- 20%
bricktype = "mcl_core:stonebrickcracked"
-- 50% stonebrick (no change necessary)
if bricktype then
minetest.set_node(bricks[b], { name = bricktype })
-- Also replace stairs
local stairs = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, {"mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick", "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer", "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner"})
for s=1, #stairs do
local stair = minetest.get_node(stairs[s])
local r_type = pr:next(1, 100)
if r_type <= 30 then -- 30% mossy
if stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy_outer"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy_inner"
minetest.set_node(stairs[s], stair)
elseif r_type <= 50 then -- 20% cracky
if stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_outer" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked_outer"
elseif stair.name == "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick_inner" then
stair.name = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked_inner"
minetest.set_node(stairs[s], stair)
-- 50% no change
-- Randomly add ender eyes into end portal frames, but never fill the entire frame
local frames = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, "mcl_portals:end_portal_frame")
local eyes = 0
for f=1, #frames do
local r_eye = pr:next(1, 10)
if r_eye == 1 then
eyes = eyes + 1
if eyes < #frames then
local frame_node = minetest.get_node(frames[f])
frame_node.name = "mcl_portals:end_portal_frame_eye"
minetest.set_node(frames[f], frame_node)
function mcl_structures.generate_end_portal_shrine(pos, rotation, pr)
local offset = {x=6, y=4, z=6}
--local size = {x=13, y=8, z=13}
local newpos = { x = pos.x - offset.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - offset.z }
local path = modpath.."/schematics/mcl_structures_end_portal_room_simple.mts"
mcl_structures.place_schematic(newpos, path, rotation or "0", nil, true, nil, shrine_placement_callback, pr)
local function temple_placement_callback(p1, p2, size, rotation, pr)
-- Delete cacti leftovers:
@ -710,7 +627,7 @@ function mcl_structures.generate_desert_temple(pos, rotation, pr)
mcl_structures.place_schematic({pos = pos, schematic = path, rotation = rotation or "random", pr = pr, emerge = true})
local registered_structures = {}
--local registered_structures = {}
--[[ Returns a table of structure of the specified type.
Currently the only valid parameter is "stronghold".
@ -723,6 +640,7 @@ Format of return value:
TODO: Implement this function for all other structure types as well.
function mcl_structures.get_registered_structures(structure_type)
if registered_structures[structure_type] then
return table.copy(registered_structures[structure_type])
@ -730,13 +648,14 @@ function mcl_structures.get_registered_structures(structure_type)
return {}
-- Register a structures table for the given type. The table format is the same as for
-- mcl_structures.get_registered_structures.
function mcl_structures.register_structures(structure_type, structures)
registered_structures[structure_type] = structures
local function dir_to_rotation(dir)
local ax, az = math.abs(dir.x), math.abs(dir.z)
if ax > az then
@ -751,64 +670,49 @@ local function dir_to_rotation(dir)
return "0"
dofile(modpath .. "/structures.lua")
-- Debug command
local spawnstruct_params = ""
for _, registered_structure in pairs(registered_structures) do
if spawnstruct_params ~= "" then
spawnstruct_params = spawnstruct_params .. " | "
spawnstruct_params = spawnstruct_params .. registered_structure.short_name
local spawnstruct_hint = S("Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.")
minetest.register_chatcommand("spawnstruct", {
params = "desert_temple | desert_well | igloo | witch_hut | boulder | ice_spike_small | ice_spike_large | fossil | end_exit_portal | end_exit_portal_open | end_gateway_portal | end_portal_shrine | end_portal | nether_portal | dungeon",
params = spawnstruct_params,
description = S("Generate a pre-defined structure near your position."),
privs = {debug = true},
func = function(name, param)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if not player then return end
if param == "" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct <type>”."))
minetest.chat_send_player(name, spawnstruct_hint)
local struct = registered_structures[param]
if not struct then
struct = registered_structures[name_prefix .. param]
if not struct then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct <type>”."))
minetest.chat_send_player(name, spawnstruct_hint)
local place = struct.place_function
if not place then return end
local pos = player:get_pos()
if not pos then return end
local pr = PseudoRandom(math.floor(pos.x * 333 + pos.y * 19 - pos.z + 4))
pos = vector.round(pos)
local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(player:get_look_horizontal())
local rot = dir_to_rotation(dir)
local pr = PseudoRandom(pos.x+pos.y+pos.z)
local errord = false
local message = S("Structure placed.")
if param == "desert_temple" then
mcl_structures.generate_desert_temple(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "desert_well" then
mcl_structures.generate_desert_well(pos, rot)
elseif param == "igloo" then
mcl_structures.generate_igloo(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "witch_hut" then
mcl_structures.generate_witch_hut(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "boulder" then
mcl_structures.generate_boulder(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "fossil" then
mcl_structures.generate_fossil(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "ice_spike_small" then
mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_small(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "ice_spike_large" then
mcl_structures.generate_ice_spike_large(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "end_exit_portal" then
mcl_structures.generate_end_exit_portal(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "end_exit_portal_open" then
mcl_structures.generate_end_exit_portal_open(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "end_gateway_portal" then
mcl_structures.generate_end_gateway_portal(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "end_portal_shrine" then
mcl_structures.generate_end_portal_shrine(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "dungeon" and mcl_dungeons and mcl_dungeons.spawn_dungeon then
mcl_dungeons.spawn_dungeon(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "end_portal" then
mcl_structures.generate_end_portal(pos, rot, pr)
elseif param == "nether_portal" and mcl_portals and mcl_portals.spawn_nether_portal then
mcl_portals.spawn_nether_portal(pos, rot, pr, name)
elseif param == "" then
message = S("Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct <type>”.")
errord = true
message = S("Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct <type>”.")
errord = true
minetest.chat_send_player(name, message)
if errord then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types."))
place(pos, rot, pr)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Structure placed."))
dofile(modpath .. "/structures.lua")