Add blackstone version of ruined portal

This commit is contained in:
kay27 2022-07-23 05:52:04 +03:00
parent 79cca6b121
commit 86913119ea
1 changed files with 348 additions and 201 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname)
local chance_per_chunk = 400
local noise_multiplier = 2.5
local random_offset = 9159
local scanning_ratio = 0.001
local struct_threshold = 396
local struct_threshold = 393.91
local mcl_structures_get_perlin_noise_level = mcl_structures.get_perlin_noise_level
local minetest_find_nodes_in_area = minetest.find_nodes_in_area
@ -13,6 +10,223 @@ local minetest_swap_node = minetest.swap_node
local math_round = math.round
local math_abs = math.abs
local function insert_times(how_many_times, what, where)
for i = 1, how_many_times do
where[#where + 1] = what
local function create_probability_picker(table_of_how_many_times_what)
local picker = {}
for _, v in pairs(table_of_how_many_times_what) do
insert_times(v[1], v[2], picker)
return picker
local STONE_DECOR = {
local PANE_OR_CHAIN = {
local STAIR1 = {
-- TODO: stair_blackstone_brick_polished_cracked:
local STAIR2 = {
local STAIR3 = {
local STAIR4 = {
local STAIR_OUTER1 = {
-- TODO: stair_blackstone_brick_polished_cracked_outer:
local STAIR_OUTER2 = {
local STAIR_OUTER3 = {
local STAIR_OUTER4 = {
local TOP_DECOR1 = {
local TOP_DECOR2 = {
local STONE1 = {
-- TODO: polished_blackstone_brick_cracked:
local STONE2 = {
local STONE3 = {
local STONE4 = {
local STONE5 = {
local STONE6 = {
local STONE7 = {
local SLAB_TOP1 = {
-- TODO: slab_polished_blackstone_brick_cracked_top:
local SLAB_TOP2 = {
local SLAB_TOP3 = {
local SLAB_TOP4 = {
local SLAB1 = {
local SLAB2 = {
local SLAB3 = {
-- TODO: slab_polished_blackstone_brick_cracked:
local SLAB4 = {
local GARBAGE1 = {
local LAVA_SOURCE = {
local GARBAGE3 = {
local stair_set_for_frame = create_probability_picker({
{ 3, STAIR1,},
{ 1, STAIR2,},
{ 1, STAIR3,},
{10, STAIR4,},
local stone_set_for_frame = create_probability_picker({
{ 3, STONE1,},
{ 1, STONE2,},
{ 1, STONE3,},
{10, STONE4,},
local slab_set_for_frame = create_probability_picker({
{ 3, SLAB_TOP1,},
{ 1, SLAB_TOP2,},
{ 1, SLAB_TOP3,},
{10, SLAB_TOP4,},
local stair_set_for_stairs = create_probability_picker({
{ 1, STAIR1,},
{ 2, STAIR2,},
{ 7, STAIR3,},
{ 3, STAIR4,},
local top_decoration_list = create_probability_picker({
{ 2, TOP_DECOR1,},
{ 1, TOP_DECOR2,},
local node_garbage = create_probability_picker({
{ 4, GARBAGE1,},
{ 1, GARBAGE3,},
local stair_replacement_list = {
local stair_outer_names = {
local stair_content = create_probability_picker({
{5, STONE5,},
{1, STONE4,},
{1, STONE3,},
{2, GARBAGE1,},
local stair_content_bottom = create_probability_picker({
{2, STONE3,},
{4, GARBAGE1,},
local slabs = create_probability_picker({
{5, SLAB1,},
{2, SLAB2,},
{1, SLAB3,},
{1, SLAB4,},
local stones = create_probability_picker({
{3, STONE5,},
{1, STONE6,},
{1, STONE7,},
local rotation_to_orientation = {
["0"] = 1,
@ -28,39 +242,11 @@ local rotation_to_param2 = {
["270"] = 2,
local node_top = {
local node_garbage = {
local stone1 = {name = "mcl_core:stonebrickcracked"}
local stone2 = {name = "mcl_core:stonebrickmossy"}
local stone3 = {name = "mcl_nether:magma"}
local stone4 = {name = "mcl_core:stonebrick"}
local slab1 = {name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickcracked_top"}
local slab2 = {name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickmossy_top"}
local slab3 = {name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stone_top"}
local slab4 = {name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick_top"}
local stair1 = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickcracked"
local stair2 = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrickmossy"
local stair3 = "mcl_stairs:stair_stone_rough"
local stair4 = "mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick"
local function draw_frame(frame_pos, frame_width, frame_height, orientation, pr, is_chain, rotation)
local function draw_frame(frame_pos, frame_width, frame_height, orientation, pr, is_chain, rotation, is_blackstone)
local param2 = rotation_to_param2[rotation]
local variant = is_blackstone and 2 or 1
local function set_ruined_node(pos, node)
if pr:next(1, 5) == 4 then return end
@ -68,28 +254,20 @@ local function draw_frame(frame_pos, frame_width, frame_height, orientation, pr,
local function get_random_stone_material()
local rnd = pr:next(1, 15)
if rnd < 4 then return stone1 end
if rnd == 4 then return stone2 end
if rnd == 5 then return stone3 end
return stone4
local rnd = pr:next(1, #stone_set_for_frame)
return {name = stone_set_for_frame[rnd][variant]}
local function get_random_slab()
local rnd = pr:next(1, 15)
if rnd < 4 then return slab1 end
if rnd == 4 then return slab2 end
if rnd == 5 then return slab3 end
return slab4
return {name = slab_set_for_frame[rnd][variant]}
local function get_random_stair(param2_offset)
local param2 = (param2 + (param2_offset or 0)) % 4
local rnd = pr:next(1, 15)
if rnd < 4 then return {name = stair1, param2 = param2} end
if rnd == 4 then return {name = stair2, param2 = param2} end
if rnd == 5 then return {name = stair3, param2 = param2} end
return {name = stair4, param2 = param2}
local rnd = pr:next(1, #stair_set_for_frame)
local stare_name = stair_set_for_frame[rnd][variant]
return {name = stare_name, param2 = param2}
local function set_frame_stone_material(pos)
@ -118,7 +296,6 @@ local function draw_frame(frame_pos, frame_width, frame_height, orientation, pr,
local air_nodes = frame_nodes - obsidian_nodes
local function set_frame_node(pos)
-- local node_choice = pr:next(1, air_nodes + obsidian_nodes)
local node_choice = math_round(mcl_structures_get_perlin_noise_level(pos) * (air_nodes + obsidian_nodes))
if node_choice > obsidian_nodes and air_nodes > 0 then
air_nodes = air_nodes - 1
@ -141,7 +318,7 @@ local function draw_frame(frame_pos, frame_width, frame_height, orientation, pr,
local is_top_hole = is_top and frame_width > 5 and ((pos2.x == x1 + slide_x * 2 and pos2.z == z1 + slide_z * 2) or (pos2.x == last_x - slide_x * 2 and pos2.z == last_z - slide_z * 2))
if is_top_hole then
if pr:next(1, 7) > 1 then
minetest_swap_node(pos2, {name = "xpanes:bar_flat", param2 = orientation})
minetest_swap_node(pos2, {name = PANE_OR_CHAIN_FLAT[variant], param2 = orientation})
@ -152,18 +329,18 @@ local function draw_frame(frame_pos, frame_width, frame_height, orientation, pr,
local pos = def.pos_outer1
local is_decor_here = not is_top and pos.y % 3 == 2
if is_decor_here then
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = "mcl_core:stonebrickcarved"})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = STONE_DECOR[variant]})
elseif is_chain then
if not is_top and not is_obsidian then
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = "xpanes:bar"})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = PANE_OR_CHAIN[variant]})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = "xpanes:bar_flat", param2 = orientation})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = PANE_OR_CHAIN_FLAT[variant], param2 = orientation})
if pr:next(1, 5) == 3 then
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = "mcl_core:stonebrickcracked"})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = STONE1[variant]})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = "mcl_core:stonebrick"})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = STONE4[variant]})
@ -253,7 +430,7 @@ local function draw_frame(frame_pos, frame_width, frame_height, orientation, pr,
end end
local node_top = {name = node_top[pr:next(1, #node_top)]}
local node_top = {name = top_decoration_list[pr:next(1, #top_decoration_list)][variant]}
if is_chain then
set_ruined_frame_stone_material({x = x1 + slide_x * 2, y = last_y + 3, z = z1 + slide_z * 2})
set_ruined_frame_stone_material({x = x1 + slide_x , y = last_y + 3, z = z1 + slide_z })
@ -281,7 +458,9 @@ end
local possible_rotations = {"0", "90", "180", "270"}
local function draw_trash(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr)
local function draw_trash(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_blackstone)
local variant = is_blackstone and 2 or 1
local pos = pos
local slide_x = (1 - orientation)
local slide_z = orientation
local x1 = pos.x - lift - 1
@ -297,7 +476,7 @@ local function draw_trash(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr)
for x = x1 + pr:next(0, 2), x2 - pr:next(0, 2) do
for z = z1 + pr:next(0, 2), z2 - pr:next(0, 2) do
if inverted_opacity_0_5 == 0 or (x % inverted_opacity_0_5 ~= pr:next(0, 1) and z % inverted_opacity_0_5 ~= pr:next(0, 1)) then
minetest_swap_node({x = x, y = y, z = z}, {name = node_garbage[pr:next(1, #node_garbage)]})
minetest_swap_node({x = x, y = y, z = z}, {name = node_garbage[pr:next(1, #node_garbage)][variant]})
@ -305,77 +484,6 @@ local function draw_trash(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr)
local stair_replacement_list = {
local stair_names = {
local stair_outer_names = {
local stair_content = {
{name = "mcl_core:lava_source"},
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:stonebrick"},
{name = "mcl_nether:magma"},
{name = "mcl_nether:netherrack"},
{name = "mcl_nether:netherrack"},
local stair_content_bottom = {
{name = "mcl_nether:magma"},
{name = "mcl_nether:magma"},
{name = "mcl_nether:netherrack"},
{name = "mcl_nether:netherrack"},
{name = "mcl_nether:netherrack"},
{name = "mcl_nether:netherrack"},
local slabs = {
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stone"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stone"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stone"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stone"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stone"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrick"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickcracked"},
{name = "mcl_stairs:slab_stonebrickmossy"},
local stones = {
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:stone"},
{name = "mcl_core:cobble"},
{name = "mcl_core:mossycobble"},
local stair_selector = {
[-1] = {
[-1] = {
@ -383,7 +491,7 @@ local stair_selector = {
param2 = 1,
[0] = {
names = stair_names,
names = stair_set_for_stairs,
param2 = 1,
[1] = {
@ -393,14 +501,14 @@ local stair_selector = {
[0] = {
[-1] = {
names = stair_names,
names = stair_set_for_stairs,
param2 = 0,
[0] = {
names = stair_content,
[1] = {
names = stair_names,
names = stair_set_for_stairs,
param2 = 2,
@ -410,7 +518,7 @@ local stair_selector = {
param2 = 0,
[0] = {
names = stair_names,
names = stair_set_for_stairs,
param2 = 3,
[1] = {
@ -422,25 +530,14 @@ local stair_selector = {
local stair_offset_from_bottom = 2
local function draw_stairs(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_chain, param2)
local function draw_stairs(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_chain, param2, is_blackstone)
local variant = is_blackstone and 2 or 1
local current_stair_content = stair_content
local current_stones = stones
local function set_ruined_node(pos, node)
if pr:next(1, 7) < 3 then return end
minetest_swap_node(pos, node)
return true
local param2 = param2
local mirror = param2 == 1 or param2 == 2
if mirror then
param2 = (param2 + 2) % 4
if mirror then param2 = (param2 + 2) % 4 end
local chain_offset = is_chain and 1 or 0
local lift = lift + stair_offset_from_bottom
local slide_x = (1 - orientation)
local slide_z = orientation
@ -455,52 +552,63 @@ local function draw_stairs(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_chain,
local y = y2
local place_slabs = true
local x_key, z_key
local need_to_place_chest = true
local chest_pos
local bad_nodes_ratio = 0
while (y >= y1) or (bad_nodes_ratio > 0.07) do
local good_nodes_counter = 0
for x = x1, x2 do
x_key = (x == x1) and -1 or (x == x2) and 1 or 0
for z = z1, z2 do
local pos = {x = x, y = y, z = z}
if #minetest_find_nodes_in_area(pos, pos, stair_replacement_list, false) > 0 then
z_key = (z == z1) and -1 or (z == z2) and 1 or 0
local stair_coverage = (x_key ~= 0) or (z_key ~= 0)
if stair_coverage then
if stair_layer then
local stair = stair_selector[x_key][z_key]
local names = stair.names
set_ruined_node(pos, {name = names[pr:next(1, #names)], param2 = stair.param2})
elseif place_slabs then
set_ruined_node(pos, slabs[pr:next(1, #slabs)])
local placed = set_ruined_node(pos, current_stones[pr:next(1, #current_stones)])
if need_to_place_chest and placed then
chest_pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}
minetest_swap_node(chest_pos, {name = "mcl_chests:chest_small"})
need_to_place_chest = false
local ruinity = height + lift
local y_layer_to_start_squeezing = y1 - 2 * lift
while (true) do
local x11 = math_round(x1)
local x22 = math_round(x2)
local z11 = math_round(z1)
local z22 = math_round(z2)
local good_nodes = minetest_find_nodes_in_area({x = x11, y = y, z = z11}, {x = x22, y = y, z = z22}, stair_replacement_list, false)
local good_nodes_ratio = #good_nodes / (x22 - x11 + 1) / (z22 - z11 + 1)
if y < y1 and good_nodes_ratio <= 0.07 then return chest_pos end
for _, pos in pairs(good_nodes) do
if pr:next(1, ruinity) > 1 then
local x, z = pos.x, pos.z
x_key = (x == x11) and -1 or (x == x22) and 1 or 0
z_key = (z == z11) and -1 or (z == z22) and 1 or 0
local should_be_a_stair_here = (x_key ~= 0) or (z_key ~= 0)
if should_be_a_stair_here then
if stair_layer then
local stair = stair_selector[x_key][z_key]
local names = stair.names
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = names[pr:next(1, #names)][variant], param2 = stair.param2})
elseif place_slabs then
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = slabs[pr:next(1, #slabs)][variant]})
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = current_stones[pr:next(1, #current_stones)][variant]})
if not chest_pos then
chest_pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}
minetest_swap_node(chest_pos, {name = "mcl_chests:chest_small"})
elseif not stair_layer then
set_ruined_node(pos, current_stair_content[pr:next(1, #current_stair_content)])
good_nodes_counter = good_nodes_counter + 1
elseif not stair_layer then
minetest_swap_node(pos, {name = current_stair_content[pr:next(1, #current_stair_content)][variant]})
bad_nodes_ratio = 1 - good_nodes_counter / ((x2 - x1 + 1) * (z2 - z1 + 1))
if y >= y1 then
if y >= y1 - lift then
x1 = x1 - 1
x2 = x2 + 1
z1 = z1 - 1
z2 = z2 + 1
elseif y < y_layer_to_start_squeezing then
local noise = mcl_structures_get_perlin_noise_level(pos) + 0.5
x1 = x1 + noise * pr:next(0,2)
x2 = x2 - noise * pr:next(0,2)
z1 = z1 + noise * pr:next(0,2)
z2 = z2 - noise * pr:next(0,2)
if x1 >= x2 then return chest_pos end
if z1 >= z2 then return chest_pos end
elseif y == y_layer_to_start_squeezing then
current_stones = stair_content_bottom
if y >= y1 then
if (stair_layer or place_slabs) then
y = y - 1
if y <= y1 then
current_stair_content = stair_content_bottom
current_stones = stair_content_bottom
place_slabs = not place_slabs
@ -508,19 +616,9 @@ local function draw_stairs(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_chain,
place_slabs = false
y = y - 1
local dx1 = pr:next(0, 10)
if dx1 < 3 then x1 = x1 + dx1 end
local dx2 = pr:next(0, 10)
if dx2 < 3 then x2 = x2 - dx1 end
if x1 >= x2 then return chest_pos end
local dz1 = pr:next(0, 10)
if dz1 < 3 then z1 = z1 + dz1 end
local dz2 = pr:next(0, 10)
if dz2 < 3 then z2 = z2 - dz1 end
if z1 >= z2 then return chest_pos end
if ruinity > 2 then ruinity = math.max(ruinity - pr:next(0,2), 2) end
return chest_pos
local function enchant(stack, pr)
@ -533,19 +631,18 @@ local function enchant_armor(stack, pr)
mcl_enchanting.enchant_randomly(stack, 30, false, false, false, pr)
local function place(pos, rotation, pr)
local width = pr:next(2, 10)
local height = pr:next(((width < 3) and 3 or 2), 10)
local lift = pr:next(0, 4)
local rotation = rotation or possible_rotations[pr:next(1, #possible_rotations)]
local function common_place(pos, rotation, pr, width, height, lift, is_blackstone)
local pos = pos
local width = width
local height = height
local lift = lift
local rotation = rotation
local orientation = rotation_to_orientation[rotation]
local param2 = rotation_to_param2[rotation]
local is_chain = pr:next(1, 3) > 1
draw_trash(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr)
local chest_pos = draw_stairs(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_chain, param2)
draw_frame({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + lift, z = pos.z}, width + 2, height + 2, orientation, pr, is_chain, rotation)
draw_trash(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_blackstone)
local chest_pos = draw_stairs(pos, width, height, lift, orientation, pr, is_chain, param2, is_blackstone)
draw_frame({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + lift, z = pos.z}, width + 2, height + 2, orientation, pr, is_chain, rotation, is_blackstone)
if not chest_pos then return end
local lootitems = mcl_loot.get_loot(
@ -575,7 +672,7 @@ local function place(pos, rotation, pr)
{itemstring = "mcl_clock:clock", weight = 5},
{itemstring = "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_gold_off", weight = 5},
{itemstring = "mobs_mc:gold_horse_armor", weight = 5},
{itemstring = "mcl_core:goldblock", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2},
{itemstring = TOP_DECOR1, weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2},
{itemstring = "mcl_bells:bell", weight = 1},
{itemstring = "mcl_core:apple_gold_enchanted", weight = 1},
@ -588,6 +685,24 @@ local function place(pos, rotation, pr)
mcl_loot.fill_inventory(inv, "main", lootitems, pr)
local function place(pos, rotation, pr)
local width = pr:next(2, 10)
local height = pr:next(((width < 3) and 3 or 2), math.floor((10 + width/2)))
local lift = pr:next(0, 2)
local rotation = rotation or possible_rotations[pr:next(1, #possible_rotations)]
common_place(pos, rotation, pr, width, height, lift, false)
minetest.log("action","Ruined portal generated at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local function place_blackstone(pos, rotation, pr)
local width = pr:next(2, 5)
local height = pr:next(((width < 3) and 3 or 2), math.floor((5 + width/2)))
local lift = pr:next(0, 1)
local rotation = rotation or possible_rotations[pr:next(1, #possible_rotations)]
common_place(pos, rotation, pr, width, height, lift, true)
minetest.log("action","Ruined portal v2 generated at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local function get_place_rank(pos)
local x, y, z = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z
local p1 = {x = x , y = y, z = z }
@ -630,3 +745,35 @@ mcl_structures.register_structure({
place_function = place,
name = "ruined_portal_black",
decoration = {
deco_type = "simple",
flags = "all_floors",
fill_ratio = scanning_ratio,
height = 1,
place_on = {"mcl_nether:netherrack", "mcl_nether:soul_sand", "mcl_nether:nether_lava_source", "mcl_core:lava_source"},
on_finished_chunk = function(minp, maxp, seed, vm_context, pos_list)
if minp.y > mcl_mapgen.nether.max then return end
local pr = PseudoRandom(seed + random_offset)
local random_number = pr:next(1, chance_per_chunk)
local noise = mcl_structures_get_perlin_noise_level(minp) * noise_multiplier
if (random_number + noise) < struct_threshold then return end
local pos = pos_list[1]
if #pos_list > 1 then
local count = get_place_rank(pos)
for i = 2, #pos_list do
local pos_i = pos_list[i]
local count_i = get_place_rank(pos_i)
if count_i > count then
count = count_i
pos = pos_i
place_blackstone(pos, nil, pr)
place_function = place_blackstone,