yet another fork update #9

chmodsayshello merged 760 commits from VoxeLibre/VoxeLibre:master into master 2023-03-26 20:27:31 +02:00
8 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions
Showing only changes of commit eb5f5678d6 - Show all commits

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andesit ist ein magmatisches Gestein.
Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Äpfel sind essbare Gegenstände.
Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Barrieren sind unsichtbare feste Blöcke. Sie sind nützlich, um Grenzen für Abenteuerkarten und ähnliches zu bauen. Monster und Tiere werden auf Barrieren nicht auftauchen, und Zäune verbinden sich nicht mit Barrieren. Andere Blöcke können an Barrieren gebaut werden, wie bei allen anderen Blöcken.
Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Barrieren sind unsichtbare feste Blöcke. Sie sind nützlich, um Grenzen für Abenteuerkarten und ähnliches zu bauen. Monster und Tiere werden auf Barrieren nicht auftauchen, und Zäune verbinden sich nicht mit Barrieren. Andere Blöcke können an Barrieren gebaut werden, wie bei allen anderen Blöcken.
Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Grundgestein ist ein sehr harter Gesteinstyp. Er kann unter normalen Umständen nicht abgebaut, zerstört, aufgesammelt oder verschoben werden, außer im Kreativmodus.
Birch Bark=Birkenrinde

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Andesite is an igneous rock.=La andesita es una roca ígnea.
Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Las manzanas son alimentos que se pueden comer.
Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Las barreras son bloques transitables invisibles. Se utilizan para crear límites de mapas de aventura y similares. Los monstruos y los animales no aparecerán en las barreras, y las cercas no se conectan a las barreras. Otros bloques pueden construirse sobre barreras como en cualquier otro bloque.
Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Las barreras son bloques transitables invisibles. Se utilizan para crear límites de mapas de aventura y similares. Los monstruos y los animales no aparecerán en las barreras, y las cercas no se conectan a las barreras. Otros bloques pueden construirse sobre barreras como en cualquier otro bloque.
Bedrock=Lecho de roca
Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=El lecho de roca es un tipo de roca muy duro. No se puede romper, destruir, recoger o mover por medios normales, a menos que esté en modo creativo.
Birch Bark=Madera de abedul sin corteza

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Andesite is an igneous rock.=L'andésite est une roche ignée.
Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Les pommes sont des aliments qui peuvent être consommés.
Barrier=Barrière invisible
Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Les barrières sont des blocs accessibles à pied. Ils sont utilisés pour créer des limites de cartes d'aventure et similaires. Les monstres et les animaux n'apparaissent pas sur les barrières, et les clôtures ne se connectent pas aux barrières. D'autres blocs peuvent être construits sur des barrières comme sur n'importe quel autre bloc.
Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Les barrières sont des blocs accessibles à pied. Ils sont utilisés pour créer des limites de cartes d'aventure et similaires. Les monstres et les animaux n'apparaissent pas sur les barrières, et les clôtures ne se connectent pas aux barrières. D'autres blocs peuvent être construits sur des barrières comme sur n'importe quel autre bloc.
Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Le bedrock est un type de roche très dur. Il ne peut pas être brisé, détruit, collecté ou déplacé par des moyens normaux, sauf en mode créatif.
Birch Bark=Bois de Bouleau

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andezyt jest skałą pochodzenia wulkanicznego.
Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Jabłka to przedmioty które można zjeść.
Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Bariery to niewidzialne bloki po których można chodzić. Są użyteczne do tworzenia ograniczeń na mapach przygodowych i im podobnych. Potwory i zwierzęta nie pojawiają się na barierach, a płoty się z nimi nie łączą. Inne bloki mogą być na nich budowane podobnie jak na innych blokach.
Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Bariery to niewidzialne bloki po których można chodzić. Są użyteczne do tworzenia ograniczeń na mapach przygodowych i im podobnych. Potwory i zwierzęta nie pojawiają się na barierach, a płoty się z nimi nie łączą. Inne bloki mogą być na nich budowane podobnie jak na innych blokach.
Bedrock=Skała macierzysta
Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Skała macierzysta jest rodzajem bardzo twardej skały. Nie może być ona zniszczona, zebrana lub przesunięta normalnymi metodami, jeśli nie jesteś w trybie kreatywnym.
Birch Bark=Brzozowa kora

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Andesite is an igneous rock.=Андезит это камень вулканич
Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Яблоки относятся к продуктовым предметам, которые можно есть.
Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Барьеры это невидимые блоки-препятствия. Они могут использоваться, например, для создания границ карты. Монстры и животные не будут появляться на барьерах. Заборы с барьерами визуально не связываются. Другие блоки могут строиться на барьерах, как на любых других блоках.
Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Барьеры это невидимые блоки-препятствия. Они могут использоваться, например, для создания границ карты. Монстры и животные не будут появляться на барьерах. Заборы с барьерами визуально не связываются. Другие блоки могут строиться на барьерах, как на любых других блоках.
Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Бедрок это очень твёрдый камень. Его невозможно сломать, выкопать или сдвинуть обычным способом, за исключением творческого режима.
Birch Bark=Кора берёзы

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Andesite is an igneous rock.=安山岩是一種火成岩。
Apples are food items which can be eaten.=蘋果是一種可以被食用的食物
Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=屏障是看不見但可行走的方塊。它們通常被用來創建冒險地圖的邊界。怪物和動物不會出現在屏障上,柵欄也不會連接到屏障上。其他方塊可以像在其他方塊上一樣被放置在屏障上。
Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=屏障是看不見但可行走的方塊。它們通常被用來創建冒險地圖的邊界。怪物和動物不會出現在屏障上,柵欄也不會連接到屏障上。其他方塊可以像在其他方塊上一樣被放置在屏障上。
Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=基岩是一種堅實無比的石頭。除了創造模式的玩家,沒有人可以以正常方式破壞、銷毀、收集或移動它。
Birch Bark=白樺樹皮

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Andesite is an igneous rock.=
Apples are food items which can be eaten.=
Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=
Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=
Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=
Birch Bark=

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@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ minetest.register_node("mcl_core:deadbush", {
minetest.register_node("mcl_core:barrier", {
description = S("Barrier"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block."),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you."),
drawtype = "airlike",
paramtype = "light",
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ minetest.register_node("mcl_core:realm_barrier", {
for i = 0, 14 do --minetest.LIGHT_MAX
minetest.register_node("mcl_core:light_" .. i, {
description = S("Light"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Lights are invisble blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like."),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you."),
drawtype = "airlike",
paramtype = "light",