local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) local S = minetest.get_translator(modname) local N = function(s) return s end local math = math local table = table hb = { hudtables = {}, -- number of registered HUD bars hudbars_count = 0, -- table which records which HUD bar slots have been “registered” so far; used for automatic positioning registered_slots = {}, settings = {}, -- Table which contains all players with active default HUD bars (only for internal use) players = {}, } function hb.load_setting(sname, stype, defaultval, valid_values) local sval if stype == "string" then sval = minetest.settings:get(sname) elseif stype == "bool" then sval = minetest.settings:get_bool(sname) elseif stype == "number" then sval = tonumber(minetest.settings:get(sname)) end if sval then if valid_values then local valid = false for i = 1, #valid_values do if sval == valid_values[i] then valid = true end end if not valid then minetest.log("error", "[hudbars] Invalid value for "..sname.."! Using default value ("..tostring(defaultval)..").") return defaultval else return sval end else return sval end else return defaultval end end -- Load default settings dofile(modpath.."/default_settings.lua") --if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_experience") and not minetest.is_creative_enabled("") then -- reserve some space for experience bar: hb.settings.start_offset_left.y = hb.settings.start_offset_left.y - 20 hb.settings.start_offset_right.y = hb.settings.start_offset_right.y - 20 --end local function player_exists(player) return player ~= nil and player:is_player() end local function make_label(format_string, format_string_config, label, start_value, max_value) local params = {} local order = format_string_config.order for o=1, #order do if order[o] == "label" then table.insert(params, label) elseif order[o] == "value" then if format_string_config.format_value then table.insert(params, string.format(format_string_config.format_value, start_value)) else table.insert(params, start_value) end elseif order[o] == "max_value" then if format_string_config.format_max_value then table.insert(params, string.format(format_string_config.format_max_value, max_value)) else table.insert(params, max_value) end end end local ret if format_string_config.textdomain then ret = minetest.translate(format_string_config.textdomain, format_string, unpack(params)) else ret = S(format_string, unpack(params)) end return ret end function hb.value_to_barlength(value, max) if max == 0 then return 0 else if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then local x if value < 0 then x=-0.5 else x = 0.5 end local ret = math.modf((value/max) * hb.settings.max_bar_length + x) return ret else local x if value < 0 then x=-0.5 else x = 0.5 end local ret = math.modf((value/max) * hb.settings.statbar_length + x) return ret end end end function hb.get_hudtable(identifier) return hb.hudtables[identifier] end function hb.get_hudbar_position_index(identifier) if hb.settings.sorting[identifier] then return hb.settings.sorting[identifier] else local i = 0 while true do if hb.registered_slots[i] ~= true and hb.settings.sorting_reverse[i] == nil then return i end i = i + 1 end end end function hb.register_hudbar(identifier, text_color, label, textures, direction, default_start_value, default_start_max, default_start_hidden, format_string, format_string_config) minetest.log("action", "hb.register_hudbar: "..tostring(identifier)) local hudtable = {} local pos, offset local index = math.floor(hb.get_hudbar_position_index(identifier)) hb.registered_slots[index] = true if hb.settings.alignment_pattern == "stack_up" then pos = hb.settings.pos_left offset = { x = direction == 0 and hb.settings.start_offset_left.x or -hb.settings.start_offset_right.x, y = hb.settings.start_offset_left.y - hb.settings.vmargin * index } elseif hb.settings.alignment_pattern == "stack_down" then pos = hb.settings.pos_left offset = { x = direction == 0 and hb.settings.start_offset_right.x or -hb.settings.start_offset_left.x, y = hb.settings.start_offset_left.y + hb.settings.vmargin * index } else -- zigzag if index % 2 == 0 then pos = hb.settings.pos_left offset = { -- -(24+18) = -42. using linear eq, -42 = -258m - 24. x = direction == 0 and hb.settings.start_offset_left.x or (-42+24)/(-258.0) * hb.settings.start_offset_left.x - 24, y = hb.settings.start_offset_left.y - hb.settings.vmargin * (index/2) } else pos = hb.settings.pos_right offset = { -- 24*10+30 - 24 = 234. using linear eq, 234 = 16m - 24. x = direction == 0 and hb.settings.start_offset_right.x or (234+24)/(16) * hb.settings.start_offset_right.x - 24, y = hb.settings.start_offset_right.y - hb.settings.vmargin * ((index-1)/2) } end end if format_string == nil then format_string = N("@1: @2/@3") end if format_string_config == nil then format_string_config = {} end if format_string_config.order == nil then format_string_config.order = { "label", "value", "max_value" } end if format_string_config.format_value == nil then format_string_config.format_value = "%d" end if format_string_config.format_max_value == nil then format_string_config.format_max_value = "%d" end function hudtable.add_all(player, hudtable, start_value, start_max, start_hidden) if start_value == nil then start_value = hudtable.default_start_value end if start_max == nil then start_max = hudtable.default_start_max end if start_hidden == nil then start_hidden = hudtable.default_start_hidden end local ids = {} local state = {} local name = player:get_player_name() local bgscale, iconscale, text, barnumber, bgiconnumber if start_max == 0 or start_hidden then bgscale = { x=0, y=0 } else bgscale = { x=1, y=1 } end if start_hidden then iconscale = { x=0, y=0 } barnumber = 0 bgiconnumber = 0 text = "" else iconscale = { x=1, y=1 } barnumber = hb.value_to_barlength(start_value, start_max) bgiconnumber = hb.settings.statbar_length text = make_label(format_string, format_string_config, label, start_value, start_max) end if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then ids.bg = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", position = pos, scale = bgscale, text = "hudbars_bar_background.png", alignment = {x=1,y=1}, offset = { x = offset.x - 1, y = offset.y - 1 }, z_index = 0, }) if textures.icon then ids.icon = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", position = pos, scale = iconscale, text = textures.icon, alignment = {x=-1,y=1}, offset = { x = offset.x - 3, y = offset.y }, z_index = 1, }) end end local bar_image, bgicon, bar_size if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then bar_image = textures.bar -- NOTE: Intentionally set to nil. For some reason, on some systems, -- the progress bar is displaced when the bar_size is set explicitly here. -- On the other hand, setting this to nil is deprecated in MT 5.0.0 due to -- a debug log warning, but nothing is explained in lua_api.txt. -- This section is a potential bug magnet, please watch with care! -- The size of the bar image is expected to be exactly 2×16 pixels. bar_size = nil elseif hb.settings.bar_type == "statbar_classic" or hb.settings.bar_type == "statbar_modern" then bar_image = textures.icon bgicon = textures.bgicon bar_size = {x=24, y=24} end local text2 if hb.settings.bar_type == "statbar_modern" then text2 = bgicon end ids.bar = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "statbar", position = pos, text = bar_image, text2 = text2, number = barnumber, item = bgiconnumber, alignment = {x=-1,y=-1}, offset = offset, direction = direction, size = bar_size, z_index = 1, }) if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then ids.text = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", position = pos, text = text, alignment = {x=1,y=1}, number = text_color, direction = direction, offset = { x = offset.x + 2, y = offset.y - 1}, z_index = 2, }) end -- Do not forget to update hb.get_hudbar_state if you add new fields to the state table state.hidden = start_hidden state.value = start_value state.max = start_max state.text = text state.barlength = hb.value_to_barlength(start_value, start_max) local main_error_text = "[hudbars] Bad initial values of HUD bar identifier “"..tostring(identifier).."” for player "..name..". " if start_max < start_value then minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."start_max ("..start_max..") is smaller than start_value ("..start_value..")!") end if start_max < 0 then minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."start_max ("..start_max..") is smaller than 0!") end if start_value < 0 then minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."start_value ("..start_value..") is smaller than 0!") end hb.hudtables[identifier].hudids[name] = ids hb.hudtables[identifier].hudstate[name] = state end hudtable.identifier = identifier hudtable.format_string = format_string hudtable.format_string_config = format_string_config hudtable.label = label hudtable.hudids = {} hudtable.hudstate = {} hudtable.default_start_hidden = default_start_hidden hudtable.default_start_value = default_start_value hudtable.default_start_max = default_start_max hb.hudbars_count= hb.hudbars_count + 1 hb.hudtables[identifier] = hudtable end function hb.init_hudbar(player, identifier, start_value, start_max, start_hidden) if not player_exists(player) then return false end local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier) hb.hudtables[identifier].add_all(player, hudtable, start_value, start_max, start_hidden) return true end function hb.change_hudbar(player, identifier, new_value, new_max_value, new_icon, new_bgicon, new_bar, new_label, new_text_color) if new_value == nil and new_max_value == nil and new_icon == nil and new_bgicon == nil and new_bar == nil and new_label == nil and new_text_color == nil then return true end if not player_exists(player) then return false end local name = player:get_player_name() local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier) if not hudtable.hudstate[name] then return false end local value_changed, max_changed = false, false if new_value then if new_value ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].value then hudtable.hudstate[name].value = new_value value_changed = true end else new_value = hudtable.hudstate[name].value end if new_max_value then if new_max_value ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].max then hudtable.hudstate[name].max = new_max_value max_changed = true end else new_max_value = hudtable.hudstate[name].max end if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then if new_icon and hudtable.hudids[name].icon then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].icon, "text", new_icon) end if new_bgicon and hudtable.hudids[name].bgicon then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bgicon, "text", new_bgicon) end if new_bar then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar , "text", new_bar) end if new_label then hudtable.label = new_label local new_text = make_label(hudtable.format_string, hudtable.format_string_config, new_label, hudtable.hudstate[name].value, hudtable.hudstate[name].max) player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", new_text) end if new_text_color then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "number", new_text_color) end else if new_icon and hudtable.hudids[name].bar then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "text", new_icon) end if new_bgicon and hudtable.hudids[name].bg then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "text", new_bgicon) end end local main_error_text = "[hudbars] Bad call to hb.change_hudbar, identifier: “"..tostring(identifier).."”, player name: “"..name.."”. " if new_max_value < new_value then minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."new_max_value ("..new_max_value..") is smaller than new_value ("..new_value..")!") end if new_max_value < 0 then minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."new_max_value ("..new_max_value..") is smaller than 0!") end if new_value < 0 then minetest.log("error", main_error_text.."new_value ("..new_value..") is smaller than 0!") end if hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden == false then if max_changed and hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then if hudtable.hudstate[name].max == 0 then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=0,y=0}) else player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=1,y=1}) end end if value_changed or max_changed then local new_barlength = hb.value_to_barlength(new_value, new_max_value) if new_barlength ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].barlength then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "number", hb.value_to_barlength(new_value, new_max_value)) hudtable.hudstate[name].barlength = new_barlength end if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then local new_text = make_label(hudtable.format_string, hudtable.format_string_config, hudtable.label, new_value, new_max_value) if new_text ~= hudtable.hudstate[name].text then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", new_text) hudtable.hudstate[name].text = new_text end end end end return true end function hb.hide_hudbar(player, identifier) if not player_exists(player) then return false end local name = player:get_player_name() local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier) if hudtable == nil then return false end if hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden == true then return true end if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then if hudtable.hudids[name].icon then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].icon, "scale", {x=0,y=0}) end player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=0,y=0}) player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", "") end player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "number", 0) player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "item", 0) hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden = true return true end function hb.unhide_hudbar(player, identifier) if not player_exists(player) then return false end local name = player:get_player_name() local hudtable = hb.get_hudtable(identifier) if hudtable == nil then return false end if hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden == false then return true end local value = hudtable.hudstate[name].value local max = hudtable.hudstate[name].max if hb.settings.bar_type == "progress_bar" then if hudtable.hudids[name].icon then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].icon, "scale", {x=1,y=1}) end if hudtable.hudstate[name].max ~= 0 then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bg, "scale", {x=1,y=1}) end player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].text, "text", make_label(hudtable.format_string, hudtable.format_string_config, hudtable.label, value, max)) elseif hb.settings.bar_type == "statbar_modern" then player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "scale", {x=1,y=1}) end player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "number", hb.value_to_barlength(value, max)) player:hud_change(hudtable.hudids[name].bar, "item", hb.value_to_barlength(max, max)) hudtable.hudstate[name].hidden = false return true end function hb.get_hudbar_state(player, identifier) if not player_exists(player) then return nil end local ref = hb.get_hudtable(identifier).hudstate[player:get_player_name()] -- Do not forget to update this chunk of code in case the state changes local copy = { hidden = ref.hidden, value = ref.value, max = ref.max, text = ref.text, barlength = ref.barlength, } return copy end function hb.get_hudbar_identifiers() local ids = {} for id, _ in pairs(hb.hudtables) do table.insert(ids, id) end return ids end --register built-in HUD bars if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") or hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then hb.register_hudbar("health", 0xFFFFFF, S("Health"), { bar = "hudbars_bar_health.png", icon = "hudbars_icon_health.png", bgicon = "hudbars_bgicon_health.png" }, 0, 20, 20, false) hb.register_hudbar("breath", 0xFFFFFF, S("Breath"), { bar = "hudbars_bar_breath.png", icon = "hudbars_icon_breath.png", bgicon = "hudbars_bgicon_breath.png" }, 1, 10, 10, true) end local function hide_builtin(player) local flags = player:hud_get_flags() flags.healthbar = false flags.breathbar = false player:hud_set_flags(flags) end local function custom_hud(player) if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") or hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then local hide if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") then hide = false else hide = true end local hp = player:get_hp() local hp_max = player:get_properties().hp_max hb.init_hudbar(player, "health", math.min(hp, hp_max), hp_max, hide) local breath = player:get_breath() local breath_max = player:get_properties().breath_max local hide_breath if breath >= breath_max and hb.settings.autohide_breath == true then hide_breath = true else hide_breath = false end hb.init_hudbar(player, "breath", math.min(breath, breath_max), breath_max, hide_breath or hide) end end local function update_health(player) local hp_max = player:get_properties().hp_max hb.change_hudbar(player, "health", player:get_hp(), hp_max) end -- update built-in HUD bars local function update_hud(player, has_damage) if not player_exists(player) then return end if has_damage then if hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then hb.unhide_hudbar(player, "health") end --air local breath_max = player:get_properties().breath_max local breath = player:get_breath() if breath >= breath_max and hb.settings.autohide_breath == true then hb.hide_hudbar(player, "breath") else hb.unhide_hudbar(player, "breath") hb.change_hudbar(player, "breath", math.min(breath, breath_max), breath_max) end --health update_health(player) elseif hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then hb.hide_hudbar(player, "health") hb.hide_hudbar(player, "breath") end end minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player) if hb.players[player:get_player_name()] then update_health(player) end end) minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) update_health(player) hb.hide_hudbar(player, "breath") end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) hide_builtin(player) custom_hud(player) hb.players[player:get_player_name()] = player end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) hb.players[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) local main_timer = 0 local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) main_timer = main_timer + dtime timer = timer + dtime if main_timer > hb.settings.tick or timer > 4 then if main_timer > hb.settings.tick then main_timer = 0 end -- only proceed if damage is enabled local has_dmg = minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") if has_dmg or hb.settings.forceload_default_hudbars then for _, player in pairs(hb.players) do -- update all hud elements update_hud(player, has_dmg) end end end if timer > 4 then timer = 0 end end)