This commit is contained in:
3raven 2022-03-06 22:50:15 +00:00
parent 1db1d0126e
commit 61ad2130f7
5 changed files with 21 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Birkensetzling
Dead Bush Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit totem Busch
Fern Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Farn
Cactus Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Kaktus
Warped Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Crimson Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Warped Roots Flower Pot=
Crimson Roots Flower Pot=
Flower Pot=Blumentopf
Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Blumentöpfe sind dekorative Blöcke, in die Blumen und andere kleine Pflanzen platziert werden können.
Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Platzieren Sie einfach eine Pflanze auf den Blumentopf. Blumentöpfe können kleine Blumen (nicht höher als 1 Block), Setzlinge, Farne, tote Büsche, Pilze und Kakteen halten. Rechtsklicken Sie auf eine Topfpflanze, um sie zurück zu erhalten.

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@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Maceta con abedul
Dead Bush Flower Pot=Maceta con arbusto muerto
Fern Flower Pot=Maceta con helecho
Cactus Flower Pot=Maceta con cactus
Warped Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Crimson Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Warped Roots Flower Pot=
Crimson Roots Flower Pot=
Flower Pot=Maceta
Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Las macetas son bloques decorativos en los que se pueden colocar flores y otras plantas pequeñas.
Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Simplemente coloque una planta en la maceta. Las macetas pueden contener flores pequeñas (no más de 1 bloque), árboles jóvenes, helechos, arbustos muertos, hongos y cactus. Haga clic derecho en una planta en maceta para recuperar la planta.

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@ -17,9 +17,13 @@ Jungle Sapling Flower Pot=Pousse d'Acajou en Pot
Dark Oak Sapling Flower Pot=Pousse de Chêne Noir en Pot
Spruce Sapling Flower Pot=Pousse de Sapin en Pot
Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Pousse de Bouleau en Pot
Dead Bush Flower Pot=Buisson Mort en Pot
Dead Bush Flower Pot=Arbuste Mort en Pot
Fern Flower Pot=Fougère en Pot
Cactus Flower Pot=Cactus en Pot
Warped Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=Champignon Tordu en Pot
Crimson Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=Champignon Ecarlate en Pot
Warped Roots Flower Pot=Racines Tordues en Pot
Crimson Roots Flower Pot=Racines Ecarlates en Pot
Flower Pot=Pot de Fleurs
Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Les pots de fleurs sont des blocs décoratifs dans lesquels des fleurs et d'autres petites plantes peuvent être placées.
Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Placez simplement une plante sur le pot de fleurs. Les pots de fleurs peuvent contenir de petites fleurs (pas plus d'un bloc), des pousses, des fougères, des buissons morts, des champignons et des cactus. Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur une plante en pot pour récupérer la plante.

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@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Doniczka z sadzonką brzozy
Dead Bush Flower Pot=Doniczka z martwym buszem
Fern Flower Pot=Doniczka z paprocią
Cactus Flower Pot=Doniczka z kaktusem
Warped Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Crimson Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Warped Roots Flower Pot=
Crimson Roots Flower Pot=
Flower Pot=Doniczka
Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Doniczki są dekoracyjnymi blokami w których mogą zostać postawione kwiaty i inne małe rośliny.
Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Po prostu umieść roślinę w doniczce. Mogę one przechowywać małe kwiaty (nie większe niż 1 blok), sadzonki, paprocie, martwe busze, grzyby i kaktusy. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem w doniczkę aby odzyskać roślinę.

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@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=
Dead Bush Flower Pot=
Fern Flower Pot=
Cactus Flower Pot=
Warped Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Crimson Fungus Mushroom Flower Pot=
Warped Roots Flower Pot=
Crimson Roots Flower Pot=
Flower Pot=
Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=
Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=